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Meeting Objectives. The objectives of tonight’s meeting are: To provide an overview of the Restore Rundberg project, its funding, its parameters, and its goals
Meeting Objectives The objectives of tonight’s meeting are: • To provide an overview of the Restore Rundberg project, its funding, its parameters, and its goals • To share updates of the City of Austin’s work to improve the quality of life, health, safety, education, and well-being of people living and working in the Rundberg neighborhood • To discuss the formation of the Restore Rundberg Revitalization Team • To discuss ways for everyone to be involved
Discussion Agreements Open-mindedness: Listen to and respect all points of view Acceptance: Suspend judgment as best you can Curiosity: Seek to understand rather than persuade Discovery: Question old assumptions, look for new insights Sincerity: Speak for yourself about what has personal heart and meaning Brevity: Go for honesty and depth but don’t go on and on
Agenda 6:00 – 6:05 Welcome, Review of Agenda and Discussion Agreements, and Introduction of City of Austin Personnel 6:05 – 6:30 Overview of Restore Rundberg Initiative, Revitalization Team, Application Process, and Progress to Date 6:30 – 6:40 Overview of University of Texas Research Project and Progress to Date 6:40 – 6:55 Introduction of the six Rundberg Revitalization Team members 6:55 – 7:05 Community Questions 7:05 – 7:10 Updates on Community Engagement Process and Next Steps 7:10 – 7:30 Meet and Greet with City of Austin Personnel and Restore Rundberg Revitalization Team
Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative The Obama Administration established the Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative (NRI) as a place-based strategy to combine resources from different federal agencies to assists local communities experiencing distress to come together with interconnected strategies. The primary federal agencies involved include: • White House Domestic Policy Council (DPC), • White House Office of Urban Affairs (WHOUA), • Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), • Department of Education (ED), • Department of Justice (DOJ), • Health and Human Services (HHS) and • Treasury
Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative The Obama Administration’s strategy includes efforts to build innovative solutions at the grass roots level. The main strategy is to empower local community members in their efforts to make positive changes for their community. Part of the strategy is to break down bureaucratic red tape between government agencies, to prioritize public-private relationships to further the desired objectives, and create programs that are effective and sustainable. The Neighborhood Revitalization Initiative consists of three main centerpiece programs: • Promise Neighborhoods • Focuses on educational opportunities to revitalize underserved neighborhoods • Choice Neighborhoods • Revitalizes distressed housing to drive neighborhood transformation • Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation • Community-oriented strategies to address violent crime
December 18, 2012 The December 2012 Community Input meeting was attended by 45 community members in addition to relevant City of Austin staff, including APD. Attendees were able to provide open comment on any issue that the Rundberg area is facing, and staff identified 5 main problems: • Drugs & Drug Dealing • Burglary & Theft (Including homes, schools, cars and businesses) • Prostitution & Sex Trafficking • Problem properties & code violations • Miscellaneous (gangs, violent crime, law in motels, language and communication barriers, homelessness, public indecency, etc.)
December 18, 2012 Of the 91 suggestions for solutions to these 5 problems, staff determined: • 24 of the suggestions had to do with improving communication either within the community or between the community and COA Staff/APD/Community Organizations • 57 of the suggestions had to do with Community Association and/or school involvement • 13 of the suggestions involved creating or utilizing after school activities • 40 of the suggestions involved area businesses’ help • 41 of the suggestions needed help from APD, and • 32 of the suggestions involved the help of other government organizations (county, state, federal government)
Restore Rundberg is partnership between the community, government, researchers, and stakeholder groups. The mission of Restore Rundberg is to improve the quality of life, health, safety, education, and well being of individuals living and working in the Rundberg Neighborhood. The overall goal is to work together on interconnected problems by leveraging available resources on a federal, state, and local level, empowering the community to create a neighborhood of opportunity for the Restore Rundberg area.In the coming months and years, Restore Rundberg will address social impacts and criminal activity, and ensure the long-term planning and implementation of revitalization strategies.
