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AGOOM Vocab. Period 2. Farce. “Old men with guns waiting for old men with guns, fix, but isn’t that a farce?”. Farce - a light, humorous play in which the plot depends upon a skillfully exploited situation rather than upon the development of character. . Christen( ed ).
AGOOM Vocab Period 2
Farce • “Old men with guns waiting for old men with guns, fix, but isn’t that a farce?”
Farce - a light, humorous play in which the plot depends upon a skillfully exploited situation rather than upon the development of character.
Christen(ed) “I christened him,” Auguste said. “I’m his parrian. You must know how I feel.”
to receive into the Christian church by baptism; baptize. Christen(ed)
Vigilante “So I’m a vigilante now, huh, Gi-bear” Fix asked him.
a member of a vigilance committee. any person who takes the law into his or her own hands, as by avenging a crime. Vigilante
Desecrate “Now you desecrate the bed with your body upon it.”
Desecrate - to divest of sacred or hallowed character or office.
trivial, unimportant, insignificant, inconsequential, petty, minor, of little/no account, of little/no consequence,
Parish • “There’s not a black family in this parish Fix and his crowd hasn’t hurt sometime or other.”
Definition - parish an area in Louisiana that is like a county
Sallow • “ I had another customer at the bar, a sallow, thoughtful-looking fellow, but he stayed quiet.”
Definition - sallow • Of a sickly , yellowish color Page 155
Garry • He's already drunk out there on that front garry and its just twelve o'clock. Pg.10
Quarters I went out on the wes` garry and looked down the quarters but you couldn’t see a thing down there for all the weeds. pg.11
Charade • “How long is this charade going on?” Miss Merle snapped back at Mapes. Benedict Arnold
Charade: A deception
Conspirators I supposed she felt that since we were all conspirators together, one was no better than the others, so she just started dishing out the sandwiches to the first person she got to, and fussing all the time.
Conspirators: People who take part in a plot
Coagulate • “A half-dozen flies flew away from thecoagulatedblood on his chest, but came back almost immediately”.
Coagulate • ; congeal; etc. • ; curdle; congeal; etc.
Bayou • “ Get on that radio. Tell Russ-no one else- Russell to go back on that bayou and keep Fix there”.
Bayou • A creek, secondary watercourse, or minor river that is tributary to another body of water.
Impeccable (ly) • “He was impeccablydressed-brown sports coat, plaid shirt, a string tie, brown trousers, and shoes well shined”.
Impeccable (ly) • Def- being perfectly dressed/groomed.
Jowls • “Mapes clamped his teeth so hard that the muscle in his heavy jowls began to quiver.
Jowls • Def- the lower part of a person’s or animal’s cheek especially when it’s freshly or drooping.
Coroner • “The coroner got out and looked at the people again before coming toward Mapes”.
Coroner • Def- an officer, as of a county or municipality, whose chief function is to investigate by inquest as before a jury, any death not clearly resulting from natural causes.
Deacon • “A deacon at Little Shadrack Baptist Church”, Uncle Billy said.
Deacon • Def- an official subordinate officer in a Christian/ Catholic Church. • (Rank next below to priest)
Pawn • “You’re just a pawn”.
Pawn • Def-a person serving as security, hostage.
Militant • “Isn’t it a little bit late for you to be getting militant around here?” Mapes asked Clatoo.
Definition • having or showing a desire or willingness to use strong, extreme, and sometimes forceful methods to achieve something
Trustee • Monk Jack was a colored trustee, and Monk Jack said the boy said: ‘This here Heaven I’m in? Hanh? This Heaven? Y’all, this Heaven? Said the boy said: ‘Hi, Mr. so-and-so.
Definition • A criminal who is given special privileges
Decorate(d) • We got decorated, kissed on the jaw-all that.
Definition • To award a mark of honor to.
Chifforobe • “I used to put on my old uniform and look at myself in the chifforobe glass.
Definition • a combination of wardrobe and chest of drawers
Nappy Used in the book: “Rooster was yellow with nappy black hair, Clabber was white, with nappy white hair.” page 51 “She has thick, but nappy hair”.
Definition: Hair that is kinky in texture.
Mulatto “she said she believed they was headed toward the old Mulatto place,because she heard them saying something about Jacob Aguillard.”
Mulatto: is a term used to refer to a person who is born from one white parent and one black parent, or more broadly, a person of any proportion of noticeable European and African ancestry. In the broadest sense, it is applied to persons of Black and White ancestry.
Cajun “A Cajun’s dead over there at Marshall. Laying on his back in Mathu’s yard. Now you know”