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The Secrets of Supermarkets' Success

Explore the strategies and tactics used by supermarkets to influence customer behavior and drive sales, from product placement to sensory triggers. Discover the hidden tricks behind successful supermarket layouts and marketing techniques.

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The Secrets of Supermarkets' Success

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  1. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping

  2. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Lead-in I. Match the departments with the pictures. TEXT A e b a 2. ________ 3. ________ 1.________ c 4. ________ d f 5. ________ 6. _______

  3. Questions Excuse me. Do you sell …? Excuse me. Can you help me? I’m looking for … Lead-in Unit 5 Shops and Shopping II. Work in pairs. Take turns asking and answering questions about where the things are. You can refer to the information in Exercise I. Example A: Excuse me. Do you sell dresses? B: Yes, they're in the Womenswear department. Answers Yes, it’s/they’re in the … department. Yes, you can find it/them in the … department.

  4. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A Background Information Wal-Mart 沃尔玛,世界上最大的连锁超市。由Sam Walton先生于1962年创立。目前沃尔玛在全球开设了超过5000家商场,员工总数160多万,是世界上雇员最多的企业,连续三年在美国《财富》杂志全球500强企业中居首。 TEXT A

  5. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A Translation Supermarkets offer a great variety of goods for customers. It is common for people to buy things which are not on their shopping lists. Why does this happen? TEXT A

  6. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A Translation SecretsofSupermarkets’ Success 1There are supermarkets in cities all over the world, so what is the secret of their success?

  7. 2 It all starts at the doors to the store. This is the usual position for trolleysand baskets. The body of the trolley is much bigger than theaverageproduct, givingplenty of room to add more as you walk round the aisles. Flowers, fruit and vegetables are also often at theentrance. Flowers create a welcomingatmosphere, and buying fruit and vegetables makes you feel healthy. After you have chosen your apples and carrots, you won’t feel so guiltyabout picking up chocolate and beer later. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A Translation

  8. 3 It’s all about the senses. The smell of delicious food makes you feel hungry, so makes you buy more. Sales of French wine go up when the French music is played. Colour also has an effect. You will never see blue around food in a supermarket because it doesn’t look good. Orange, red and pink aren’t common either because they are colours that encourage you to move on. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A Translation

  9. 4The more you see, the more you shop. Fresh meat, fish and dairy products tendto be placed around the walls, while processed foods are located towards the middle. This means you walk along nearly all the aisles to find everything you need. Essentials such as milk,bottled water or bread are often positioned at the back of the store, making you walk pasthundreds of other products. Supermarkets aredesignedto make you stop as often as possible because of narrowisles, special offers, or free samples. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A Translation

  10. 5Every product has its place. New or popular products are often found at the end of aisles. The most expensive products are at adult eye level, with the brands above and below often at lower prices. Manufacturers pay extra for these positions that are easily seen. And you don’t escape when you wait to pay at the checkout. This is where you get bored waiting, and add magazines, sweets and chocolates to your trolley. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A Translation

  11. New Words Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A

  12. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A I. Where would you find these things in a supermarket according to the information in the text? Match the things with the numbered areas on the map.

  13. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A 5 2 4 2 5 3 1 2 5 5

  14. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A II. Choose the best answer for each question or statement below. 1. What is the article mainly about? A. How supermarkets influence a local area. B. How supermarkets get you to spend more. C. How supermarkets have changed. D. How to avoid spending too much in supermarkets. B

  15. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A 2. Flowers are put at the entrance of a supermarket because _______. A. everyone will be happy to see flowers B. flowers are the most popular in a supermarket C. people feel welcomed when they see flowers D. people believe that flowers mean good luck C

  16. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A 3. Which of the following measures encourages a customer to buy more? A. Letting the smell of delicious food out. B. Putting food on blue shelves. C. Painting the floor orange or pink. D. Playing soft music at a low volume. A

  17. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A 4. Milk and bread are placed at the back of a supermarket because _________. A. this makes it easy to find them B. not every customer will buy them C. every customer will walk past them and buy them D. it makes customers walk past lots of other products before they find them D

  18. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A 5. Which of the following is NOT mentioned as a measure to make customers stop often? A. Colorful posters. B. Special offers. C. Narrow isles. D. Free samples. A

  19. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A 6. What are the customers expected to do when they wait to pay at the checkout? A. Read magazines for free. B. Spend more money while waiting. C. Put the things they buy in order. D. Get their money ready. B

  20. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A III. Check whether the following statements areTrue (T) or False (F). Correct the false ones. ( ) 1. French music can help persuade people to buy German wine. German wine→French wine F

  21. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A ( ) 2. The more products you see in a supermarket, the more you are likely to buy. T

