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The need for an information platform on ecosystem assessment in Europe

The need for an information platform on ecosystem assessment in Europe. EEA 2010 Survey (targeting 38 countries, feedback from 22):

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The need for an information platform on ecosystem assessment in Europe

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  1. The need for an information platform on ecosystem assessment in Europe • EEA 2010 Survey (targeting 38 countries, feedback from 22): • http://biodiversity.europa.eu/ecosystem-assessments/events-1/eureca-meetings/workshop-ecosystem-assessments-europe-12-13-october-2010/documents/final-report.doc • Variety of approaches, local contexts • Different understandings of the concepts, different categorising of ecosystem services • Ecosystem assessments are often undertaken in isolation, with sectoral approaches, limited sharing of experiences • Absence of clearly defined policy goals • Civil society and private stakeholders are largely absent,& implementing agencies largely confined to academic institutions

  2. BISE platform on Ecosystem assessmentshttp://biodiversity.europa.eu/ecosystem-assessments Case-studies & Events Concepts and approaches Portugal Process & Governance UK Spain Conceptual framework Belgium Czech Republic Status of ecosystems & ecosystem services France Germany, Norway… Valuation European: MAES Scenarios Global: MA, TEEB, IPBES, CBD, … Country survey on ecosystem-based management Policies

  3. Example of country case study

  4. Information on “MAES” European initiative

  5. The need for a virtual library • The information on the platform: not up-to-date, far from sufficient • A virtual library is needed to provide a more comprehensive and indexed collection of documents • Populated by multiple experts • Collect key documents with mandatory information on their content • Tools will be available for • Uploading documents with mandatory information • Searching for documents (based on the information provided)

  6. A questionnaire on the scope of the virtual library • Your needs • Issues: mapping, valuation, scenarios, policy analyses…? • Geographic area: national, local, regional, global? • Medium: reports, events, tools, presentations? • Type: assessment, research, policy? • Your contributions? • Online: http://projects.eionet.europa.eu/ecosystem-assessments-virtual-library/library/survey

  7. Emphasise the importance of ecosystem services for the economy and human well-being & call for new policy tools and instruments “to deliver smart, sustainable and inclusive growth” EU Biodiversity strategy to 2020 RE flagship initiative Call for examination of all existing environment related targets and their interrelations to build more coherence in future actions roadmap to a resource efficient Europe, recent Parliament report on 6th EAP recent initiative by Directors of Nature and water Policy developments

  8. Ecosystem-based management • The management of human activities for a sustainable development that does not jeopardize essential ecosystem functions and services An integrated approach Focus approach Single species Single issue Single activity Short term perspective Local scale Ecology Sociology Economy Long term perspective Across spatial scales

  9. Envisaged outcomes • Detailed ‘country profiles’ available on the EEA website • An analytical report “Resource efficiency in Europe” (Oct 2011) reflecting on trends, similarities and differences in policy responses

  10. EBM is not a new concept… Objectives of the survey: Capture and disseminate country experiences Expand the knowledge base on ecosystems and their services in Europe, by providing up-to-date policy information on national approaches, strategies, targets and instruments Provide inputs to support the policy processes at national, EU and international level Why a country survey on Ecosystem-based management?http://projects.eionet.europa.eu/survey-ecosystem-based-management-2012/

  11. Sectors • Agriculture • Forestry • Fisheries • Energy • Industry • Transport • Construction & • Housing Tourism… • Environmental policies • Nature, • Water, • Marine... • Cross-cutting issues • Spatial planning • Climate change • Resource efficiency • Risks and disasters • Human health...

  12. Country coordinators for 26 countries: 23 EEA member countries 3 EEA collaborating countries Answers expected in early december More information on the survey:http://projects.eionet.europa.eu/survey-ecosystem-based-management-2012/

  13. Matrix approach to streamline information

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