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Louisiana Technical College Student Career Portfolio

Louisiana Technical College Student Career Portfolio. “Ready to Work” Student Power Point. LTC Student Career Portfolio. A printed and electronic record of a student’s skills and achievements, accumulated during enrollment.

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Louisiana Technical College Student Career Portfolio

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  1. Louisiana Technical CollegeStudent Career Portfolio “Ready to Work” Student Power Point

  2. LTC Student Career Portfolio • A printed and electronic record of a student’s skills and achievements, accumulated during enrollment. • Required for Technical Diploma and Associate of Applied Science students • Recommended for all other students

  3. Benefits to the Student • Documents value to employers • Encourages completion of career goals • Encourages good citizenship through school and community service • Increases student engagement in the campus learning community • Documents prior learning for possible college credit at other institutions • Provides evidence of skills and projects for future start-up of a business

  4. Portfolio Components • Education/Technical Skills- showcase your academic and technical skills, certificates, etc. • Leadership/Teamwork Skills – showcase how you can work as a member of a team and your leadership abilities. • Work Experience – showcase actual paid or unpaid job experience.

  5. Education/Technical Skills • High school diploma/GED • Industry Based Certifications (IBCs) • Work Keys and other assessment reports • Louisiana Work Ready Certificate • Examples of projects and work samples • LTC transcript and certificate/diploma/degree

  6. Leadership/Teamwork Skills • Student organizations (membership/officer) • Student Government Association (SGA) • Phi Beta Lambda (PBL) – business student organization • Skills USA – technical student organization • Program specific organizations • School and community service • Honors and Awards • Other

  7. Work Experience • Record of job shadowing/volunteer work • Internships/cooperative work experience • Part-time employment • Full-time employment • Personal resume and references • Other

  8. Process • Process will begin in the ORNT 1000 class • Upon completion of the ORNT 1000 class, the portfolio planner will be housed with your faculty adviser • You will work with your program adviser and organization sponsor to add exhibits to the portfolio each semester of enrollment • As a requirement of JOBS 2450 (either 3rd or 4th semester of enrollment), you will transfer exhibits and documentation to your presentation portfolio and learn when and how to utilize the portfolio

  9. For Future Development • Electronic Portfolio • An electronic copy of the contents of the planning and presentation portfolios will be accumulated during enrollment • Upon graduation, you will receive an electronic portfolio copy • The electronic portfolio can be revised or updated to add career experiences throughout life

  10. Responsibilities • Student • Accumulates existing documentation for portfolio planner • Develops plan to acquire documentation that supports activities while enrolled at LTC • Completes presentation portfolio during enrollment in JOBS 2450 • Faculty • Assist students in accumulating and documenting skills and achievements each semester • Advisor • Houses the portfolio in a secure, accessible space

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