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H Final State 3rd LHC Higgs Cross section Workshop Bari, Nov. 4-5 2010 Susan GASCON-SHOTKIN (IPN Lyon/UCB Lyon 1), Marumi KADO (LAL). Planned activities and topics to be studied, status List of LO/NLO Monte Carlos used Wish List for theorists
H Final State 3rd LHC Higgs Cross section Workshop Bari, Nov. 4-5 2010 Susan GASCON-SHOTKIN (IPN Lyon/UCB Lyon 1), Marumi KADO (LAL) Planned activities and topics to be studied, status List of LO/NLO Monte Carlos used Wish List for theorists Status of the common selection cuts among ATLAS and CMS
Planned activities and topics to be studied • Differential K-factors : Detailed studies in progress for both signal and gg backgrounds. The principal topic as regards the Higgs signal. • Compute the interference between signal and background : Existing work by L. Dixon et al on destructive resonance-continuum interference (hep-ph/0302233) • Background determination methods (data-driven, non-data-driven): • Non-data-driven: Reweight LO(+)/NLO hadronised backgrounds with NLO/NNLO • partonic-level generators using differential k-factors (above). • Data-driven: Measure background from sidebands. Measurements to be validated by • direct photon cross-section measurements. Definition of sidebands: A potential topic • for an ATLAS-CMS agreement • Pseudo-isolation : A criterion which affects background measurements : A potential topic for an • ATLAS-CMS agreement • Joint discussion on systematic error calculations, for signal (differential k-factors) and • Background (sideband definition) • Determine theoretical precisions that we need to have in the control regions and in the signal region
List of LO/NLO Monte Carlos used so far or shortly to be used LO (+) : Signal and Background: PYTHIA (Sjostrand et al), MadGraph (Stelzer, Maltoni et al) [no box diag.], ALPGEN (Mangano et al), [ “ ] SHERPA (Gleisberg, Hoche, Krauss et al.) [“ ] >LO: NLO: Signal: Generators: MC@NLO (Frixione, Webber et al) [gluon fusion only], POWHEG (Nason et al) Backgrounds: gg + X: Calulators: DIPHOX (Binoth, Guillet, Pilon et al ) (Fixed-Order) gamma2MC (Bern, Dixon, Schmidt) (Fixed-Order) ResBos (Balazs, Nadolsky, Yuan) (Resummation) g + X: Calculators: JETPHOX (Aurenche, Fontannaz,Guillet et al) (Fixed-Order) NNLO: Signal: Calculators: HNNLO (Catani, Grazzini) [gluon fusion only] FEHIP (Anastasiou, Melnikov, Petriello) [gluon fusion only] Backgrounds: gamma2MC(Bern,Dixon,Schmidt) [gg box] ResBos (Balazs, Nadolsky, Yuan) [gg box]
Generators/calculators of SM +X processes BOX BORN ONE FRAG TWO FRAG DIRECT FRAGMENTATION Currently DIPHOX contains the most complete treatment of fragmentation
Generators/calculators of SM +X processes gamma2MC, NLO Bern, Dixon, Schmidt, hep-ph/0211216, 2002 RESBOS Balazs, Berger, Mrenna, Yuan, hep-ph/9712471, 1997 DIPHOX Binoth, Guillet, Pilon, Werlen, hep-ph/9911340, 2000 FIXED ORDER : NLO NLO with NNLL Resummation FIXED ORDER : NLO BORN + FRAG (and NLO corrections) BOX (and NLO corrections) Resbos only 1-frag : - LO, effectively in Resbos - NLO in Diphox 2-frag : DIPHOX only (NLO)
SHERPA Version 1.2.2 now includes matching between Matrix Element and Parton shower photons, to be validated by direct photon measurements (Gleisberg, Hoche, Krauss, Schonherr, Schumann, Siegert , Winter, JHEP 02 (2009) 007 , Phys.Rev.D81:034026,2010) Diphoton production at Tevatron Recently published by D Phys.Lett.B690:108-117,2010 Isolated hard photons with: E1> 21 GeV E2> 20 GeV |eta |< 0.9 Isolation: Et(R = 0.4) –E < 2.5 GeV Here: Azimuthal angle between the diphoton pair ME/PS simulation using Sherpa 1.2.2 with QCD+QED interleaved shower and merging
Pseudo-isolation What are the particle- and partonic-level isolations corresponding to reconstructed-level isolation? Stability of k-factors as a function of pseudo-isolation Compatibility of theoretical pseudo-isolation and experimental isolation constraints from a theoretical point of view. New DIPHOX version has discretized version of isolation cone proposed by S. Frixione to avoid problem of Large Logs when Rexp 0 and ET max 0
Diphoton cross-sections at different luminosities Diphox [J.P. Guillet, E. Pilon, T. Binoth] Gamma2MC [Z. Bern, L. Dixon, and C. Schmidt] - For all the cross sections, pt_gamma > 5 GeV is required - Born, one frag and two frag contributions at LO and NLO are calculated with DIPHOX - Box contributions are calculated with GAMMA2MC at LO and NLO, except at Ecom = 900 GeV, where it is calculated with Diphox (only at LO, because Diphox does not compute Box contribution at NLO
Doubly-differential Reweighting of gg + x and gg H gg Inspired by Dissertori et al, JHEP0607:037,2006. Done for Hgg signal and gg SM backgrounds (for the first time) in CMS: See mini-talk by N. Chanon qT Mgg qT Reweighting of MC@NLO gg H γγ with K(qT ,Ygg) to HNNLO Simultaneous reweighting of Madgraph Born and PYTHIA Box gg H γγ with K(qT , Mgg) to DIPHOX and gamma2MC
Signal-Background interference L. Dixon and S. Siu, hep-ph/0302233 Destructive interference between resonance ggHgg and continuum gggg processes Effect estimated to be ~5% over the pertinent mH range
Wish List for theorists • 1.- A robust procedure for the estimation of systematic errors on differential • cross-section predictions (in particular on qT) • 2.- A procedure for the estimation of error on fragmentation • 3.- Is an NLO version of SHERPA on the horizon? Can we use SHERPA as it is • with a simple k-factor? • 4.- Definition of parton-level pseudo-isolation cuts and the best scales to use
Status of the common selection cuts between ATLAS and CMS For the moment we have established common base acceptance cuts without isolation: |hg| <2.5 Etg > 20 GeV We may add isolation later. Less relevant for signal than for background
Acknowledgements N. Chanon, Z. Bern, L. Dixon, C. Schmidt, J-Ph. Guillet, E. Pilon, M. Grazzini, F. Krauss, F. Siegert, G. Dissertori, F. Stoeckli, C. Mariotti, A. Korytov, V. Sharma, M. Gataullin, M. Pieri, J. Branson, S. Ganjour The organizers (N. DeFillippis, C. Mariotti and local organisers) and convenors (C. Mariotti, R. Tanaka, S. Dittmaier, G. Passarino, M. Felcini, J. Yu)