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Hector M. Córdova ● California State University, Los Angeles ● November 2, 2013

The Plumed Serpent and the Political Factions of Teotihuacan. Hector M. Córdova ● California State University, Los Angeles ● November 2, 2013. Teotihuacan. Pyramid of the Sun. Attributes of Teotihuacan’s Largest Temple 1. Child Dedicatory Sacrifices 2. Subterranean Water Systems

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Hector M. Córdova ● California State University, Los Angeles ● November 2, 2013

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  1. The Plumed Serpent and the Political Factions of Teotihuacan Hector M. Córdova● California State University, Los Angeles ● November 2, 2013

  2. Teotihuacan

  3. Pyramid of the Sun Attributes of Teotihuacan’s Largest Temple 1. Child Dedicatory Sacrifices 2. Subterranean Water Systems 3.Tlaloc is “Path under the Earth” 4.Replicates Primordial Landscape 5. Water Mountain, the archetypal altepetl

  4. 1: Child Dedicatory Sacrifices Modified from LeopoldoBatres (1906) Teotihuacan – MemoriaQuePresentaLeopoldoBatres. Imprenta de Fidencio S. Soria. Ciudad de Mexico

  5. 2: Subterranean Water Systems Modified from René Millon, 1981 Artificial water stream apparatus in cave below Temple of the Sun Tlachihualtépetl, Cholula with water deity symbol on top and water stream below

  6. 3: Tlalocis Path under the Earth Modified from René Millon, 1981 Entrance is left to right. Note the long and winding path of the cave, a literal translation of the word Tlaloc cave

  7. 4: Replicates Primordial Landscape5: Water Mountain, the altepetl The Teotihuacan Pyramid of the Sun embodies the Olmec concept of Primordial Landscape

  8. 4: Replicates Primordial Landscape5: Water Mountain, the altepetl Tenochtitlan Aztlan La Venta

  9. Pyramid of the Plumed Serpent Attributes of the Plumed Serpent 1. An Aspect of the Storm God 2. Operates under Auspices and Domain of the Storm God 3.Enforcer and Protector 4. Gatekeeper 5. Symbolic of Rulership 6. Endowed with Calendric Powers 7. Subordinate to the Storm God

  10. 1: Plumed Serpent – Aspect of Storm God Undulating serpent Lightning bolt Lightning bolt Codex Borbonicus Codex Vaticanus A Codex Ixtlilxóchitl

  11. 1: Plumed Serpent – Aspect of Storm God • Teotihuacan Storm God Holding alighting bolt in form of a weapon • Mural from Tetitla, Teotihuacan • Rain god effigy holding lightning bolt in right hand and copal bag on left hand • Ceramic from Tlaxcala, Mexico

  12. 2: Plumed Serpent – Operates under Auspices and Domain of Storm God Temple of the Plumed Serpent Tablud-tablero close up White seashells prominently used, indicate watery environ  Undulates among seashells 

  13. Obsidian Eccentrics:Lightning bolts morphed as serpents Teotihuacan - Temple of Plumed Serpent, Burial 4 • 3: Plumed Serpent – • Enforcer and Protector TravertineEccentrics: Lightning bolts morphed as serpents Tenochtitlan – Templo Mayor • Rain deity holding atlatl and lighting bolt in form of serpent Codex VaticanusB

  14. 4: Plumed Serpent – The Gatekeeper Entrance to theSacred Core of Teotihuacan

  15. 5: Plumed Serpent: Symbolic of Rulership Méxica Tlatoani Acamapichtli Plumed Serpent head on reed mat Plumed Serpent head on reed mat Codex Mendoza Ceramic vessel found at Zacuala, Teotihuacan Teotihuacan mural Images 2 & 3 modified from Karl Taube

  16. 6: Plumed Serpent Symbolic of Rulership Baton from Grave 13 pit, Teotihuacan; Plumed Serpent scepter from Cenoteof Sacrifice, Chichen Itzá, Yucatán; (c) Stela 26 with ruler grasping Plumed Serpent scepter (PiedrasNegras). Earliest known representation of the Plumed SerpentMonument 19, La Venta

  17. 7: Plumed Serpent: Calendric Powers • Temple of the Plumed Serpent with • E-Group Formation • Aligns with • Spring Equinox • Autumn Equinox • Summer Solstice • Winter Solstice

  18. Discussion

  19. Pyramid of the Plumed Serpent

  20. Pyramid of the Plumed Serpent • Devalued by Adosada • 4 of 7 Tiers Buried • Filler rises to cover the 4th tier • Pyramid is mostly buried • Visual impact vastly reduced • Power neutralized

  21. Pyramid of the Plumed Serpent Devalued by Adosada • Ritual at virtual eye level • Frontal impact destroyed • Reduces importance • Monumentality De-emphasized • Appearance more at par with other temples Original Adosada

  22. Pyramid of the Sun Enchanced by Adosada • Provides platform for ritual • Emphasizes Monumentality of Sun Pyramid • Vertical emphasis stresses a greater source of power • Restores importance

  23. Temple of the Sun Powers are Re-endowed • New Fire Ceremonies conducted on Adosada • Site of Investiture Rituals: Only a higher power can bestow such authority

  24. Cult of Plumed Serpent Suppressed At the West Plaza Complex Feline tenon heads replace Plumed Serpent Tenon heads Feline Head Plumed SerpentHead Plumed SerpentHead

  25. In the Post Classic My gratitudetoThe University of Houston & Organizers of this Conferenceas well asDr. John M.D. Pohl for reviewing this presentationDr. Manuel Aguilar-Moreno for his encouragement Tlaloc Quetzalcoatl This presentation will post on Monday, November 4th @ http://calstatela.academia.edu/HectorCordova

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