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Tourism New Zealand Visitor Experience Monitor Youth Market Report 2011/2012 August 2012. Overall satisfaction amongst Youth visitors (aged 18-29) remained strong last year and as a result, the proportion of visitors not satisfied decreased.
Tourism New ZealandVisitor Experience MonitorYouth Market Report 2011/2012August 2012
Overall satisfaction amongst Youthvisitors (aged 18-29) remained strong last year and as a result, the proportion of visitors not satisfied decreased. Overall Visitor Satisfaction (Youth Visitors to New Zealand) 2011/12 2010/11 2009/10 Overall Satisfaction with New Zealand Proportion Not Highly Satisfied with New Zealand(1) Proportion Very Likely to Recommend New Zealand(2) Proportion Likely to Recommend New Zealand(3) Notes: 1. Not highly satisfied is defined as those rating their overall visit to New Zealand 1 to 7 on a 10 point scale where 1 is ‘Not at all satisfied’ and 10 is ‘Extremely satisfied’; 2. Very likely to recommend is defined as those stating a 9 to 10 on a 10 point scale where 1 is ‘ not at all likely to recommend’ and 10 is ‘extremely likely to recommend’; 3. Likely to recommend is defined as those stating a 7 to 10 on a 10 point scale where 1 is ‘ not at all likely to recommend’ and 10 is ‘extremely likely to recommend’ Significantly higher than previous year Significantly lower than previous year
The Visitor Experience Monitor highlights the impact that the various aspects of a trip to New Zealand have upon overall satisfaction, as well as how well certain aspects are performing. How to Interpret the Visitor Experience Monitor Impact that quality of facilities has on the visitors overall accommodation satisfaction Impacts are statistically determined through multiple linear regression Quality of facilities xx% x.x Accommodation xx% x.x Quality of service xx% x.x Visitors satisfaction of the price they paid for all accommodation Price of accommodation xx% x.x Food and Beverage xx% x.x Impact that Visitors rating of Accommodation has on their overall satisfaction Internal Transport xxx x.x Overall Satisfaction Activities xxx x.x i-SITEs xxx x.x X.X Overall rating of all food and beverage used within New Zealand Overall Visitor satisfaction, average score rated on a 10 point scale where 1 is ‘not at all satisfied’ and 10 is ‘extremely satisfied’ Environment xxx x.x Safety xxx x.x
Overall, Youth visitors display similar levels of satisfaction with all visitors, and positively saw an improvement in satisfaction with i-SITEs and safety, although this market doesn’t place much importance on these aspects. Overall Visitor Experience (Youth Visitors to New Zealand, 2011/12)(1)(2) Youth All markets Accommodation 18%8.3 Food and Beverage 11%8.0 Internal Transport 5% 8.4 Overall Satisfaction 8.9 Activities 35%8.9 i-SITEs NCI8.7 Environment 21% 9.0 Safety 10%8.8 Overall Satisfaction Key Experience driver All markets impact All markets satisfaction Notes: 1. Sample size n = 4,566; 2. NCI stands for ‘No Current Impact’ Significantly higher than previous year Significantly lower than previous year
Youth visitors’ accommodation preferences remained fairly consistent, with the sector being the heaviest users of backpackers and hostels. There was a significant increase in the use of holiday homes and serviced apartments. Accommodation Types Used While in New Zealand (% Youth Visitors to New Zealand, 2011/12)(1)(2) Significantly higher than previous year Significantly lower than previous year
Youth visitors’ satisfaction with the price of accommodation decreased and is slightly behind all markets. Visitor Accommodation Experience (Youth Visitors to New Zealand, 2011/12)(1)(2) Youth All markets Quality of amenities and facilities 34%8.1 Overall Accommodation 8.3 Quality of services 30%8.2 Price of accommodation 36%7.8 Overall Accommodation Key Experience driver All markets impact All markets satisfaction Notes: 1. Sample size n = 4,566; 2. NCI stands for ‘No Current Impact’ Significantly higher than previous year Significantly lower than previous year
Decreasing levels of satisfaction with price is the main negative comment about accommodation. Visitor Feedback About Accommodation (Youth Visitors to New Zealand, 2011/12)
