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Several people are familiar with basic things of marijuana or cannabis, A lot of people are yet not well familiarized when it comes to which of the strains to go for-is it Indica and Sativa? This PPT will help you to grasp the substantial aspects of cannabis & dominant effects by using it.
INDICAS OR SATIVAS What is Your Preferred Choice?
INTRODUCTION If you are already familiar with some of the basic things in the world cannabis or marijuana, thumbs up, but I am sure you will still learn one or two things in this post but if you are just venturing into it, this is a good place to start. A lot of people are still not well informed when it comes to which of the strains to go for-is it indica and sativa? This has become a concern for users who want to get the plant for medicinal purposes. And when you want to get marijuana seeds for the purpose of planting, the marijuana buds tenders expect you to specify which particular one you want.
In this write up, we will be exploring these two strains: indica and sativa, so as to know which one is best for you. Firstly, in terms of appearance, indicas are short and stocky and this is due to the fact that they come from from the hot, dry and arid regions of the world. Also the leaves are broad and thick in order to effectively capture sunlight in those regions. The sativa strains on the other hand are tall and thin and usually grow in humid regions.
The leaves are slender and because they grow very tall, they are not usually infected with mold. More so, unlike indicas, sativas take longer time to grow, but once grown up can generate huge yields. The second aspect of consideration are their benefits or their dominant effects.
T h e s e a r e s o m e o f t h e t h i n g s y o u w i l l e x p e r i e n c e w i t h t h e C a n n a b i s i n d i c a : It relaxes the mind and body Produces a heavy body high It promotes sedation and sometimes “couch-lock” It promotes sleep It relieves physical pains and aches It boosts appetite It relieves spasms and seizures It alleviates nausea or vomiting It reduces inflammation It is best for night time use
F o r C a n n a b i s s a t i v a , t h e s e a r e i t s d o m i n a n t e f f e c t s f o r u s i n g i t : It reduces anxiety and can increase anxiety in some users It help to boost focus and creativity It can subdue appetite It may relieve headaches and migraines It alleviates depression It produces a stimulating cerebral “head high” It promotes an overall sense of well-being It is good for day time use
In conclusion, you might not have to stick to just one strain of these marijuana. Considering all the effects of each strain on users, you can switch between both strains based on your state at a point in time. For example, what you take when you want to induce hunger is not what you will take when you don’t want to eat. One is good for the day time when you really want to be active and have energy for work during the day.
ABOUT US Mr. BC Seeds has been a Cannabis Seed Breeder Since 1974. He opened the first Canadian Cannabis Seed Bank before the internet and he has been sharing his genetics online since 1998. Only BC Seeds can provide you with the worlds strongest cannabis seed genetics with the highest THC levels. Their THC is much higher than any other seed bank in the world. They also produce seeds high in CBD for medical use and Cannabis Oil.
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