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Stormwater Chemistry and Water Quality. Georgetown County Stormwater Division. Tracy Jones, P.E. – Division Manager Zollie Green, P.E. – Senior Engineer Shelly Jordan – Quality/Billing Coordinator Chris Allen – Inspector. What we do? . Plan Reviews Inspections Capital Projects
Stormwater Chemistry and Water Quality Georgetown County Stormwater Division Tracy Jones, P.E. – Division Manager Zollie Green, P.E. – Senior Engineer Shelly Jordan – Quality/Billing Coordinator Chris Allen – Inspector
What we do? • Plan Reviews • Inspections • Capital Projects • Drainage Complaints • Utility Fee • Funds our division
What is Stormwater? • Rain or snow that falls on streets, parking areas, rooftops and other developed land and either flows directly into nearby streams or travels through drainage systems. • The flows are then discharged, untreated, into Georgetown County’s drainage ways.
WHAT IS A WATERSHED? An area of land that drains to a single outlet.
Impervious Surfaces Materials like cement, asphalt, roofing, and compacted soil that prevent percolation of runoff into the ground.
Components of Impervious Cover in the Urban Landscape Sidewalks Roads Parking Driveways Buildings Center for Watershed Protection
Point Source Pollution Nonpoint Source Pollution Industrial/Commercial – each discharge has its own permit NPDES TRI & PCS Where does this go?
What is an Illicit Discharge? • Georgetown County Stormwater Ordinance defines an Illicit Discharge as: • “Any activity which results in a discharge to the Georgetown County Storm Water System or receiving waters that is not composed entirely of storm water, except a discharge pursuant to an NPDES permit and other allowable discharges as defined in this Ordinance.”
Water line flushing Landscape irrigation Diverted stream flows Rising ground water Uncontaminated ground water infiltration Uncontaminated pumped ground water Discharges from potable water sources Foundation drains Air conditioning condensation Irrigation water Springs Water from crawl space pumps Allowable Discharges -Unless a significant contributor of pollutants
Sources of Stormwater Pollution • Street Pavement • Components of road surface degradation are common constituents of urban runoff. • Motor Vehicles • Contribute a wide variety of materials to runoff flow. • Fuels, lubricants, particles from tires or brake lining, exhaust emissions which collect on the roadway surface, corrosion products, parts which fall from vehicles. • Organics, nutrients and suspended solids which have become attached to the vehicle are washed onto the roadway by the action of the rain or splashing from street runoff.
Sources (cont’d) • Atmospheric Fallout • Air pollution such as dust and particles from industrial practices, acid particles, heavy metals from fossil fuel power plants, emissions from automobiles and planes, and from exposed land. • Vegetation • Waste matter is an important source of organic and nutrient pollutants in urban stormwater. • Leaves, grass, and other plant material that fall or become deposited in urban areas may become part of the stormwater runoff flows.
Sources (cont’d) • Land Surface • The type of ground cover found in a drainage basin as well as the amount of vehicular and pedestrian traffic is a function of land use and will have a direct effect on the quality of stormwater runoff in that area. • Litter • Consists of various kinds of discarded material such as food containers, packaging material and animal waste. • In some areas, animal waste has been shown to be a major contributor of both nutrients and bacterial contamination in runoff
Sources (cont’d) • Anti-Skid Compounds and Chemicals • Governments in cold weather regions deploy large amounts of salts, sand, and ash to provide better traction and to melt ice. • These materials accumulate along the roadway during the winter months and become part of the snow melt when spring arrives. • Fertilizers, insecticides and herbicides are often used for maintenance of roadside areas.
Sources (cont’d) • Construction Sites • Erosion of soil from land disturbing during construction activities is a highly visible source of suspended matter in stormwater runoff. • Soil erosion is a major source of stormwater solids for both urban and suburban areas.
Suspended Solids (Sediment) Nutrients Metals Oxygen Demanding Substances Oils, Greases and Hydrocarbons Pathogens Components of Stormwater Runoff
Suspended Solids (Sediment) • Material such as sand, silt, clay and organic matter with a particle size larger than dissolved molecules or ions. • The largest contributor by volume to nonpoint source pollution in the U.S. • Studies indicate that other pollutants are often bound or adsorbed onto suspended particles, such as phosphorous, heavy metals and organic compounds.
Nonpoint Sources Agriculture Silviculture Urban Runoff Construction Mining Impacts Causes a decrease in transmission of light through water Decreases primary productivity of aquatic plants and phytoplankton upon which other species feed Obscures sources of food, habitat, hiding places, and nesting sites Interferes with mating activities that rely on sight and delays reproductive timing Effects on respiration and digestion of aquatic species Decreases survival rates of fish eggs and sizes of fish populations which may alter species composition Increases temperature of surface water which increases stratification and reduces oxygen in the lower layers May affect surface water sources for drinking water Increases drinking water costs Deposition can clog conveyance systems and reduce water storage Decreases value for recreational and commercial activities Reduced aesthetic value, sport and commercial fish populations Decreased boating and swimming activities Interference with navigation Suspended Solids (Sediment)
Nutrients • Plant nutrient such as nitrogen and phosphorous, are common constituents of nonpoint source runoff. • Stimulates growth of algae and other aquatic plants and accelerates the process of eutrophication. • Enter runoff through fertilizers, plant matter, detergents and washing fluids, soil leeching, animal wastes, and seepage from septic tanks.