Last year Youth visitors were less satisfied with the price of food and beverage, making it the lowest level of satisfaction across the entire experience. Visitor Food and Beverage Experience (Youth Visitors to New Zealand, 2011/12)(1)(2) Youth All markets Quality of food and beverage 44% 8.1 Overall Food and Beverage 8.0 Quality of services 24%8.2 Price of food and beverage 32%7.1 Overall Food and Beverage Key Experience driver All markets impact All markets satisfaction Notes: 1. Sample size n = 4,566; 2. NCI stands for ‘No Current Impact’ Significantly higher than previous year Significantly lower than previous year
Excellent customer service and food quality drive positive commentary about food and beverage. Visitor Feedback About Food and Beverage (Youth Visitors to New Zealand, 2011/12)
Last year saw more Youth visitors use private cars, while the use of rental cars or vans decreased. Transportation Used While in New Zealand (% Youth Visitors to New Zealand, 2011/12)(1)(2) Significantly higher than previous year Significantly lower than previous year
Youth satisfaction levels with transport remained stable last year across all aspects of the experience. Visitor Internal Transport Experience (Youth Visitors to New Zealand, 2011/12)(1)(2) Youth All markets Comfort, safety and reliability 35% 8.4 Overall Internal Transport 8.4 Quality of services 33%8.4 Price of transport 31% 7.8 Overall Internal Transport Key Experience driver All markets impact All markets satisfaction Notes: 1. Sample size n = 4,566; 2. NCI stands for ‘No Current Impact’ Significantly higher than previous year Significantly lower than previous year
Positive perceptions of staff and the reliability of the transport options are the main positive aspects of the experience for the Youth market, while price dominates the negative comments. Visitor Feedback About Transport (Youth Visitors to New Zealand, 2011/12)
The Youth market continue to have high levels of satisfaction with all aspects of the activities experience. Satisfaction with the safety and the quality of the activity, the most important aspect, both improved. Visitor Activities Experience (Youth Visitors to New Zealand, 2011/12)(1)(2) Youth All markets Quality of the actual activity 48%8.6 Quality of services 19%8.4 Overall Activities 8.9 Price of the activities 10%7.7 Safety of the activities 23%8.6 Overall Activities Key Experience driver All markets impact All markets satisfaction Notes: 1. Sample size n = 4,566; 2. NCI stands for ‘No Current Impact’ Significantly higher than previous year Significantly lower than previous year
Consistent with other aspects, price is the greatest driver of activity dissatisfaction. Visitor Feedback About Activities (Youth Visitors to New Zealand, 2011/12)
Last year saw fewer Youth visitors participate in outdoor activities including tramping/hiking, mountain biking, swimming, jet boating and diving or water skiing. Interest and Participation in Outdoor Activities (% Youth Visitors to New Zealand, 2011/12)(1) Activities on the Land Activities on the Water Significantly higher than previous year Significantly lower than previous year
The Youth segment is much more likely to participate in extreme activities, however, even amongst this group, they remain relatively niche in appeal. Interest and Participation in Extreme Sports (% Youth Visitors to New Zealand, 2011/12)(1) Significantly higher than previous year Significantly lower than previous year
The Rugby World Cup saw an increase in the proportion of Youth visitors viewing a sporting event, however general participation in urban activities decreased last year. Interest and Participation In City or Town Based Activities (% Youth Visitors to New Zealand, 2011/12)(1) Significantly higher than previous year Significantly lower than previous year
The Youth segment participated in fewer sightseeing in the country activities last year. Interest and Participation in Sightseeing in the Country Activities (% Youth Visitors to New Zealand, 2011/12)(1) Significantly higher than previous year Significantly lower than previous year
While Youth visitors have a high level of interest in sightseeing on the water activities, converting this into participation is relatively low. Interest and Participation in Sightseeing on the Water Activities (% Youth Visitors to New Zealand, 2011/12)(1) Significantly higher than previous year Significantly lower than previous year
More Youth visitors visited a traditional Marae last year, although converting interest into participation remains low for this activity. Interest and Participation in Maori Cultural and Country Based Activities (% Youth Visitors to New Zealand, 2011/12)(1) Cultural Activities Involving Maori Other Activities in the Country Other Sightseeing or Activities Significantly higher than previous year Significantly lower than previous year
