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Exploring how Polish universities shape a new mobility culture through education, research, and urban initiatives. Case studies from Gdańsk, Cracow, and Silesian universities.
The role of the Polish universities in shaping a new mobility culture - assumptions, conditions, experience.Case study of Gdansk University of Technology, Cracow University of Technology and SILESIAN University of Technology.
Romanika Okraszewska1Katarzyna Nosal2Grzegorz Sierpiński31Gdansk University of Technology (POLAND) 2 Cracow University of Technology (POLAND) 3 Silesian University of Technology (POLAND) Authors The role of the polish universities in shaping a new mobility culture
Assumptions • the academiccommunityis a significantgroup in the generalpopulation (nearly 5%), • in large Polish cities, the participation of the academic community in the general population is up to 30% (seeTable 1), • students are a social group with a high willingness to adopt new ideas and make changes in lifestyle, The role of the polish universities in shaping a new mobility culture
knowledge and values gained in the educational process leaks into the public by people with higher education employed in various professions. Assumptions The role of the polish universities in shaping a new mobility culture
The universities may influence the new culture of mobility on two levels: directly and indirectly The proposal The role of the polish universities in shaping a new mobility culture
The direct impact is a result of the educational function of the university involving the transfer of the knowledge, values and attitudes to students and employees The directimpact The role of the polish universities in shaping a new mobility culture
The directimpact The academic community isa large group of participants in urban traffic, and therefore their transport behaviorhas a direct impact on the characteristics of urban traffic The role of the polish universities in shaping a new mobility culture
The commercialization of the research results is also one of the ways of direct influence on the transport behavior of the society. The directimpact The role of the polish universities in shaping a new mobility culture
The indirectimpact The knowledge and values gained in the educational process leaks into the public by people with higher education employed in various professions. The role of the polish universities in shaping a new mobility culture
In Poland, the academic centers are generally located in the central part of the city. Due to their location and the number of the people, they are one of the major traffic generators and absorbers in the city. Conditions: The role of the polish universities in shaping a new mobility culture
The chosen mean of transport in home-university and university-home trips has an impact on the overall modal split in the city. Thereforethe implementation of mobility plans for the universities can have a significant impact on the change in traffic in the cities they are located in (seeTable 2). Conditions: The role of the polish universities in shaping a new mobility culture
Over25 thousand students attend the courses in 9 departments at the Gdansk University of Technology. The University employs nearly 2500 people, 1200 of which are university teachers. The university campus is located in the city centre, close to the main road. Gdansk University of Technology can be reached by tram, bus, fast urban train (“SKM”), bicycle, car or on foot. Car is a quite popular transport mean used to travel to the campus. Experience: Gdansk University of Technology The role of the polish universities in shaping a new mobility culture
The main activities that might have had an impact on the transport choices of the academic community concern: Experience: Gdansk University of Technology Campus Master Plan, Mini-project: Bicycle-Friendly Gdansk University of Technology. Time for a Change, The concept of cycling infrastructure for Gdansk University of Technology, Investments in infrastructure and actions to improve cycling on campus. The role of the polish universities in shaping a new mobility culture
Experience: SILESIAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY The Silesian University of Technology is one of the biggest technical universities in Poland. Nine faculties of the Silesian University of Technology are located in Gliwice – the main seat of the University, and the remaining three in Katowice and Zabrze. Besides, lectures are held in Rybnik, Bytom, DąbrowaGórnicza, Tychy and Sosnowiec, covering the whole area of Upper Silesia. The university educates about 30 000 students. The role of the polish universities in shaping a new mobility culture
Experience: SILESIAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Silesian University of Technology supports environment-friendly solutions through realization of various types of initiatives, such as educational and organizational activities, as well as the research and commercialization of its results. Students learn the principles for the proper designing of sustainable urban transport systems. The role of the polish universities in shaping a new mobility culture University supports the usage of sustainable mobility means, especially bikes and public transport.
The role of the polish universities in shaping a new mobility culture Experience: SILESIAN UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY Realization of the research projects “Models and Methods for the Evaluation and the Optimal Application of Battery Charging and Switching Technologies for Electric Busses (CACTUS)” “A platform to analyse and foster the use of Green Travelling options” 16
Experience: Cracowuniversity of technology Cracow University of Technology employs over 2000 staff and educates approx. 18 000 students every year. The university campuses are located in different city districts and the largest one, Warszawska St. Campus, is situated in the city centre on the border with a restricted car parking. Only employees and extra-mural students who have special permits can park at the university parking, however the shortage of parking lots is visible. The role of the polish universities in shaping a new mobility culture
Experience: Cracowuniversity of technology In 2005 in the framework of the EU CIVITAS CARAVEL project, the University, as a first institution in Poland, started to realize an integrated mobility plan. Measuresimplementedwithin the mobility plan (1): Carpoolingsystem called “Let’s drive together” New website “Info.Komunikacja” with information about sustainablemobilitymeans and with the tripplanner The role of the polish universities in shaping a new mobility culture
Experience: Cracowuniversity of technology Measuresimplementedwithin the mobility plan (2): The mobility consultant who advises employees and students and gives them personal information about travelling New bikeracks Costof parking in the university area was doubled Informational, promotional and educational activitiesincludingworkshops and happenings The role of the polish universities in shaping a new mobility culture
Experience: Cracowuniversity of technology Resultsof the mobility plan implementation (2008): Share of one – person car trips was decreased - for staff: from 45% to 41% and for extra-mural students: from 50% to 30% Share of carpooling trips was increased - for employees: from 1% to 5%, for full-time students: from 0% do 7%, and for extramural students: from 1% to 17% The number of staff travelling to the University by bike was doubled The role of the polish universities in shaping a new mobility culture
Experience: Cracowuniversity of technology Educational, informational and promotionalactivitieswithin the TraCitproject“Improved co-ordination of integrated transport systems, and their development and operations, to achieve resource efficiency and CO2 reduction”: Happenings, brochures, leaflets Surveysabout the willingness to change the current transport mode into the cycling and the factors influencing this change The role of the polish universities in shaping a new mobility culture
Conclusion: Statistics show substantial share of the academic community in the general population of the city. Case studies confirm the need of shaping travel behaviors and the willingness of target groups to change their attitudes. The role of the polish universities in shaping a new mobility culture
Conclusion: What is more, results of initiatives described above prove the validity of assumption that students are ready to modify mobility habits. The role of the polish universities in shaping a new mobility culture
Conclusion: The lack of actions or temporary nature of undertaken measures depends on the availability of funding resources. The possibilities of getting EU funds for the new perspective as well as growing awareness among university authorities allows to trust that mobility management actions focused on the academic community will be more popular in the future. The role of the polish universities in shaping a new mobility culture
Table 1.Academic community percentages of the general population. The role of the polish universities in shaping a new mobility culture Source: Own study based on: 1- [19]; 2 - [20]; 3 – Wikipedia; nd – no data
Table 2.Modal split in Polish cities.. The role of the polish universities in shaping a new mobility culture Source: [21]
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