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What is BuzzMart?. Georgia Tech has launched the most advanced integrated eBusiness system in the Georgia state offices and University System of Georgia.BuzzMart is Georgia Tech's new eBusiness system. The system is available 24/7, internet accessible with electronic workflows and processes reduci
2. What is BuzzMart? Georgia Tech has launched the most advanced integrated eBusiness system in the Georgia state offices and University System of Georgia.
BuzzMart is Georgia Techs new eBusiness system. The system is available 24/7, internet accessible with electronic workflows and processes reducing email, Post-it notes and paperwork.
BuzzMart is more than an eProcurement system - it is an eBusiness system.The Georgia Tech solution provides a single point of access using SciQuest and PeopleSoft incorporating eProcurement, eCatalogs, ePayables (including eInvoicing, eCheck Requests, ePayment/ACH), eReceipt of goods & services, electronic workflows and approvals all linked to the Georgia Tech imaging system.
3. Information - First month Operating information for the 1st four weeks since campus rollout
1860 users trained and in the system
Approximately 150 Training Classes were taught
Move than 6000 venders have been updated and synced
3000 requisitions have been submitted
More than 1100 invoices processed. 660 electronic
4. Strategic Objectives Provide a single portal for Procure to Pay process
Enhance user experience
Support purchase, payment, eCheck requests, internal services
Streamline electronic processes
Utilize electronic approval routing
Improve process efficiency and data access
Increase order-to-payment visibility
Shift the Procurement focus
Transition from transaction-based model to more strategic approach
Reduce PCard spend and supporting paperwork
Leverage spend across Institute & create value/savings
Implement state of the art technology
5. Key Benefits Improved Efficiency
Internet based, 24/7 access
One Stop shop
Process visibility
Real time processing
On demand reporting/history
Increased Access
Student and affiliate access
Electronic approval and workflow
Cost Savings
Reduced transactional costs
Reduced maverick spend
Increased contract compliance
6. GT Project Implementation MIT
California Institute of Technology
Virginia Tech
University of Pittsburgh
University of Michigan
University of Chicago
University of Missouri System
University of Notre Dame
University of Pennsylvania
Penn State University
Johns Hopkins University
7. GT Project Implementation Collaborative Approach
8. Whats Changing? Transition PO and Payables from PeopleSoft to BuzzMart
Designated roles, electronic workflow & approvals
Transition from PCard to BuzzMart for catalogs
Catalog ordering process and expedited electronic approval
Change from the DPO and PO decision process to catalog or non-catalog PO managed by the system
Receiving for orders $3,000 and over
Electronic invoicing and match exceptions
9. BuzzMart Roles BuzzMart is a role-based system and want to take some time to really describe theseBuzzMart is a role-based system and want to take some time to really describe these
10. Access to BuzzMart Roles Security and Access is determined by the Department
Your Department must submit a role authorization form. Once you have both an authorization and completed training you will receive access within 4 days
Check with your department to determine if your authorization was submitted. If not complete the Access Form found the Business Services website
Get your Supervisors signature and fax the form to Business Services
11. Campus User Access Access BuzzMart from TechWorks
12. Home Page http://usertest.sciquest.com/apps/Router/Login?OrgName=GIT
Pick 2 of the following scenarios:
NonCatalog Requisitions
Pick 2 of the following scenarios:
NonCatalog Requisitions
13. Go Live: Top Vendors (based on volume of transactions)
Post Go Live: Additional catalogs added on regular basis Catalog Suppliers
14. Key Policies Segregation of duties: Requesters and Approvers are not allowed to approve their own requisitions
Catalog items <$3000 will not require Financial or Spend Approvals
Spend Authority will review <$3,000 catalog purchases during month-end report or via PI Confirmation
Non-Catalog items of any amount and all purchases and services >$3,000 will require Financial and Spend Approvals
Vendors on POs cannot be changed for invoice payments
Requester must cancel the PO and resubmit with new vendor
15. Key Policies All POs over $3,000 will require a BuzzMart Receipt
Cost Receipt or Quantity Receipt
POs less than $3K can be received in BuzzMart, but not required for payment
PO-related Invoices that do not match the PO will require approvals to pay 3 reasons for this match exception:
Invoice states a different price
Invoice states a different quantity
Items need to be received in BuzzMart
NIGP codes must be add on all Non-Catalog purchases to designate the commodity
Ex: 90626-Electronics, Architectural Services
Ex: 60071-Multi-function Office Machine
16. Key Policies BuzzMart Change Request form can only be submitted for Non-catalog/Non-contract on POs
Journal Entry Transfers or Electronic Cost Transfers will be used for all catalog orders that require accounting and/or funding changes
Campus Users should encourage vendors they use for planned purchases and services to complete a vendor profile form to become an available BuzzMart vendor
Pcard remains a viable tool to utilize when vendors are not hosted in BuzzMart
Individual departments may have unique requirements that further elaborate these policies
17. Segregation of Duties BuzzMart will put off-line processes associated with the procurement process into an electronic workflowBuzzMart will put off-line processes associated with the procurement process into an electronic workflow
18. Role Based Training BuzzMart Training
Roles assigned at Department/Unit Level
Required for access and authorization (similar to PCard) Training is critical to success
Training alone does not get you access role must be assigned
What happens if you dont go to training by the time the system goes live? Training is critical to success
Training alone does not get you access role must be assigned
What happens if you dont go to training by the time the system goes live?
19. Questions/Feedback