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A Somewhat Creative Piece “NPWP 2013 According to Me”. By KiMar Gartman. A Disclaimer to Participants. Caution!
A Somewhat Creative Piece“NPWP 2013According to Me” By KiMar Gartman
A Disclaimer to Participants Caution! What you are about to read is NPWP according to me. You will find I took great liberty in giving you thoughts and soliloquies. If you like what you are about to see, so very, very happy I will be! But if you find my humor even slightly off key, I offer you now my sincerest apology.
Introduction There once were eleven fine teachers Who met to discuss their job features Articles & demos Nonfiction & prose Sharing with each other the things that they know.
The Participants
Oh yeah! I like it! Meghan the Magnificent?! What am I then? Amanda the Amazing English Teacher Meghan the Magnificent 2nd Grade Teacher
Amber the Awesome Coming of Age Novelist And now my story is funny! Thanks, guys! This is my project. I can be whatever I want. Hmmm. KiMar the… Crazy Creative
I’m not sure what I should be…Maybe just Courtney, the 7th Grade English Teacher Don’t worry. I already have one for you. Courtney the Captivating You’ve got to be kidding!
I’ll take kind, Laura the Kind. Try again! Now you’retalkin’! Whatever! Laura the Longsuffering Literature Teacher Kierstin the Kind English Teacher Kierstin the Killer English Teacher
Tyler the Tireless Talented Teacher Of Toilsome Teenagers Tyler the Tender Don’t make me come after you, KiMar! tee hee And don’t you forget it!
Ow-Ow! Leslie the Lively, Luminescent Teacher of 3rd Grade Rock on, baby!
Hi, guys! Hey! Who are you? Oh no! My husband’s been messing with my computer again… AACK!
Susan the Swanky, Sophisticated, Spanish-Speaking English Teacher Swanky? Well, as long as I get my picture taken! And me? Betty the Beautiful, Benevolent 6th Grade Teacher Nice!
Our Facilitators Come on, Dr. Fischer. If you’re going to look confused, at least do it with a smile! Oh alright!
How’s this, then, you pesky grad assistant?! Pesky? Ron the Plain Ol’ Ron
Okay, you want real. Here it is… Now honestly, Tara. Is that really how you feel after reading all those inquiry papers? Let’s be real!
I’ll simply die if I have to read one more stinkin’ research paper! Tara the Terrific, But Tortured NPWP Facilitator
APA I’m comin’ after you, Tara! Okay… Bad joke. Moving right along…
The 2013 NPWP Institute
Okay, who wrote the cuss word? It’s right here. Tyler? Busted!
Posed pictures are so awkward! I know, but at least I’m getting my picture taken.
Okay, so about the pesky grad assistant thing. You didn’t really mean that, did you? Of course not, KiMar. You were a wonderful grad assistant—nice, helpful, hardworking! Ah, thanks, Dr. Fischer. It was pretty fun working with you too. Whew! Talked myself out of that one!
Are you going to help with this at all? Yeah, hold on a sec…I’ve almost passed this level.
Into the life of every writer, there occasionally falls a little indecisiveness.
Idea #1 II warned that jerk if he ever messed with me again, I’d let him have it! I’m a believer now.
Do you ever feel hollow inside, like your life is just an outline sketched in the corner of obscurity? Idea #2
Mommy, I hurt my finger. See? Oh, my poor little dear… Suck it up, Kid!
Are you listening?
How’s my listening pose, Meghan the Magnificent? Lookin’ good, Amanda the Amazing.
Are YOU listening, Laura? Better than Amanda, I’d say!
Hmm…I wonder if the GAP has any sales running today. Are you listening, Tara? We didn’t think so!
Yippee! Ron Gets a Gift
An APA Manual? But I’ve heard Sports Illustrated has nice articles this time of year! Ron’s Reaction to His Gift
I know what you’re thinking… What happened to Courtney?
A Focus on Courtney Are you kidding?
Hmmm. I’m beginning to think she might not be happy about the “Focus on Courtney.”
Hey! Anybody seen Betty? I heard she got a juicy love letter from her husband!
She’s not listening to any of us! Yoohoo, Betty! Pssst! Must be a good one!
Okay, so are you sure we can do it? Of course I’m sure. It’ll be easy! Trust me!
I’m not finding this very easy, Amanda. Wow! Me neither. Sorry, Susan. No problem! At least I got my picture taken.
Ahhh, what a letter! Is it time to go home yet? Do you really think that every slide has to have talking bubbles? Don’t you think there should be some slides without bubbles?
No disrespect, but I don’t fricken’ care about talking bubbles. Let’s focus and get done! It’s just that I think there are too many talking bubbles.
Okay. That’s what I’ll do next. About the talking bubbles... let the pictures talk for themselves.
Smiles to Brighten Your Day