  22. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A ( ) 3. Colours in supermarkets are carefully chosen. ( ) 4. Companies sometimes spend more money to have their products better displayed in a supermarket. T T

  23. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A ( ) 5. The most expensive brands are often placed on the top shelf of a display. on the top shelf of a display→at dult eye level F

  24. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping I. Complete the following sentences with words from thetext and then put them in order. 1.Every product is placed intentionally for customers to ____________ and buy. 2. At the doors to the store, flowers create a _____________ atmosphere and big trolleys are there waiting to be filled. 3. Supermarkets will miss no chance to sell, even when you are waiting at the ____________ to buy. 4. In the store, music and colour are carefully chosen to ____________ customers to buy. 5. Supermarkets are designed to make customers see as many ____________ as possible so that they will shop more.. choose welcoming checkout encourage products Order: □-□-□-□-□ 2 4 5 1 3

  25. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping II. Write a summary of the text, using the five sentences in Exercise I. Make changes if necessary. Tip You may need to use besides,meanwhileand what's more to make your summary more fluent.

  26. Unit 5 Shops and Shoping Order: □-□-□-□-□ Supermarkets are trying to get customers to spend as much money as possible. ____________________ ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________. At the doors to the store, flowers create a welcoming atmosphere and big trolleys are there waiting to be filled. In the store, music and color are carefully chosen to encourage customers to buy. Besides, supermarkets are designed to make customers see as many products as possible so that they can shop more. Meanwhile, every product is placed intentionally for customers to choose and buy. What’s more, supermarkets will miss no chance to sell, even when you are waiting at the checkout to pay

  27. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A Words and Phrases I. Choose the correct prepositions to complete the following sentences. 1. You usually find trolley and baskets ____ (at/on)the doors of supermarkets. 2. There are customers from all _____ (of/over) the world. 3. It is very easy _____ (with/for)customers to choose products in the supermarket. 4. All customers have to pay _____ (for/to)the DVD player at the time they order it online. 5. He forgot to add his experience as a cashier _____ (to/with)his resumé. at over for for to

  28. Unit 5 Shops and Shoping Text A • II. Choose the correct words to complete the following sentences. • One of our guests has arrived at the ________ (enter/entrance) of our company. • 2. She is standing there with a (welcome /welcoming) _________ smile. • 3. A lot of _________ (processing/processed)food is on sale at Christmas time. • 4.It took me _________ (near/nearly) two hours to get there. • 5. John has become so __________ (boring/bored) after working as a shop assistant for four years. entrance welcoming processed nearly bored

  29. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A III. Complete the following sentences with the words in the box below. Change the form if necessary. 1. Find out where the company ____________ before you go for the interview. 2. He runs a small shop that sells __________ to the neighbors. 3. What is John’s _________ in your company? 4. The bad weather yesterday ___________ to our difficulties in selling ice cream. 5. It is cheaper to buy things directly from the . 6. If the doesn’t work well, please contact our after-sales department. position manufacturer locate product add essential is located essentials position added manufacturers product

  30. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A IV. Complete the following sentences with the phrases in the box below. Change the form if necessary. 1.We have changed our price since the cost of raw materials ___________ last September. 2. Companies producing printers _____________will win more consumers. 3. I need ____________ time to finish this project. plenty of tend to go up have an effect at lower prices pay for went up at lower prices plenty of

  31. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A plenty of tend to go up have an effect at lower prices pay for 4. We believe the measures taken by the government _______________ on solving unemployment in the next few years. 5. Before ____________ our products, you are quite welcome to try them out. 6. These days, people ___________ ask for a discount before buying things. will have an effect paying for tend to

  32. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A V. Translate the following sentences into English with the given words or phrases. 1.一般来说,新产品都摆放在醒目的位置上。(position) Generally speaking, new products _______________ obvious places. 2.大型超市在周末总是挤满了成百上千的人。(hundreds of) Big supermarkets are always crowed with ___________________________________. 3. 买这些东西需要你额外支付五十元钱。(extra ) You need to ___________________ to buy these things. are positioned in hundreds of people at the weekends pay an extra 50 yuan

  33. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A 4. 我们的英语老师让我们尽可能多地练习写作。 (as often as possible) Our English teacher told us to _________________________________. 5. 你想把这件产品放入购物车吗?(add to) Do you want to _______________your trolley. practise writing as often as possible add this product to

  34. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A Grammar and Structure I. Rewrite the following sentences in the active voice or passive voice. 1. Sales of French wine go up when French music is played in a supermarket. Sales of French wine go up when a supermarket ________________________. 2. Fresh meat, fish and dairy products tend to be placed around the walls. They tend to _________________________________ _________________________. plays French music place fresh meat, fish and dairyproducts around the walls

