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Introducing the TDS6000C. Best Real-time Oscilloscope. Agenda. Industry, Applications, Measurements Are there common requirements for your applications? Introducing the New TDS6000C Series DSOs What is the technology behind these products. Customer Needs – Increasing signal speeds.
Introducing the TDS6000C Best Real-time Oscilloscope Tektronix Confidential
Agenda • Industry, Applications, Measurements • Are there common requirements for your applications? • Introducing the New TDS6000C Series DSOs • What is the technology behind these products Tektronix Confidential
Customer Needs – Increasing signal speeds • Next generation serial data standards 100.0 OC768 CEI Short 10 GbE 10 GbE Gbps CEI Reach Long reach OC192 OC192 XFI XFI 10.0 - SXI, TFI SXI, TFI 4G FibreChannel h XAUI XAUI OC48 OC48 Rapid IO Rapid IO SATA III (6 Gb) InfiniBand InfiniBand 2G FibreChannel 2G FibreChannel PCI Express II (5Gb) SATA II SATA II (3 Gb) (3 Physical Signaling Rambus Rambus 1.0 800 800 Mhz Mhz RSL RSL HyperTransport HyperTransport PCI Express PCI Express 1394b 1394b OC12/ST3 OC12/ST3 OC12/ST3 1394b (400 1394b (400 1394b (400 SATA II SATA II Optical Mbps) Mbps) Mbps) (1.5Gb) (1.5Gb) GbE (1000 ) Electrical BaseT 100 100 0.1 BaseT BaseT 0.01 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 2006 2008 • Testing and signal integrity challenges are growing as chips and boards increase in operating speeds and densities Tektronix Confidential
CLK >0ns >7ns • 300 bits in same interval • Recover spread spectrum clock embedded in data • Sort transition, non-transition bits for mask test • Jitter <30 ps Input valid Input • Verify clean transitions • Measure setup and hold times Customer Needs - Increasing Complexity • Compare PCI, PCI Express activity over the same time interval . . . • Traditional voltage vs. time display is insufficient for insight into signaling activity Tektronix Confidential
Business Challenges from Serial Data Implementation USB 2.0 • Myriad of standards organizations and working groups to track • Requires time and expertise • End user products often contain multiple new standards • Integration and testing are of paramount importance • Design and debug efficiency are critical to meet Time to Market pressures • Never before has technology of this magnitude flowed so rapidly into consumer level products 10/100/1000 Ethernet Serial ATA PCI Express (16x) FBDIMM Tektronix Confidential
And Fastest Introducing the12GHzTDS6124C Introducing the record breaking15GHzTDS6154C Introducing theTDS6000C DSO Series • Fast Uncompromised Performance for Demanding Applications Tektronix Confidential
40 64 GS/s on 2ch20GS/s all 4 ch M RL on 2ch32M RL all 4 ch 15 GHz BW Selectable DSP Addressing Customer Needs for High Speed Serial Data Design, Debug and Compliance • World’s best performing oscilloscope and probing solution • A superior solution in every way • Leverages highest performing SiGe from IBM • Uncompromised performance for fast serial data standards • Nearly 90% faster than previous generation and 15% faster than any other oscilloscope • Pinpoint™ Trigger System with 3.125 Gb/s serial pattern, protocol trigger and data decode • Serial data/jitter analysis for next generation standards • Differential Probing with fast rise-time, high bandwidth and best signal fidelity Tektronix Confidential
An Entirely New Front-End, SiGe at Heart • Partner with IBM, world leading technology company • Most advanced production qualified SiGe capabilities • Optimized for high-data rate and high frequency response • 0.18-micron BiCMOS SiGe technology (3rd generation) • High-performance SiGe combined with CMOS • Higher level of integration improving overall signal integrity • New Pre-Amp • High bandwidth • Improved signal integrity • New Track-and-Hold • Achieving 40 GS/s • Time base stability • ADC Interleaving • Flexible architecture • Longer effective record length Tektronix Confidential
