Objective: The goal of this activity is to build a robot that is capable of locating a 2 ft x 2 ft target and launching a ping pong ball into the target from a distance to be specified on the day of competition. The robots should operate autonomously, with as little human interaction as possible.
EE Objectives: We are designing the vision system for the robot project. We are obtaining visual data for the CSE students. In this case we will be looking for 1 or more IR LED sources. We will first obtain the X/Y coordinates from the Wii remote then determine a relative distance from the object(s) and transmit this to the CSE students.
High level thought process: • What information do we need? • How do we connect the Wii remote? Multiple Wii remotes? • How do we get data from the Wii remotes? • What data do we need? • What do we need to do with this data? • How do we send the data? • Autonomously? • What do we need to test? • Stages? • Etc.
Testing: • Should be systematic and incrementally • Should be done on your components and any interactions with other dept.
What have we looked at so far? • Basic introduction to LabView and its capabilities • TCP communication • Connecting 1 Wii remote • Obtaining Accelerometer data from 1 Wii remote • Obtaining IR data from 1 Wii remote • Connecting 2 Wii remotes • Obtaining IR data from 2 Wii remotes
Next step: • Determine distance to object
Biggest problems I have seen with group projects: • Lack of communication • Not fully understanding what is going on • No schedule or timeline • Not enough testing or time dedicated to testing