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Fisheries Research in the 7th Research Framework Programme (2007-2013). Jacques Fuchs European Commission Directorate-General Research Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Aquaculture Jacques.fuchs@ec.europa.eu. ACFA Meeting (Brussels, 21 January 2010).
Fisheries Research in the 7th Research Framework Programme (2007-2013) Jacques Fuchs European Commission Directorate-General Research Agriculture, Forestry, Fisheries and Aquaculture Jacques.fuchs@ec.europa.eu ACFA Meeting (Brussels, 21 January 2010)
The 7th EU Framework Programme (2007-2013) Frontier Research CollaborativeResearch 32 413 M€ 7 510 M€ Research Capacity Human Potential 4 750 M€ 4 097 M€ Specific Programmes: Total 53 billion €
Cooperation – Collaborative research 10 Themes • Health 6.100 B€ • Food, agriculture, fisheries and biotechnology 1.935 (6.0%) • Information and communication technologies 9.050 • Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials 3.475 and new production technologies • Energy 2.350 • Environment (including climate change) 1.890 (6,0%) • Transport (including aeronautics) 4.160 • Socio-economic sciences and the humanities 0.623 • Space 1.430 • Security 1.400
SMEs + Marie Curie Actions (People) Theme 2 Food SICA Research & Innovation + Theme 6 Environment + Infrastructure + Technological platforms + Co-ordination national RTD programmes Capacity building Filling the gap in research Mutual Interest Support to the industry Sustainability of the fisheries and aquaculture sectors FP 7 Opportunities + Theme 8 Sciences&Human
2. Food, Agriculture, Fisheries and Biotechnology Sustainable production and management of biological resources from land, forest, and aquatic environments “Fork to farm”: Food (including seafood) health and well being Life sciences, biotechnology and biochemistry for sustainable non-food products and processes
Aiming of Research onFisheries in FP7 Promoting a scientific basis for responsible, ecosystem-based and sustainable management of the European’s Fisheries in support to the reform of the CFP: • Improving the scientific and technical basis of fisheries management • Better understanding of interactions in the marine ecosystem and with other ecosystems • Safeguarding consumer health • Supporting international cooperation • Integration into the broader context of Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP)
The CFP Reform and its effects on Fisheries related Research Natural sciences Social sciences General, basic Climate and ocean Fishing communities Marinecommunities and food webs Societal outcomes of fisheries Fish stock dynamics under exploitation and fishing impact Institutional framework for good governance Management strategies Management tactics (short term prognosis) Economic and social impacts of management Fisheries specific, applied Technology for sustainability
Strategic Plan Research Priorities on Fisheries in FP7Priority lines • Main line 2.8: Knowledge-base for an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) • Main line 2.9: Investigating the socio and economic dimension of EU fisheries and aquaculture activities • Main line 2.10: New governance for the implementation of the Common Fisheries Policy (CFP) and its inclusion in the EU Integrated Maritime Policy (IMP) • (+ Main 4.2 : Communication and dissemination, technology transfer and training)
The CFP Reform and its effects on Fisheries related Research(cont.) Research Instruments and Role • Small to large projects (EAFM and EAMM) • Joint programming (multi-disciplinary - cross sectoral approaches) • Regional approach (e.g. Bonus) • SMEs Participation • Coordination of National Research Programmes (ERANET - MARIFISH) • Technological platforms (co-operation with the fishing industry)
Process for establishing the annual work programme (cont.) Advisory Group Programme Committee Experts Groups EC Political context FP7 Draft Workprogramme Technology Platform (i.e. EATIP) Commission Services DG RTD, MARE, etc. Other Sources (FP projects, Confer. EFARO, MARIFISH, NACEE, RACs, ACFA..)
