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Chapter 6 “PROTEST And Revolution ” Copy the following vocabulary terms on your own paper to add to your notes. Title them Chapter 6 “PROTEST & Revolution.”. Vocabulary
Chapter 6 “PROTEST And Revolution” Copy the following vocabulary terms on your own paper to add to your notes. Title them Chapter 6 “PROTEST & Revolution.” • Vocabulary • Allegiance – devotion or loyalty to a person, group, or cause • Declaration of Independence – statement of Freedom! Signed July 4, 1776 • Heritage – the traditions passed down from generation to generation • Intolerable – unbearable, excessive • Legislature – a group of people chosen to make laws • Loyalists – colonists who remained “loyal” to Great Britain after the French & Indian War • Minutemen – a group of men ready to take arms at a “minute’s” notice before an during the Revolutionary War • Natural rights – rights that people are born with and that no government can take away, such as the rights of life, liberty, and property • Orator – one who is distinguished for their skill as a public speaker • Patriots – one who loves his/her country and supports its interest (the land that would become the United States) sons and daughters of Liberty • Petition – a formal written request made to an official person or organized body • Repeal – to resend or annul/ take back • Separation of powers – dividing government power between legislative, executive, and judicial branches • Taxation without representation – the act of imposing laws or taxes on a group without them having the opportunity to voice their opinion or concerns • Tyranny – abuse of power
Chapter 6 “PROTEST And Revolution” Quiz • Orator repeal tyranny heritage petition allegiance intolerable Loyalists Patriots legislature • A formal written request • Devotion or loyalty to a person, group, or cause • Traditions passed down through generations • Also called themselves “Sons and Daughters of Liberty” • Abuse of power • A group of lawmakers • To resend or take back • A public speaker • Unbearable • Those true to Great Britain
Boston Massacre March 5, 1770 Boston Tea Party December 16, 1773 First Continental Congress September 5, 1774 “Shot Heard ‘Round the World” April 19, 1775 Second Continental Congress May 10, 1775 George Washington commands Continental Army June 15, 1775 Battle of Bunker Hill in Boston June 17, 1775 Thomas Paine’s “Common Sense” January 9, 1776 Declaration of Independence July 4, 1776 Betsy Ross National Flag June 14, 1777 Battle of Saratoga October 7, 1777 Siege of Yorktown October 1781 http://jpetrie.myweb.uga.edu/poor_richard.html
Chapter 6 “PROTEST And Revolution” British Colonists 1. ______________________ Response “No Taxation Without Representation!” and the 2. ____________ of goods. 3. MORE ________________ even on __________!! Angry colonists! 4. ______________________ March 5, 1770 5. ____________________ December 16, 1773 6. _______________ ________________ ________________ 7. ____________________ September 5, 1774 Petition- Please? 8. ______________ ________________ ________________ ________________ 9. ____________________ April 19, 1775 – which led to Second Continental Congress where 10. _______________ was appointed to lead the Continental Army. Battle of Bunker Hill June 17, 1775 • _____________ _________________ July 4, 1776 • Battle of Saratoga /October 7,1777 12. ____________________ __________ October 17 – 19, 1781 One thing leads … … to another!
