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Learn about the EU's main funding instrument for research in Europe, the 7th Framework Programme (FP7), and how to participate in it. Explore its budget, objectives, main blocks of activities, and specific programmes.
How to get involved in the EU 7th Framework Programme for Research Prof. Ziad Al-Saad Yarmouk University Irbid-Jordan
What is FP7? • FP7 is the short name for the Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development. • This is the EU's main instrument for funding research in Europe and it will run from 2007 to 2013.
FP7 Budget • The EC budget for the next seven years is € 50.5 billion and the Euratom budget for the next five years is € 2.7 billion1. Overall, this represents a 41% increase from FP6 at 2004 prices and 63% at current prices.
Main Objectives of FP7 • FP7 is designed to respond to Europe’s employment needs and competitiveness. • FP7 supports research in selected priority areas - the aim being to make, or keep, the EU as a world leader in those sectors.
How is FP7 made up? • FP7 is made up of 4 main blocks of activities forming 4 specific programmes plus a fifth specific programme on nuclear research
Cooperation - Collaborative research • The core of FP7, representing two thirds of the overall budget, is the Cooperation programme. • It fosters collaborative research across Europe and other partner countries through projects by transnational consortia of industry and academia.
Cooperation • The specific programme on 'Cooperation' supports all types of research activities carried out by different research bodies in trans-national cooperation and aims to gain or consolidate leadership in key scientific and technology areas. • FP7 allocates EUR 32 413 million to the Cooperation programme. The budget will be devoted to supporting cooperation between universities, industry, research centres and public authorities throughout the EU and beyond.
Themes • The Cooperation programme is sub-divided into ten distinct themes. Each theme is operationally autonomous but aims to maintain coherence within the Cooperation Programme and allowing for joint activities cutting across different themes, through, for example, joint calls. • The ten identified themes reflect the most important fields of knowledge and technology where research excellence is particularly important to improve Europe’s ability to address its social, economic, public health, environmental and industrial challenges of the future.
Research will be carried out inten key thematic areas: • • Health • • Food, agriculture and fisheries, and biotechnology • • Information and communication technologies • • Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials and new production technologies • • Energy • • Environment (including climate change) • • Transport • • Socio-economic sciences and the humanities • • Space • • Security
Health • Objective : • The objective of health research under FP7 is to improve the health of European citizens and boost the competitiveness of health-related industries and businesses, while addressing global health issues such as anti-microbial resistance, HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis and emerging pandemics.
What will be funded? Emphasis will be given to the following activities: • Biotechnology, generic tools and technologies for human health - producing knowledge that will be applied in the area of health and medicine; • Translating research for human health - making sure that basic discoveries have practical benefits and improve the quality of life; • Optimising the delivery of health care to citizens - ensuring that the results of biomedical research will ultimately reach the citizens.
Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, Biotechnology • Objective: • The primary aim in funding food, agriculture, fisheries and biotechnology research under FP7 is to build a European Knowledge Based Bio-Economy (KBBE) (food, feed, forest, fisheries, agriculture, aquaculture, chemistry, etc.) by bringing together all industries and economic sectors that produce, manage and exploit biological resources and related services, supply or consumer industries, such as food, fisheries, forestry, agriculture, etc.
What will be funded? • The "Food, Agriculture and Fisheries, and Biotechnology" theme is built around three major "activities": : • Sustainable production and management of biological resources from land, forest and aquatic environments; • Fork to farm: Food (including seafood), health and well-being; • Life sciences, biotechnology and biochemistry for sustainable non-food products and processes.
ICT - Information and Communication Technologies • Objective • Improving the competitiveness of European industry and enabling Europe to master and shape future developments in ICT so that the demands of its society and economy are met. ICT is at the very core of the knowledge-based society. • Activities will strengthen Europe's scientific and technology base and ensure its global leadership in ICT, help drive and stimulate product, service and process innovation and creativity through ICT use and ensure that ICT progress is rapidly transformed into benefits for Europe's citizens, businesses, industry and governments. • These activities will also help reduce the digital divide and social exclusion.
Examples of Areas covered • Optimised control, management and flexibility of the future network infrastructure, • Technologies and systems architectures for the Future Internet. • Service architectures, platforms, technologies, methods and tools • Service/software engineering approaches • Virtualisation tools, system software, middleware and network-centric operating systems, • Security and resilience in network infrastructures
Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials & new production technologies (NMP) • Objective: • The core objective of the Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies (NMP) 4 theme is to improve the competitiveness of European industry and generate the knowledge needed to transform it from a resource-intensive to a knowledge-intensive industry.
NMP • NMP research also aims to strengthen the competitiveness of European industry by generating 'step changes' in a wide range of sectors and implementing decisive knowledge for new applications between different technologies and disciplines. • Funding the NMP research theme will benefit new, high tech industries and higher-value, knowledge-based traditional industries, with a special focus to the appropriate dissemination of research results to SMEs.
What will be funded? Emphasis will be given to the following activities: • Nanosciences and nanotechnologies - studying phenomena and manipulation of matter at the nanoscale and developing nanotechnologies leading to the manufacturing of new products and services. • Materials - using the knowledge of nanotechnologies and biotechnologies for new products and processes.
