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A. apple. alligator. angel. ambulance. airplane. astronaut. a nt. B. bat. balloons. butterfly. boat. book. bus. basketball. bear. bee. bananas. C. cat. cage. cow. cup. clown. crown. castle. c rab. D. dog. donut. diamond. dough. dentist. drum. dolphin. duck.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A apple alligator angel ambulance airplane astronaut ant

  2. B bat balloons butterfly boat book bus basketball bear bee bananas

  3. C cat cage cow cup clown crown castle crab

  4. D dog donut diamond dough dentist drum dolphin duck donkey dinosaur

  5. E egg elf eagle elephant

  6. F father fall fish fire farmer frog flower flag fox firefighter football

  7. G goat grapes gorilla giraffe grasshopper ghost

  8. H horse heart hat house helicopter hippopotamus

  9. I igloo ice ice cream insects iguana

  10. J jet jar jellyfish

  11. K king kite koala kitten kangaroo

  12. L lion lamb ladder lantern lamp leopard ladybug

  13. M mouse mouse mother monkey mailbox moose moon

  14. N nest nose numbers nurse

  15. O owl oval ocean octopus ostrich

  16. P pot pig panda pizza picnic pineapple police piano puppy pumpkin penguin

  17. Q quilt quail quarter queen

  18. R rat rose rooster rabbit reindeer raccoon recycle

  19. S slide snake snail sun spider star swing snow school squirrel

  20. T tree turtle tiger turkey tractor

  21. U umbrella unicorn United States

  22. V van violin vulture volcano valentine vegetables vine

  23. W water wagon wolf whale wizard watermelon winter

  24. X x-ray xylophone

  25. Y yarn yoyo yellow yak yacht

  26. Z zipper zebra zoo zigzag zero

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