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The Kite Runner

Explore the Afghan-American novel's impact with details on the author, plot, and adaptation into film. Learn about the cultural and political landscape shaping the story.

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The Kite Runner

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  1. The Kite Runnerby Khaled Hosseini Historical, Political and Cultural ContextsA presentation byN. Shamnad Department of Arabic University College Thiruvananthapuram E mail: shamnadmail@gmail.com

  2. The Kite Runner • First novel to be written in English by an Afghan National • By the Afghan-American writer Khaled Hosseini • Published in 2003, USA • Sold over 3 million copies worldwide • South African Boeke Prize in 2004 • A No. 1 New York Times Best seller for 2005 • Voted the Penguin Reading Group Book of the year for 2007 • Adapted in to a highly acclaimed feature film in 2007 by Marc Forster • American Library Association: one of its most challenged books of 2008

  3. Khaled Hosseini • Afghan-American writer • Born in 1965 in Kabul, Afghanistan • His father was an Afghan diplomat in Iran and France • Following the 1979 Russian invasion, the family emmigrated to the United States • Political asylum in 1980, Settled in California, US • Hosseini is now a physician • Novels: The Kite Runner (2003), A Thousand Splendid Suns (2007)

  4. The Kite Runner • The story takes place in Afghanistan, Pakistan, and the United States from 1975 to 2003 • The novel maps the journey of Amir, the narrator • Amir belongs to a wealthy family whose father is a businessman • Amir tells the story of his friendship with Hassan. • Hassan and his father, Ali, are Amir’s servants • Hassan is the victim of discrimination due to his ethnic identity • Ironically, Hassan is also Amir’s half brother

  5. The Separation • Amir desires his father’s approval, and with the help of Hassan, • enters a kite running tournament • Violent events occur after the tournament, which have an • impact upon the lives of Hassan and Amir • Amir overwhelms with guilt when allows Hassan to be beaten • by the neighborhood boys and Watch him being assaulted • Hassan and his father leave Kabul • After Russian invasion Amir and his father flee Afghanistan • for Pakistan and then end up in the US

  6. AMIR PAYS HIS DEBT TO HASSAN • Amir continues his education, marries and becomes a writer • He returns to Afghanistan in search of Hassan • While in Pakistan, Amir finds out that Hassan and his wife • were killed by the Taliban regime • They left a son, Sohrab • Amir arrives at Kabul to rescue Sohrab from Assef, a Taliban • leader • Assef was the boy who molested Hassan during their childhood • Amir must defeat Assef in a physical battle in order to take • Sohrab out of Afghanistan and try to help repair his spirit.

  7. The Kite Runner(Film) • A 2007 Hollywood film directed by Marc Forster • Based on the novel by Khaled Hosseini. • A DreamWorks and Paramount Vintage production • Mostly shot in China, Pakistan and US • Dialogue is in Afghan Persian (Dari) and English • Nomination for the Golden Globe award for the best foreign language film in 2007 • 5th best film of 2007: Chicago Sun-Times • Banned in Afghanistan from theatres and DVD stores • .

  8. The Kite Runner(2007) : a Marc Forster film“ ….and there is a way to be good again !”

  9. The Kite Runner : Historical and Political Contexts • The story takes place in Afghanistan, Pakistan and America • Tells the collapse of Afghan civil society and violations of fundamental • human rights • 1.5 Million people lost their lives • 5 Million people went in exile • Picturisation of the Soviet invasion of 1979 and the tyranny of Taliban • War crimes and the plight of refugees • Novel leaves one feeling, a terrible Sadness for the Afghan people. • The power game between the U.S.A. and the former Soviet Union • brought death and utter destruction to the country.

  10. The Kite Runner: Soviet Invasion of 1979 and Refugees

  11. The Kite Runner: Plight of Refugees

  12. The Kite Runner : Cultural Contexts The Novel shows • Ethnic and religious diversities in Afghanistan and cultural clash / prejudice • Racial discrimination, religious intolerance, oppression of women and persecution of children • Influence of tribalism and disintegration of society • Friction between Pashtuns and Hazaras: various ethnic groups • Religious extremism and secularism • Friendship, between childhood friends / brothers • Parent/child relationships, paternal expectations and the need for approval • Kite running

  13. Afghan Ethnicity ► Hazaras consists of about10 to 15 percent ► Uzbaks consists of about 9 percent ► Others (Turkmen, Aimaq, Baluch, Nuristani) Tajik Pashtun Hazara

  14. Baluch Uzbak Pashtun

  15. The Kite Runner : desperate children

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