Restore Rundberg Geographic Areas Community Development & Engagement, Revitalization Projects and Research Components (3 outlined areas) APD grant-related law enforcement activity (light and hot pink shaded areas)
Neighborhood Planning Neighborhood planning allows us take a proactive role in the planning process and decide how neighborhoods will move into the future while addressing land use, zoning, transportation and urban design issues. Neighborhood plans and contact team information is available at: www.austintexas.gov/department/neighborhood-planning The Restore Rundberg community development/engagement, revitalization, and research boundaries encompass three council-adopted neighborhood planning areas, presenting a unique opportunity for the community to collectively act on the plans through the Rundberg Revitalization Team and project-specific workgroups.
Neighborhood Plan Contact Teams Each of the three Rundberg neighborhood plans has a contact team. A contact team is a group of individuals designated to be the stewards or advocates of their adopted neighborhood plan. They work with city staff towards the implementation of the plan recommendations, review and initiate plan amendments, serve as community points of contact, and work on behalf of other neighborhood stakeholders. The next three slides include links to the 3 adopted plans and Contact Team Information. Please feel free to reach out to the Contact Team leaders directly for additional information and to discuss planning efforts within the designated areas.
North Austin Civic Association (NACA) Neighborhood Plan, Adopted 2000 Contact Team Information: http://www.ci.austin.tx.us/neighbor/assocdetail.cfm?tblAssociationName__PlanningId=1081 North Austin Civic Association Neighborhood Plan: ftp://ftp.ci.austin.tx.us/npzd/Austingo/naca-np.pdf
North Lamar Combined Neighborhood Plan, Adopted 2010 Contact Team Information: http://www.ci.austin.tx.us/neighbor/assocdetail.cfm?tblAssociationName__PlanningId=1290 North Lamar Combined Neighborhood Plan: ftp://ftp.ci.austin.tx.us/npzd/Austingo/nlamar-combined-np.pdf
Heritage Hills/Windsor Hills Combined Neighborhood Plan, Adopted 2011 Contact Team Information: http://www.ci.austin.tx.us/neighbor/assocdetail.cfm?tblAssociationName__PlanningId=1319 Heritage Hills/Windsor Hills Combined Neighborhood Plan: ftp://ftp.ci.austin.tx.us/npzd/Austingo/hhwh-np.pdf
Community Action The community will collectively act on the neighborhood plans through the Rundberg Revitalization Team. Once complete, the Rundberg Revitalization Team will be comprised of community leaders who represent the ideas and interests of those living and working in the Rundberg Neighborhood. The Austin Police Department selected Rundberg Revitalization Team members for Places 1, 5, 7, 9, 11 and 12 based on their expertise and current level of involvement within the local community. We are asking for your help with filling Places 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 13. Applications for membership are available online at www.austintexas.gov/department/restore-rundberg. If you do not have internet access, please call (512) 974-8199 with your request for a mailed application.
Rundberg Revitalization Team Activities Develop a resource and asset inventory for the 3-plan area Identify short and long term outcome measures, tying each to neighborhood plan objectives Use identified outcomes to define projects for the Restore Rundberg Development & Sustainability Workgroup Volunteer to assist and act in an advisory capacity for Development & Sustainability Workgroup activities
Restore Rundberg Development & Sustainability Workgroup The Development & Sustainability Workgroup will help bring new funds and resources into the 3-plan area. Workgroup will be comprised of members and affiliates of the Rundberg Revitalization Team, community members, stakeholder groups, and subject matter experts – all with varying levels of responsibility.
Community Input • The City of Austin, APD and the University of Texas are committed to providing as many opportunities for feedback as possible. The following are currently on going and tentatively planned public input opportunities: • SpeakUpAustin Restore Rundberg Idea Forum speakupaustin.org/forums • Frequent Public MeetingsDates TBA • Door-To-Door Neighborhood Survey Conducted by the University of Texas • Email and Contact information for the Restore Rundberg Initiative:www.austintexas.gov/restorerundberg
Funded and Resourced Projects Impacting the 3-Plan Area The Restore Rundberg Development & Sustainability Workgroup will track and provide assistance (when requested) with all active projects within the target area. One such project is: • City of Austin Police Department Byrne Criminal Justice Innovation Grant
Restore Rundberg Criminal Justice Grant The City of Austin received a $1,000,000 grant from the Department of Justice Bureau of Justice Assistance for a criminal justice program within the shaded areas of the Restore Rundberg Neighborhood Boundaries. The goals of the grant are to improve public safety; to address social impacts; and, to ensure the long-term planning and implementation of revitalization strategies within the Rundberg neighborhood.
