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Early Childhood: Nouns and Verbs for Learning and Play

Explore vocabulary related to childhood with nouns like toy, puppet, doll, and verbs like build, jump, count in Spanish. Learn about friendships, laughter, and activities for kids.

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Early Childhood: Nouns and Verbs for Learning and Play

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  3. El juguete toy

  4. La marioneta Marionette/ puppet

  5. La muñeca doll

  6. El muñeco de peluche Stuffed animal

  7. La risa laughter

  8. El / la compañero/a Classmate, partner, companion

  9. La sonrisa smile

  10. La amistad friendship

  11. Los gemelos twins

  12. La cuerda Rope, jumprope

  13. Los bloques blocks

  14. El chiste joke


  16. caerse To fall down

  17. construir To build, construct

  18. Contar (ue) To count, tell, relate

  19. dibujar To draw

  20. esconderse To hide oneself

  21. pelearse To fight, quarrel

  22. saltar To jump

  23. trepar To climb (a tree)

  24. Despedirse (I) To say good by, to take leave

  25. reunirse To get together, to meet

  26. Sentarse (ie) To sit down

  27. aburrirse To get bored

  28. Asustarse de To be scared of

  29. Sonreírse To smile

  30. cansarse To get tired

  31. Darse cuenta de To realize

  32. disculparse To apologize

  33. Divertirse (ie) To have fun

  34. enojarse To get angry

  35. Portarse bien/mal To behave/ misbehave

  36. Preocuparse por To worry about

  37. reírse To laugh

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