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AstroGrid-D.GAC-Grid: Resource Management for Grid Jobs

This report discusses the resource management for grid jobs in AstroGrid-D.GAC-Grid project. It includes the specification of requirements and architecture, development of grid-job management, adaptation of user and programmer interfaces, and development of a link to robotic telescopes.

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AstroGrid-D.GAC-Grid: Resource Management for Grid Jobs

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  1. AstroGrid-D

  2. GAC-Grid / Astro-GRID-DWP 5: Resource Management for Grid Jobs Report by: Rainer Spurzem (ZAH-ARI) spurzem@ari.uni-heidelberg.de

  3. WP5: Resource Management for Grid Jobs Tasks • Task V-1: Specification of Requirements and Architecture (Months 1-9, AEI, AIP, ARI, MPA, MPE, ZIB) Start Sep. 05,Deliverable D5.1 May 2006 OVERDRAWN! • Task V-2: Development of Grid-Job Management (Months 10-18, ARI, MPA, ZIB) Start June 06, Deliverable D5.2 Feb. 2007 COMING • Task V-4 Adaptation of User- and Programmer Interfaces (Months 16-21, AEI, AIP, ARI, MPA, MPE) Start Dec. 06Deliverable D5.4 May 2007 • Task V-3 Development of Link to Robotic Telescopes, Requests (Months 13-18, AIP, ZIB) Start Sep. 06Deliverable D5.3 Feb. 2007

  4. WP5: Resource Management for Grid Jobs Group Activities: • Members of gacg-wg5@aip.de: R. Spurzem (Coord., ZAH), D. Elstner (AIP), O. Wehrens (AEI), H.M. Adorf (MPA), W. Voges (MPE), A. Reiser (TUM), T. Röblitz (ZIB), A. Beck-Ratzka (AEI), M. Hoegqvist (ZIB), T. Bruesemeister (ARI-ZAH) • Deliverable 5.1 stalled after Telecon in June – questions to be discussed: job language relation to other middleware provision of resources / brokerage

  5. Job Languages • JSDL – JobSubmission Definition Language Global Grid Forum, XML based, interoperability between schedulers, contains • Resource Requirements • Dependencies to other Jobs • Relation to datasets • Architecture of job (?) JSDL Doc. handed to scheduler, similar, RSL, x-RSL (check whether translator exists)

  6. Job Scheduling

  7. Job Submission – Logical Structure Job Description • Software Description: Use Case, Code, Compiler • Hardware Description: Requested Hardware (Special?), Parallelism • Job Control Flow Description: Batch Script, Unicore-Control-Flow, GAT, JSDL, (x)-RSL? Data Access Description: Linked to Job Control, to Data, Metadata Job Submission • Resource Broker: User Supplied Data: Walltime, Memory, Checkpoints, Informations from Job Description Informations about available resources Job Control • Status Informations User/Site: Execution Status, Time, Queue Status • User Notification: Job Termination, Checkpoint, save job metadata? • User Interaction with Job: Link WG6

  8. Example for Job Control Flow of NBODY6++ Case

  9. Open Questions How to implement complex workflows, such as ProC ? JSDL/RSL good for „atomic jobs“ Need GACG specific job environment (cf. DEISA) Other Alternatives: Unicore – but less flexible? Need to point to firewall problems Broker links to RDL = Resource Description Language

  10. What is there I? • hydra non-GRAPE cluster (20 P4 2.4Ghz) (SFB439+Land BW) • titan GRAPE cluster (64 P4Xeon 3.2 Ghz, 32 G6 125 Gflops each, 32 Xilinx FPGA Virtex-4 (not yet there), total 128 CPU‘s, 4 Tflops peak) (Volkswagenstiftung, SFB439, Land BW)

  11. How to proceed? • D5.1 – Architecture Specifications some specs. may need use case input • Proceed with implementation of pioneer use cases (to D5.2)

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