Criminal Justice Grant Project Management Assistant Chief Steve Deaton, Executive Oversight Commander Donald Baker, Program Manager Lieutenant Allen McClure, Law Enforcement Liaison Kyran FitzGerald, Grants Coordinator Aphra Delgado, Finance Manager
Criminal Justice Grant Planning BudgetJanuary – December 2013 Budget total: $150,000 • Enforcement funds, $58,122 • Research & Evaluation, $81,624 • Child Care, $254 • Travel, $1,574 • Equipment, $8,000
Criminal Justice Grant Implementation BudgetJanuary 1, 2014 – December 31, 2015 Budget total: $850,000 • Research & Evaluation, $236,306 • Enforcement funds, $403,694 • Social service contracts, $210,000
Connections between the Rundberg Revitalization Team and the Criminal Justice Grant Program Commander Donald Baker will serve on the Rundberg Revitalization Team Lieutenant Allen McClure will present law enforcement reports at Team meetings The University of Texas will present research reports at Team meetings Kyran FitzGerald will coordinate the Restore Rundberg Development and Sustainability Workgroup through 2015
Criminal Justice GrantEnforcement Update Since February, APD has conducted six federally grant-funded enforcement initiatives focusing on both violent and property crimes (including narcotics, prostitution and gang related offenses). Officers worked approximately 540 hours of overtime resulting in: • 81 Felony/Misdemeanor Arrests • 93 Field Observations (suspicious individuals detained) • 45 Hazardous Citations • 59 Non-Hazardous Citations In addition to grant-funded activities, officers completed one vehicle abatement/yard parking initiative on regular duty, with the following results: • 70 Citations for illegally parked vehicles • 25 Vehicles tagged for being abandoned or junked • 1 vehicle towed
Criminal Justice GrantEnforcement Update As a part of community engagement and outreach, the Region II District Representatives (DR’s) have been mentoring students at Dobie Middle, Walnut Creek Elementary and Lanier High Schools during the 2012-2013 school year. The Region II District Representative Officers are holding Rundberg community meetings every Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. at the YMCA, 1000 West Rundberg Lane. The meetings last approximately an hour and discussion focuses on criminal activity and revitalization efforts. The DR officers are in the process of establishing work teams for activities including neighborhood clean ups, neighborhood watch, apartment residents on watch, and improving relationships between residents and area business owners. Please consider attending these meetings and bringing your family, friends, and neighbors. The project is in need of Spanish-speaking volunteers for translation and interpretation. If you have any questions about this APD District Representative initiative or would like to volunteer, please contact Officer Kianes at Rafael.Kianes@austintexas.gov or Officer White at Taber.White@austintexas.gov.
Criminal Justice GrantResearch Update University of Texas Professor David Kirk and Professor Michael Lauderdale
Goals of the Byrne Criminal Justice Program (BCJI) Build “the capacity of the community to deter future crime by addressing three of the social impacts most likely to impact crime: physical disorder; social economic status and resources; and the ‘collective efficacy’ of the neighborhood.” Collective efficacy is defined as cohesion and trust among members of a community and their willingness to intervene to control crime and maintain public order.
Rundberg Revitalization Team Place 1: City of Austin Neighborhood Planning Rep Margaret Valenti Place 2: Heritage Hills/Windsor Hills Combined Contact Team Area Rep Place 3: North Lamar Combined Contact Team Area Rep Place 4: North Austin Civic Association Contact Team Area Rep Place 5: Education Rep (elementary, middle and high school levels) Ann Teich Place 6: Education Rep (higher education) Place 7: Hispanic Leadership Rep Stefan Molina Place 8: Immigrant Community Rep Place 9: Faith-Based Community Rep Pastor Rick Randall Place 10: Affordable Housing/Homelessness Prevention Rep Place 11: Public Safety Rep Commander Donald Baker Place 12: Economic Development Rep Cary Roberts Place 13: Community Health Rep
Moving Forward • Membership applications complete by July 31, 2013 • In early August, the 6-member Rundberg Revitalization Team will review each application and select a member for each open position • Term limits for the positions will be staggered • Members will receive training appropriate to their position on the Team • Tuesday, August 13, 2013, 6 - 7:30 p.m. (1st Meeting) • Wednesday, September 11,2013, 6 - 7:30 p.m. (2nd Meeting)