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Explore CORACU, a cosmic ray cube demonstrating muons from cosmic rays online penetration. Learn about setup instructions and the detection of high-energy protons.
COsmic RAy CUbe • CORACU is a cosmic ray cube, made to demonstrate the online penetration of real muons produced by cosmic rays in the atmosphere. Property of Institute of Particle Physics, ETH ZuerichSchafmattstrasse 20, 8093 Zuerich. Contact: C.Grab, U.Roeser.
CORACU - Setup • CORACU stands for Cosmic Ray Cube. • The cube consists of 11 by 11 scintillator rods each equipped with an APD, i.e. there are 11 horizontal planes, each with 11 scintillator rods. • These are general purpose plastic scintillator type NE 102A, with the size: 100mm x 11mm x 11mm (length x width x height). • Per plane, 11 scintillators are mounted on a motherboard, and each of the APD's are connected to a pre-amplifier. • Each of the preamplifier outputs is then used as input for the trigger condition. If trigger conditions are met the preamps fire the corresponding LED at the front of the cube. • Note: in this setup, the LED's are fed by separate electronics, and are NOT directly attached to the scintillators; however they are only triggered if the corresponding scintillator was hit and the trigger condition was met. • To setup the apparatus: • 1) put detector box (larger) on top of the power supply • 2) connect power supply to detector box • 3) connect power supply to 220 V power outlet • 4) turn on power, and adjust the trigger setting (front panel knob)
CORACU im Schnitt Scintillator with APD mounted on face
Proton der Kosmischen Strahlung Kosmische Strahlung Tritt ein hochenergetisches Proton der kosmischen Strahlung in die obere Atmosphäre der Erde ein, erzeugt es eine Kaskade weiterer Teilchen . Einige Teilchen erreichen die Erdoberfläche und können mit geeigneten Detektoren erfasst werden. Obere Atmosphäre + Szintillator