Chapter 6 “PROTEST And Revolution” Page 2 II. Match each person to one of the reasons they are remembered. ______ 1. Thomas Jefferson ______ 2 Thomas Paine ______ 3. Patrick Henry ______ 4. Paul Revere ______ 5. John Hancock ______ 6. George Washington ______ 7. John Adams ______ 8. Benjamin Franklin • Author of “Common Sense” pamphlet • “Give me liberty or give me death!” • First signer of the Declaration of Independence • Wrote 1st draft of Declaration of Independence • 1st Postmaster General of the United States • Rode through the night to warn of the British • Amended Declaration of Independence • General of Continental Army • Answer the following: • 9. Where was the “Shot Heard Round the World?” ________________________ • 10. List as many names as you can to refer to the British? ____________________ _________________________________________________________________ • 11. List as many names as you can to refer to the Patriots. ____________________ _________________________________________________________________ • 12. Who was the first person killed to begin the Revolutionary War? ____________ • SPLIT PROVERBS • Benjamin Franklin began printing Poor Richard’s Almanac in 1733. This little book contained many clever sayings that offered good advice for successful living. Many of there are quoted today. Complete the missing part of the saying with the phrases from the box. • He that lieth down with dogs ________________________________________ • A penny saved is _________________________________________________ • Whatever is begun in anger _________________________________________ • An ounce of prevention is worth _____________________________________ • Early to bed and early to rise, makes a man ______________________________ • Where liberty dwells, ______________________________________________ • Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain - __________________________ • A bird in the hand is worth ___________________________________________ most fools do a pound of cure Shall rise up with fleas Healthy, wealthy, and wise two in the bush there is my country A penny earned ends in shame
Revolutionary Timeline Decoding Decode the famous quote using your knowledge of when events related to the Revolutionary War took place. Use the timeline in the box and your handout and class handouts to complete the phrase. Take a guess who said it. Revolutionary Timeline Decoding Decode the famous quote using your knowledge of when events related to the Revolutionary War took place. Use the timeline in the box and your handout and class handouts to complete the phrase. Take a guess who said it.
Chapter 6 “PROTEST And Revolution” TEST I. Match the vocabulary word to its correct definition. Intolerable Tyranny Repeal Petition allegiance Devotion or loyalty to a person, group, or cause To take back A formal written request Abuse of power Not capable of enduring II. Match each person with one of his accomplishments. Published Common Sense b. Wrote Declaration of Independence c. Poor Richard’s Almanac d. 1st General of Continental Army e. 1st to sign Declaration of Independence 6. Benjamin Franklin 7. Thomas Paine 8. Thomas Jefferson 9. John Hancock 10. George Washington III. Match each event to its date in history. April 19, 1775 July 4, 1776 April, 1783 December 16, 1773 March 5, 1770 11. The Boston Massacre 12. The signing of the Declaration of Independence 13. Boston Tea Party 14. The Treat of Paris 15. Battle of Lexington & Concord IV. Choose the word that does NOT belong with each group. 16. a. Patriots b. Sons of Liberty c. British d. colonists 17. a. Loyalists b. traitor c. allegiance d. alliance/ ally 18. a. tyranny b. natural rights c. liberty d. independence 19. a. cultural b. legislative c. executive d. judicial 20. a. heritage b. tradition c. customs d. fashionable
V. Multiple Choice 21. Who was the king of England that imposed so many of the taxes on the colonies? a. King Charles b. King Henry VIII c. King George III d. King John 22. Who warned the colonists of the first attack of the British troops? a. George Washington b. Patrick Henry c. John Adams d. Paul Revere 23. What war occurred before the Revolutionary War that gave England great debt? a. War of 1812 b. World War I c. World War II d. French & Indian War 24. Which British general surrendered to Washington at Yorktown? a. von Steuben b. Smith c. Cornwallis d. Gates 25. What other two countries came to the aid of America after the Battle of Saratoga? a. France & Italy b. Italy & Portugal c. France & Spain d. Italy & Germany 26. What disease plagued many men at Valley Forge? a. measles b. malaria c. bubonic plague d. smallpox 27. Who was the first person killed before any battle actually began? a. Nathan Hale b. Benedict Arnold c. Crispus Attucks d. Aaron Burr 28. At what battle was the “Shot Heard ‘Round the World?” a. Saratoga b. Yorktown c. Lexington & Concord d. Bunker Hill 29. What does it mean to abstain from buying certain goods or services? a. repeal b. petition c. taxation d. boycott 30. What treaty ended the Revolutionary War? a. Treaty of Versailles b. Treaty of Trent c. Treaty of Paris d. Tea Treaty