What has been funded so far under FP7 KBBE- WP 2007- 2009 Theme 2: Fisheries Knowledge-base for an EAFM (Main line 2.8) • The structure of fish populations and traceability of fish and fish products (FISHPOPTRACE) • Mitigating adverse impacts of fisheries (MADE) • Improving fisheries assessment methods by integrating new sources of biological knowledge (ECOKNOWS) • Sustainable use of seas and oceans: importance of foraging fish in the ecosystem (FACTS) Socio-economic dimension of EU fisheries(Main line 2.9) New governance for the implementation of the CFP(Main line 2.10) • Governance for an operational regional ecosystem approach to fisheries management (MEFEPO) • Addressing uncertainty and complexity - governance for fisheries management (JACKFISH) • Deep sea fisheries management (DEEPFISHMAN) • Improving research in support to scientific advice to fisheries management outside EU waters (TXOTX) • Sustainable use of seas and oceans: integration of aquaculture and fisheries in the coastal zone (COEXIST)
What has been fundedso far Theme 6: 2007-2009 Pressure on Environment and Climate • Pressures on environment and climate – Ocean acidification (EPOCA) • Stability thermo-haline circulation (THOR) • Sea Level Rise (Ice2sea) • Climate change impacts on Thresholds on Arctic Ocean (ATP – Arctic Tipping Points) • Climate change impacts on the marine environment – public perception (WP 2009) Biological knowledge • Ecology important marine species (EELIAD - Eels) • Ecology important marine species (SALSIEA-Merge – Salmon) • Life in Extreme Environments (Carex) • Contribution to sub-seafloor sampling programmes to European deep-sea research (WP 2009) Development of ecosystem models to help our understanding of the functioning of the ecosystems • Habitat-marine species interactions deep-sea (Coral Fish) • Option for Ecosystem-based management (WP 2009)
What has been funded so far Theme 6: 2007-2009 Impact of anthropogenic factors on the marine ecosystems • Dynamic marine ecosystems in a changing environment (Meece) • Ecosystem approach to marine environment and resources (KnowSeas) • Monitoring and observing oxygen depletion throughout the different Earth system component (HYPOX) • Deep sea ecosystems (HERMIONE) • Management and protection of coral reefs in the Wider Caribbean (WP 2009) (SICA) Spatial Planning • Monitoring and evaluation of spatially managed areas (MESMA) • Integrated Coastal Zone Management (WP 2009) (SICA) Coordination marine research in the EU • Towards integrated European marine research strategy and programmes (ERANET) (WP 2009) • Support to "Maritime Partnership" (WP 2009)
What is coming under FP7 WP 2010 Theme 2: Fisheries 2010 Knowledge-base for an EAFM (Main line 2.8) • Using results-based management to achieve CFP objectives (3 M€) International • Improving research in support to scientific advice to fisheries management in the Mediterranean and Black Sea (1 M€)
What is coming under FP7 Marine and Maritime Joint Call “The Ocean of tomorrow” 2010 Joining Research forces to meet challenges in ocean management • Quantification of climate change impacts on economic sectors in the Arctic (11 M€) • Vectors of changes in ocean and seas marine life, impact on economic sectors (12,5 M€) («Carbon storage» Sub-seabed carbon storage and the marine environment – 10,5 M€)
What is coming under FP7 WP 2011 Theme 2: Fisheries 2011 Knowledge-base for an EAFM (Main line 2.8) • Beyond Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY): defining management targets and their consequences Socio-economic dimension of EU fisheries (Main line 2.9) • Socio-economic effects of the main management principles of the new Common Fishery Policy (CFP): impact of new policy framework and opportunities for the fishing sector to develop self- and co-management Strengthening the impact of agriculture, forestry, fisheries and aquaculture research: communication and dissemination, technology transfer and training (Main line: 4.2) • Strengthening the impact of fisheries related research through dissemination, communication and technology transfer
What is coming under FP7 Marine and Maritime Joint Call 2011 • Towards a sustainable use of the Med. and the Black sea • Multi-use offshore platforms (e.g. wind, aquaculture, transport services) • Biotechnologies/Bio informatics (very preliminary; still under discussion between RTD/ENV, TREN, ENERGY, FOOD, ENV)
2011 Joint Call : Multi-use off-shore platforms (e.g.wind farms, aquaculture, transport services): • Optimal location, • Innovative concepts including safe and efficient installations, • Optimised servicing, maintenance and surveillance, • Environmental impacts.
Process for establishing the annual work programme (cont.) EC Political context FP7 Draft Workprogramme . Sources (ACFA..)
Sources of Information Cordis:http://www.cordis.eu Dissemination of FP5 & FP6 results in Fisheries & Aquaculture :http://www.profetpolicy.info FP 7:http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7/home_en.html Expert registration:https://cordis.europa.eu/emmfp7/ DG RTD:http://europa.eu.int/comm/research/ Contact persons E.4:jacques.fuchs@ec.europa.eu charlotte.jagot@ec.europa.eu philippe.moguedet@ec.europa.eu isabelle.terrier@ec.europa.eu stamatis.varsamos@ec.europa.eu