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Vampires. A vampire is an evil creature that feeds on the blood of the living beings to stay alive . Ways a person can become a vampire. Predisposition from birth . Premature death . Breach of funeral and religious rituals . C urse for criminal or bloody actions .
A vampireisanevilcreaturethatfeedsonthebloodof the living beingstostayalive.
Ways a person can become a vampire Predispositionfrombirth. Prematuredeath. Breach of funeral and religiousrituals. Curse for criminal orbloodyactions. Bite of a vampire
Characteristics • Themost popular vampireprototypeisanundeadhumanbeing. • They are swollen and bleedfromtheirmounthornose. • Theyhaveverylongnails and longsharpfangs. • Theydon’treflect in mirrrorsorhave a shadowbecausetheyhaven´tgotsoul. • Theydon´t stand Christian symbols. • Theydon´ttolerategarlic.
Powers -They are indestructible, stronger and fasterthanhumanbeings -They can transformintobats, rats, spiders, wolves… -They´vetheabilitytohide in thefog, flyand masterthe art of levitation… -They are very agile, climbwalls and can beattachedtotheceilingupsidedownbyhisfeet.
Waystokill a vampire -Drive a stakethroughhis/herheart.-Ifthey are decapitated.-Ifyouburnhis/herbodyorheart.-Repeatingthe funeral and sprinkleholywater in his/herbody.-Ifyoushoot a bulletthroughthecoffin.-Ifyou place garlic in his/hermouth.
VOCABULARY Evil: maligno Blood: sangre Vampire: vampiro Prematuredeath: muerte prematura Swollen: hinchado Soul: alma Fangs: colmillos Drive: clavar Garlic: ajo Nail: uña Camouflage: camuflarse Body: cadáver Bullet: bala Victims: victimas
DRACULA • FILMS: • 1931: Dracula (Tom Browning) • 1966: Dracula: Prince of Darkness (Terence Fisher) • 1968: Dracula Has Risenfromthe grave (Freddie Francis) BOOK: Writer: BramStoker Tittle: Dracula Date: 1897
BramStoker Hisnameis Abraham Stoker. He wasbornon 1847, Ireland and he died in 1912, London. He devotedhimselftowritingnovels. HisbestknownworkisDracula (1897)
TheEnd! By: Otilia de la Torre del Rey Inés Muñoz Gutiérrez 4ºB 2010
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