  35. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A Grammar and Structure 3. Essentials such as milk, bottled water or bread are often positioned at the back of the store. Stores often _______________________________ ________________________________________. position essentials such as milk, bottledwater or bread at the back

  36. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A Grammar and Structure 4. Many small shop owners are firing their staff due to the economic problems. The staff of many small shops ________________ _________________________________________. 5. The shop encourages customers to buy its products over the Internet. Thecustomers ____________________________ ________________________________________________. is / are being fired by the shop owners due to the economicproblems are encouraged (by the shop) to buy itsproducts over the Internet

  37. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A Grammar and Structure II. Study the patterns in the boxes below and then translate the following sentences. . • much修饰比 • 较级 • 要点:比较级前面 • 加程度副词much • 表示“……得多”。 • The body of the trolley is much bigger than the average product …(Para. 2) • _______________________________ • John came to his office much earlier than his boss. • ______________________________ • 这家超市比那家超市近得多。 • _______________________________ • _______________________________ 手推车的体积比一般的商品大得多。。 约翰比他的老板来办公室要早得多。 This supermarket is much nearer than that one.

  38. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A Grammar and Structure . . 2. the+比较级, the +比较级 要点:表示“越…… 就越……”。 • The more you see, the more you shop. (Para. 4) • ______________________________ • The harder you work, the greater progress you will make. • _______________________________ • 我们的老板越忙越高兴。 • _______________________________ • _______________________________ 你看的越多,买的就越多。 你越用功,进步就越大。 The busier our boss is, the happier he feels.

  39. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A Grammar and Structure . • The most expensive products are at adult eye level, with the brands above and below often at lower prices. • (Para. 5) • ________________________________ • ________________________________ • He walked into the dark street, with a stick in his hand. • _________________________________ • 他离开了,口袋里没带一分钱。 • _________________________________ 3. With结构作状语 要点:表示谓语动 作发生时的伴随情 况。 最贵的产品放在成人眼睛的高度,其上方 和下方的品牌通常都要便宜些。 他走上漆黑的街道,手里拿着根手杖。 He left, with no money in his pocket.

  40. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text A Grammar and Structure . 4. 疑问词引导表语 从句 要点:从句用陈述句 语序。 • This is where you get bored waiting.... (Para. 5) • ___________________________ • That is why he wants to quit his job. • ___________________________ • 问题是我们什么时候可以离开。 • ___________________________ 这里是你等待时感到无聊的地方…… 这就是他想辞职的原因。 The proble is when we can leave.

  41. psychological price & mental pursuit 心理价位和心理追求。男性从青年到中老年,从追求娱乐、户外活动的享受到社会地位、金钱财产等;而女性则从追求娱乐、时尚潮流过渡到追求饮食健康、美容保健等。 Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text B Background Information TEXT A

  42. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text B Background Information online shopping preference 网上购物偏好。《中国2008年度网上购物调查报告》显示,上网购物时男性首选数码相机/摄像机,女性首选化妆品/护肤品。  TEXT A

  43. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text B Translation Do you think men and women have the same shopping habits? What items do they like to purchase when going shopping? TEXT A

  44. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text B Translation Men Buy Face Cream and Women Buy Drills!? 1A recent report on the differences between men and women’s shopping habits found changes in the balance of buying activity between the sexes. The report, published last month by the market research company, Street Trends, focused on the areas of food and drink, toiletries and cosmetics, clothing and electrical goods.

  45. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text B Translation 2Little change was found in food and drink shopping habits. Over 70% of supermarket shopping in the UK is done by the women of the household, and they generally control how much is spent on food. The report suggests that women show a greater ability to find special offers, and are more interested than men in getting good value when they shop. Similarly, in the area of clothing, women are still greater consumers than men.

  46. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text B Translation There has been a general increase in the purchase of clothes over the last few years, due to the introduction to the UK of cheap fashion from China and the rest of the Far East. Discount clothing has become more popular, as retailers have become skilled in reproducing fashion designs at lower costs. This is most noticeable in women’s fashion, where purchases have increased significantly in the last year.

  47. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text B Translation 3 Interesting changes were seen, however, in the purchase of toiletries and electrical goods. Approximately 80% of British women do most of the shopping for cosmetics and toiletries, but the men’s toiletry market is growing, as younger men are more interested in their physical appearance than they were five years ago.

  48. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text B Translation Well-known cosmetics companies are now targeting men with new skincare products. In the case of electrical goods, men have traditionally been regarded as the main buyers in the household. However, women are now taking a more active role in the purchase of these items. Several major supermarkets are expanding into this area and targeting female customers, so further changes are expected in these areas in the future.

  49. Unit 5 Shops and Shopping Text B I. Complete the table below with the information from the text. Women Clothing most growing main active

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