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KERTAS BAHASA INGGERIS. PAPER ONE (1) OBJECTIVE QUESTIONS 40 QUESTIONS. PAPER ONE (1). OBJECTIVES QUESTIONS (40 questions) There are 5 sections; Section A, B, C, D and E Section A: 10 questions Section B: 5 questions Section C: 10 questions Section D: 5 questions Section E: 10 questions.

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  2. PAPER ONE (1) • OBJECTIVES QUESTIONS (40 questions) • There are 5 sections; Section A, B, C, D and E • Section A: 10 questions • Section B: 5 questions • Section C: 10 questions • Section D: 5 questions • Section E: 10 questions

  3. SECTION A (10 questions) • Three (3) types of questions: at the WORD level, PHRASE level, and SENTENCE level. • Question 1 – 4 • There MAY be one or two pictures included in any questions. The pictures can be of living things or non-living things. These will help you answer the questions. • Read the questions carefullyif there are no pictures in the questions before choosing the answers.

  4. SECTION A • Question 5 – 7 • A short paragraph where you have to fill in three blanks. • Each blank comes with a picture to help the pupils. • Involves grammar items: • Prepositions and place combination; in the bathroom • Adjective combinations; big black cat • Collective Nouns; bouquet of flower • Similes; as angry as a bull, as busy as a bee.

  5. SECTION A • Question 8 – 10 • Choose the BEST answer that describes the pictures shown. • You need to know a lot of action wordsas the pictures usually show actions.

  6. SECTION B (5 questions) • Questions 11 -15 (Social Expressions) • Every questions comes with a picture. • Read the speech bubbles carefully. • Analyze the picture.

  7. SECTION C (10 questions) • Questions 16 – 20 (Grammar) • Involves: • Countable and uncountable nouns, collective nouns, gender, possessive nouns, possessive adjectives. • Possessive pronouns, singular and plural nouns, present tense, continuous tense, past tense, adjectives. • Adverbs, relative pronouns, reflexive pronouns, question-words, personal pronouns, conjunction and prepositions.

  8. SECTION C • Question 21 (same meaning or opposite meaning) • Read the instruction and underline key word.

  9. SECTION C • Question 22-23 (Spelling) • Tested on common words

  10. SECTION C • Questions 24 – 25 (punctuation) • Identify the correct usage of the punctuation. • The use of capital letters, commas, question mark, exclamation mark and full stop.

  11. SECTION D (5 questions) • Questions 26 – 30 • Would be on text completion based on picture given.

  12. SECTION E (10 questions) • Questions 31 – 40 • Would be on reading comprehension which consists of 2 ( linear or non-linear) passages. • Linear passages – consists of lines and lines of words like letters, comprehension passage conversation and poems. • Non-linear – notices, announcement, advertisement, map and posters.

  13. SECTION E • How to answer this section: • SKIM the passage to get the main theme of the passage. • Then, READ the passage slowly. • Read the comprehension questions. • SCAN for the answers.

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