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Dental Care of the Future: Part II

Explore the transmissible nature of periodontal pathogens, detection methods, and targeted treatments to combat infections. Learn about the link between oral pathogens in intimate family members and successful periodontal disease management.

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Dental Care of the Future: Part II

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Dental Care of the Future: Part II David J.Apsey, DDS www.futuredental.com 810-293-8750 Email: drdavid@futuredental.com

  2. Periodontal Pathogens Are Transmissible • Pathogens are transmissible • Detection of pathogens is possible • Treatment targeted to eliminate pathogens from dental plaque can cure infections

  3. The similarity of periodontal microorganisms between husband and wife cohabitants – association or transmission? Offenbacher S et al: J Periodontol 1985 56(6): 317-323

  4. Here is the typical group most likely to exchange oral pathogens

  5. Periodontal Disease Is an Infectious Disease - Successful Treatment Involves All Intimate Family Members.

  6. The Infectious Disease Model for Periodontal Disease • Portals of entry • Site of infection • Infectious dose

  7. Conditions Necessary for Infectious Diseases to Develop • Etiologic agents come from outside host • Sufficient numbers must be present “infectious dose” • Host must be susceptible

  8. Advanced periodontitis #19

  9. Periodontal treatment results

  10. Endodontic periodontal lesions

  11. Endodontic periodontal lesions

  12. Endodontic periodontal treatment

  13. Hopeless teeth??

  14. Successful endodontic periodontal treatment

  15. Acute periodontal abscess

  16. Successful infection control treatment

  17. Acute periodontal abscess


  19. Association of Periodontal Disease With Cardiovascular Disease Do Periodontal Infections Contribute to the Development of Cardiovascular Disease? David Apsey, DDS

  20. References

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