What will be funded? • New production - creating conditions for continuous innovation and for developing generic production 'assets' (technologies, organisation and production facilities as well as human resources), while meeting safety and environmental requirements. • Integration of technologies for industrial applications - focusing on new technologies, materials and applications to address the needs identified by the different European Technology Platforms.
Energy Objective • The objective of energy research under FP7 is to adapt the current energy system into a more sustainable, competitive and secure one. It should also depend less on imported fuels and use a diverse mix of energy sources, in particular renewables, energy carriers and non polluting sources.
What will be funded? • Emphasis will be given to the following activities: • Hydrogen and fuel cells - supporting EU fuel cell and hydrogen industries, for stationary, portable and transport applications. • Renewable electricity generation - technologies to increase overall conversion efficiency, cost efficiency and reliability, driving down the cost of electricity production.
What will be funded? • Renewable fuel production - fuel production systems and conversion technologies. • Renewables for heating and cooling - technologies for cheaper, more efficient active and passive heating and cooling from renewable energy sources. • CO2 capture and storage technologies for zero emission power generation - technologies reducing the environmental impact of fossil fuel use by capturing CO2.
What will be funded? • Clean Coal Technologies - substantially improve power plant efficiency, reliability and reducing costs through research, development and demonstration of cleaner coal and other solid fuel conversion technologies, producing also secondary energy carriers (including hydrogen) and liquid or gaseous fuels. • Smart energy networks - increasing the efficiency, safety, reliability and quality of the European electricity and gas systems and networks in the context of a more integrated European energy market.
What will be funded? • Energy efficiency and savings - technologies to improve energy efficiency and to enable final and primary energy consumption savings, over their life-cycle, for buildings (including lighting), transport, services and industry. • Knowledge for energy policy making - tools, methods and models to assess the economic and social issues related to energy technologies and to provide quantifiable targets and scenarios for medium and long term horizons.
Environment (including climate change) • Objective • The main objective of environment research under FP7 is to advance our knowledge on the interactions between climate, biosphere, ecosystems and human activities and to develop new technologies, tools and services, for the sustainable development of the environment and its resources.
Environment (including Climate Change) • FP7-ENV-2007-1 • Identifier: FP7-ENV-2007-1 • Publication date: 22 December 2006 • Budget: € 200 000 000 • Deadline: 02 May 2007 at 17:00 (Brussels local time) • OJ Reference:OJ C316 of 22 December 2006 • Specific Programme: [Cooperation] • Theme: [Environment (including Climate Change)]
What will be funded? Emphasis will be given to the following activities: • Climate change, pollution and risks • Pressures on the environment and climate • Environment and health • Natural hazards • Sustainable Management of Resources • Conservation and sustainable management of natural and man-made resources and biodiversity • Management of marine environments
What will be funded? • Environmental Technologies • Environmental technologies for observation, simulation, prevention, mitigation, adaptation, remediation and restoration of the natural and man-made environment • Protection, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage, including human habitat improved damage assessment on cultural heritage • Technology assessment, verification and testing • Earth observation and assessment tools • Earth and ocean observation systems and monitoring methods for the environment and sustainable development • Forecasting methods and assessment tools for sustainable development taking into account differing scales of observation
Transport (including aeronautics) • Objective: • The central objective of transport research under FP7 is to develop safer, 'greener' and 'smarter' pan-European transport systems that will benefit all citizens, respect the environment, and increase the competitiveness of European industries in the global market.
What will be funded? • Emphasis will be given to the following activities: • Aeronautics and air transport • reduction of emissions, work on engines and alternative fuels, • air traffic management, safety aspects of air transport, • environmentally efficient aviation • Sustainable surface transport - rail, road and waterborne • development of clean and efficient engines and power trains, • reducing the impact of transport on climate change, • inter-modal regional and national transport, • clean and safe vehicles, • infrastructure construction and maintenance, integrative architectures • Support to the European global satellite navigation system
Socio-economic sciences & the humanities (SSH) • Objective • Funding ‘Socio-economic sciences and the humanities’ (SSH) will contribute to an in-depth, shared understanding of the complex and interrelated socio economic challenges Europe is confronted with.
What will be funded? Emphasis will be given to the following activities: • Growth, employment and competitiveness in a knowledge society: • innovation, competitiveness and labour market policies; • education and life-long learning; • economic structures and productivity. • Combining economic, social and environmental objectives in a European perspective: • socio-economic models within Europe and across the world; • economic and social and cohesion across regions; • social and economic dimensions of environmental policy.
What will be funded? • Major trends in society and their implications - demographic change, reconciling family and work, health and quality of life, youth policies, social exclusion and discrimination; • Europe in the world - trade, migration, poverty, crime, conflict and resolution; • The citizen in the European Union - political participation, citizenship and rights, democracy and accountability, the media, cultural diversity and heritage, religions, attitudes and values; • Socio-economic and scientific indicators - the use and value of indicators in policymaking at macro and micro levels; • Foresight activities - the future implications of global knowledge, migration, ageing, risk and the emerging domains in research and science.