Best of Analog, Best of Digital15 GHz Bandwidth with User Selectable DSP • Highest bandwidth at 15 GHz with DSP • True analog bandwidth 12 GHz • Guarantee both analog (12 GHz) and DSP (15 GHz) • Benefits of DSP enhancement • Extended bandwidth and faster rise-time (15 GHz) • More accurate measurements with calibrated magnitude and phase response (12 GHz & 15 GHz) • Matched channels: channel-channel, unit-unit (12 GHz & 15 GHz) • User selectable • Independent On/Off control on each channel Tektronix Confidential
Acquisition Capability • Capture necessary long PRBS patterns: 223-1 requires ~1.4ms @ 6 Gb/s • Analyze spread spectrum clock (SSC) modulation • Get the time resolution for low frequency noise measurements • Need simultaneous long record length and high sample rate at 40GS/s Required Time Window Tektronix Confidential
Why is Jitter Noise Floor important? • JNF establishes the lower limit of jitter measurements you can make using the oscilloscope. • Includes effects of noise, aperture uncertainty, time base stability, and interleaving error. • High Performance Real Time oscilloscopes have software that extracts the clock from serial data post-capture • JIT3v2, RT-Eye™v2 • Time Interval Error (T.I.E.) measures the timing of all edges captured in the memory. • How is JNF measured on a real signal? A very stable clock is acquired. The T.I.E of all edges is measured. The standard deviation of this TIE is the JNF, the lower limit of jitter measurements on this scope. • Like any real measurement, the characteristics of the device measured effect the results. • High speed clock directly from the BERT is used. • Sine waves are not valid because they do not represent fast edges. • Data signals are not valid because they include data-dependent jitter. Tektronix Confidential
TDS6000C has the industry’s lowest Jitter Noise Floor Competitors have >2X-3X higher Jitter Noise Floor • Measure Low jitter 2.5GHz clock • TIE measured using JIT3 v2 • 400ns record Tek • 40GS/s • Both differential and single ended measured Tek’s superior aperture uncertainty and time base stability are increasingly important at higher speeds. Tektronix Confidential
Amplitude flatness and E.N.O.B. Tektronix Confidential
Linear Phase: Generator Phase error not corrected. Phase response all four channels with BW+ on indicates high degree of channel match. The vertical axis is phase in radians and the horizontal axis is frequency in GHz. . Phase response all four channels with BW+ OFF. The vertical axis is phase in radians and the horizontal axis is frequency in GHz. Tektronix Confidential
Triggering • Powerful triggering for fast, extensive debugging • Extended Pinpoint Trigger System - fastest, most complete trigger system available • SiGe technology • Highest performance in all trigger modes • Edge mode sensitivity to 9GHz (typical) • Glitch/Pulse Widths to ~100ps • RMS jitter <1.1ps (typical) • New: 3.125Gb/s serial pattern triggering Typical Triggering Systems: 17 combinations Pinpoint: 1445 combinations Tektronix Confidential
Why do Customers Need High Bandwidth? • Providing the accurate measurements required for next generation standards • TDS6154C is able to measure rise times of 30ps (20%-80%) within 5% accuracy Risetime error TDS6150C. Also risetime error of 15GHz Gausian • Actual measurement 30 ps within 5% accuracy Tektronix Confidential
Protocol Trigger for Serial Data – Option PTD • Efficiently Debug Serial Implementations • Trigger on protocol primitives and characters in real-time • Select patterns from a list of standard-specific primitives • Specify 8b/10b encoded characters and sequences for trigger • Trigger on 8b/10b coding errors (e.g. disparity or character error) • True triggering, not merely pattern search post acquisition Only oscilloscope in the world with real-time protocol triggering Tektronix Confidential
Live Demo:UWB WiMediaPower Spectral Density channel power mask test • Power Spectral Density • Channel power • UWB WiMedia identifies RF signal as TFC6 This prototype radio has a spur at 4.5GHz. Note circles on PSD plot and line on spectrogram at 4.5GHz Radio is operating in FFI mode. Tektronix Confidential