Nonpoint Sources Agriculture Silviculture Urban Runoff Construction Septic Tanks Impacts Nutrients promote premature aging of lakes and estuaries (eutrophication) Algal blooms caused by nutrients and the resulting decay of organic materials create turbid conditions that eliminate submerged aquatic vegetation and destroy habitat and food sources for aquatic animals and waterfowl Blooms of toxic algae, such as blue-green species, can affect health of swimmers and aesthetic qualities of waterbodies Excess algal growth favors survival of less desirable fish species over more desirable/sensitive species Interference with boating and fishing activities Reduced quality of water supplies, including addition of tastes and odors Reduced dissolved oxygen levels can suffocate fish species Reduction of waterfront property value Nutrients
Heavy Metals • Originate from the operation of motor vehicles, direct fallout and the degradation of highway materials. • Gasoline (Pb), diesel fuel (Cd), exhaust emissions (Pi,Ni), crankcase and lubricating oils (Pb, Ni, Zn), grease (Zn, Pb), tire wear (Cd,Zn). • The most abundant are lead, zinc and copper which account for 90% of dissolved heavy metals. • Most metals are present in particulate form
Nonpoint Sources Agriculture Transportation Urban Runoff Construction Mining Impacts Dissolved metals can create short term and long term toxic impacts to receiving waters. Accumulate in bottom sediments, posing risks to bottom-feeding organisms and their predators Affect reproduction rates and life spans of aquatic species Disrupt food chains in aquatic systems Affect recreational and commercial fishing Affect water supplies Heavy Metals
Oxygen Demanding Substances • Include numerous organic materials which are decomposed by microorganisms thereby creating a need for oxygen. • This biochemical reaction results in the use of dissolved oxygen in the water. • Imposes a BOD (biochemical oxygen demand) on the limited oxygen resources available in waterbodies. • Oxygen used can be replenished through Photosynthetic production by algae and other green plants.
Nonpoint Sources Agriculture Urban Runoff Silviculture Septic Tanks Impacts May cause oxygen depletion and fish kills if introduced in high concentrations May alter species composition to make them more tolerant of low D.O. conditions. Increase growth of anaerobic microorganisms which produce by-products responsible for odors in water Low oxygen levels may increase solubility of phosphorous and heavy metals in the water column. Oxygen Demanding Substances
Oils, Greases and Hydrocarbons • Organic chemicals cause concern because they cannot be easily decomposed through biological action and may persist for long periods. • Hydrocarbons come from fractions of oils and greases resulting from transportation and industrial sources, benzene from gasoline, synthetic detergents, pesticides, herbicides, wood preservatives, a wide range of industrial chemicals. • Because there is no mechanism by which nature can rapidly cleanse itself of these compounds, even low concentrations can accumulate in the environment and reach dangerous concentrations.
Nonpoint Sources Agriculture Urban Runoff Silviculture Construction Impacts All compounds can hinder photosynthesis in plants Can affect reproduction, respiration, growth and development in aquatic species as well as reduce food supply and destroy habitat for aquatic species If released to the aquatic environment before degradation, many compounds can kill non-target fish and other species. Pesticides/herbicides bioaccumulate in tissues of fish Health hazard from human consumption of contaminated fish/water Oils, Greases and Hydrocarbons
Pathogens • Includes a wide variety of organisms such as bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoans capable of transmitting disease and having an adverse impact on human health. • Primary sources include, animal wastes, illegal wastewater connections into stormsewer lines, seepage of groundwater containing pathogens into sewer lines and septic tanks. • The principle indicator of pathogen contamination is coliform bacteria. • Murrells Inlet shellfish beds close after a heavy rain due to high counts of fecal.
Nonpoint Sources Agriculture Urban Runoff Septic Tanks Impacts Introduction of disease-bearing organisms to surface waters Reduced recreational usage Increase in treatment costs for drinking water Human health hazards Pathogens
Removal of Pollutants • Particulate Pollutants • Unhindered settling of particles • Dissolved Pollutants • Wide variety of chemical, physical and biological processes are responsible • Chemical precipitation, adsorption onto plant surfaces, suspended solids, biological uptake by algae, bacterial decomposition
Removal (cont’d) • Oxygen Demanding Wastes • Occurs through simple oxidation of organic matter by aerobic bacteria and fungi. • Generally complete within 3-5 days. • Heavy Metals • Deposition of metals into sediments • pH must be kept at 6-8 to keep metals bound to sediments
Removal (cont’d) • Pathogens • Die off, coagulation, predation by zooplankton, and adsorption onto suspended matter with deposition into the bottom sediments. • Best treatment is to investigate and reduce the sources within the watershed. • Oils, Greases, and Hydrocarbons • Retain by using oil skimmers at the discharge point • Reducing pesticides by controlling the sources of these compounds • Hydrocarbons often float on water surface and are removed by volatilization.
What you can do to help • Recycle • Pick up pet waste • Beach sweep • Volunteer • Raingardens & Bioretention • Get Involved!
SW Contact • Stormwater office can be reached at: • (843) 545-3524 • stormwater@georgetowncountysc.org • www.georgetowncountysc.org • www.GeorgetownCountyCleanWater.com –Coming Soon