Activities that include an extreme focus have the greatest level of satisfaction amongst the Youth market. Most and Least Satisfying Activities (Youth Visitors to New Zealand, 2011/12)(1) Top 5 Activities Bottom 5 Activities Notes: 1. Only include activities with sample size greater than 50
Use of i-SITEs continued to decrease last year amongst the Youth market, however it still remains above the average of all markets. Usage of i-SITEs (% Youth Visitors to New Zealand) All visitors 56% 44% 41% Significantly higher than previous year Significantly lower than previous year
Those that did use an i-SITE did so to collect information rather than make bookings. How i-SITE Was Used (% Youth i-SITE Users) (1) (2) (3) All visitors 45% 55% 56% 37% 29% 28% 16% 13% 13% 2% 2% 3% Significantly higher than previous year Significantly lower than previous year
Youth visitors who did use an i-SITE thought the experience had improved across almost all aspects compared to two years ago Visitor i-SITEs Experience (Youth i-SITE Users, 2011/12)(1)(2) Youth All markets i-SITE facilities 16%8.7 How well the staff meet your needs 24% 8.5 Level of personal service 18%8.6 Overall i-SITEs 8.7 Knowledgeable staff 16% 8.6 Amount of planning 14%8.6 Ease of making bookings 7%8.8 Quality of recommended providers 6%8.5 Overall i-SITEs Satisfaction Key Experience driver All markets impact All markets satisfaction Notes: 1. Sample size n = 4,566; 2. NCI stands for ‘No Current Impact’ Significantly higher than previous year Significantly lower than previous year
Friendly and knowledgeable staff are the standout positive and negative comment for Youth i-SITE users, which indicates an inconsistency of service delivery. This is potentially impacted by dissatisfaction with long queues on some occasions. Visitor Feedback About i-SITEs (Youth Visitors to New Zealand, 2011/12)
The Rugby World Cup had a positive impact on the Youth market’s perception of New Zealand having a vibrant urban atmosphere. Visitor Environment Experience (Youth Visitors to New Zealand, 2011/12)(1)(2) Youth All markets NZ being clean and unpolluted 20%9.3 Un-crowded spaces 7%9.1 Natural landscapes and scenery 22% 9.5 Overall Environment 9.0 Weather 9%7.7 Roads and driving experience 18%8.1 Vibrant urban atmosphere 23%8.2 Overall Environment Key Experience driver All markets impact All markets satisfaction Notes: 1. Sample size n = 4,566; 2. NCI stands for ‘No Current Impact’ Significantly higher than previous year Significantly lower than previous year
The quality of roads and drivers are the main negative comment about the New Zealand environment from Youth visitors. Visitor Feedback About the Environment (Youth Visitors to New Zealand, 2011/12)
An increase in satisfaction with the safety of activities drove an increase in Overall Safety and is consistent with the average across all markets. Visitor Safety Experience (Youth Visitors to New Zealand, 2011/12)(1)(2) Youth All markets Personal safety in urban areas 32%8.6 Personal safety in country areas 25% 8.8 Overall Safety 8.8 Safety standards of activities 20% 8.7 Road safety 23%8.2 Overall Safety Key Experience driver All markets impact All markets satisfaction Notes: 1. Sample size n = 4,566; 2. NCI stands for ‘No Current Impact’ Significantly higher than previous year Significantly lower than previous year
Most Youth visitors stated they felt safe and secure in New Zealand. Roads and driving standards continue to be the main negatives about safety by Youth visitors. Visitor Feedback About Safety (Youth Visitors to New Zealand, 2011/12)
Use of Wi-Fi continues to increase, with more than half the Youth market using a Wi-Fi location while in New Zealand. Comparatively, the use of their own mobile phone set to global roaming decreased significantly. Usage of Technology in New Zealand (% Youth Visitors to New Zealand, 2011/12)(1) Significantly higher than previous year Significantly lower than previous year
The Youth market continue to use traditional information sources both before and after arriving in New Zealand. Information Sources Used When Planning and Booking a Holiday in New Zealand (% Youth Visitors to New Zealand, 2011/12)(1) Information Sources Used Before Arrival in New Zealand(2) Information Sources Used After Arrival in New Zealand(2)