Space • Objective : • The aim of the Space theme under FP7 is to support a European Space Programme focusing on applications such as 'Global monitoring for environment and security' (GMES) with benefits for citizens and for the competitiveness of the European space industry. • This will contribute to the development of a European space policy, complementing efforts by Member States and by other key players, including the European Space Agency (ESA).
What will be funded? Emphasis will be given to the following activities: • Space-based applications serving European society - developing satellite observation systems and the GMES services for the management of the environment, security, agriculture, forestry and meteorology, civil protection and risk management; • Exploration of space - provision of support for collaborative initiatives between ESA or national space agencies, as well as coordinating efforts for the development of space-borne telescopes; • Strengthening Space foundations - support research for long term needs such as space transportation, bio-medicine, life and physical sciences in space.
Security • Objective: The objectives of the Security theme are: • to develop technologies and knowledge needed to ensure the security of citizens from threats such as terrorism and (organised) crime, natural disasters and industrial accidents while respecting fundamental human rights; • to ensure optimal and concerted use of available and evolving technologies to the benefit of civil European security; • to stimulate the cooperation of providers and users for civil security solutions; improving the competitiveness of the European security industry and delivering mission-oriented results to reduce security gaps.
What will be funded? Emphasis will be given to the following activities: • Increasing the security of citizens - technology solutions for civil protection, bio-security, protection against crime and terrorism; • Increasing the security of infrastructures and utilities - examining and securing infrastructures in areas such as ICT, transport, energy and services in the financial and administrative domain; • Intelligent surveillance and border security - technologies, equipment, tools and methods for protecting Europe's border controls such as land and coastal borders;
What will be funded? • Restoring security and safety in case of crisis - technologies and communication, coordination in support of civil, humanitarian and rescue tasks; • Improving security systems integration, interconnectivity and interoperability - information gathering for civil security, protection of confidentiality and traceability of transactions; • Security and society - socio-economic, political and cultural aspects of security, ethics and values, acceptance of security solutions, social environment and perceptions of security; • Security research coordination and structuring - coordination between European and international security research efforts in the areas of civil, security and defence research.
Ideas • The Ideas programme will support “frontier research” solely on the basis of scientific excellence. • Research may be carried out in any area of science or technology, including engineering, socio-economic sciences and the humanities. • In contrast with the Cooperation programme, there is no obligation for cross-border partnerships. • Projects are implemented by “individual teams” around a “principal investigator”. • The programme is implemented via the new European Research Council (ERC). • For more information, see www.erc.europa.eu
People - • The People programme provides support for researcher mobility and career development, both for researchers inside the European Union and internationally. • It is implemented via a set of Marie Curie actions providing fellowships and other measures to help researchers build their skills and competences throughout their careers: • •
People • Initial training of researchers - Marie Curie Awards. • • Industry-academia partnerships • • Co-funding of regional, national and international mobility programmes • • Intra-European fellowships • • International dimension - outgoing and incoming fellowships, • international cooperation scheme, reintegration grants • •
Capacities - Research capacities • The Capacities programme strengthens the research capacities that Europe needs if it is to become a thriving knowledge-based economy.
It covers the following activities • • Research infrastructures • • Research for the benefit of SMEs • • Regions of Knowledge • • Research Potential • • Science in Society • • Specific activities of international cooperation
Nuclear research and training • The programme for nuclear research and training activities will comprise research, technological development, international cooperation, dissemination of technical information, and exploitation activities, as well as training.
Nuclear Research Two specific programmes are planned: • The first programme includes: fusion energy research, nuclear fission, and radiation protection; • The second programme covers the activities of the Joint Research Centre (JRC) in the field of nuclear energy, including nuclear waste management, and environmental impact, nuclear safety, and nuclear security. In addition to direct actions in the nuclear field, the JRC carries out research in a number of other areas to provide scientific and technological support to EU policy making • (see www.jrc.ec.europa.eu/).
Which types of participants? Participation in FP7 is open to a wide range of organisations and individuals: • • research groups at universities or research institutes • • companies intending to innovate • • small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) • • SME associations or groupings • • public or governmental administration (local, regional or national)
Which types of participants? • • early-stage researchers (postgraduate students) • • experienced researchers • • institutions running research infrastructures of trans-national interest • • organisations and researchers from third countries • • international organisations • • civil society organisations. The above list is only indicative, not exhaustive. • Different participation rules apply, depending on the research initiative in question.
From which countries? • As a general principle, FP7 is open to participation from any country in the world. The procedures for participation and funding possibilities vary for different groups of countries. • Quite naturally, the EU Member States enjoy the broadest rights and access to funding. The same conditions apply to Member States and to countries associated to FP7 (countries paying a share to the overall budget of FP7).
International Participation Another important group are the International Cooperation Partner Countries (e.g. Russia and other Eastern European and Central Asian states, developing countries, Mediterranean partner countries, Western Balkans countries).
MEDITERRANEANPARTNER COUNTRIES(MPC) 2 • • Algeria • • Egypt • • Jordan • • Lebanon • • Libya • • Morocco • • Palestinian-administered • areas • • Syrian Arab Rep. • • Tunisia