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Introducing the etuc. Founded in 1973 Made up of 85 Trade Union Confederations from 36 European countries, plus 10 European Trade Union Federations How ETUC takes action:
Introducing the etuc Founded in 1973 Made up of 85 Trade Union Confederations from 36 European countries, plus 10 European Trade Union Federations How ETUC takes action: Influencing European Decision – Making bodies (European Commission, European Parliament, European Council, European Court of Justice). European Social Dialogue European actions!
The etucyouthcommittee It represents young workers within the ETUC Influences the work of the ETUC, ensuring that the different policies take account of young people; President has 1 seat in ETUC Executive Committee Bureau members participate in every ETUC Working Groups Adopts positions on socio-economic issues concerning young people; those points are then submitted to the ETUC Executive Committee Develops action programs, organizes seminars, conferences, study sessions and campaigns for young workers in Europe The ETUC Youth Committee meets twice a year and every two years elects a bureau with 7 members following a geographical distribution
Situation oftradeunions General unionisation in Europe De-unionisation trend since 1970s Mildly convergent development in union density since mid-1980s Trend became more pronounced in the 1990s Today: ‘net’ union density in EU27 = 27.8% in 2000 > 23.4% in 2008 (source: EC 2011) The crisis has worsen the situation dramatically Observations on youth unionisation ‘Most problematic group of workers to unionise’ (Pedersini 2010:13) ‘Lower unionisation among young workers than among older counterparts (Blanchflower 2007; Huiskamp & Smulders 2010:202; Machin 2003; Serrano Pascual & Waddington 2000:20-4; Visser 2002) But ‘generation gap’ is not completely new (cf. Payne 1989:111) Yet union membership has fallen more rapidly among the young and more workers have never experienced union membership, particularly among the young (Bryson & Gomez 2005; Schnabel & Wagner 2005)
ETUC - Youth; recentactions • Conference on “Quality education for quality jobs” Cracow, 2011 – publication available • Negotiation of the “Framework of Actions on Youth Employment” • (September 2012 – June 2013) available with Annexes on ETUC website • Alternative Summits at the occasion of Inter-Ministerial Summits: Berlin – July 2013; Paris – November 2013; • Negotiation of the Joint Analysis on the Labour Market in Europe (ongoing) • European Youth Event – European elections (Strasbourg; May 2014) • Next Youth Committee Meeting – Brussels, 24 June 2014
SOCIAL DIALOGUE: FRAMEWORK OF ACTIONS ON YOUTH EMPLOYMENT The negotiation process: initial positions and length The four priorities: Learning Transition Employment Entrepreneurship Follow - up
ETUC YOUTH POSITION ON APPRENTICESHIPS AND INTERNSHIPS On-the-job training, not replacing job positions Full social protection Binding contract between the educational institution, intern/apprentice and hosting organisation Decent remuneration TU and Collective Agreement coverage Statistics
ETUC POSITION ON THE YOUTH GUARANTEE Guarantee the high quality of job offers, trainings, traineeships and apprenticeships, particularly in those sectors where job creation will be most important in the future. Full implementation of the main aspects of the EYG: a guaranteed offer and intervention within 4 months. Ensure full participation of social partners, civil society and young people. Guarantee appropriate social protection for young people to avoid the increasing risk of poverty and precariousness. Right target youth population and provide tailored approaches in order to respond to the heterogeneity of the target groups. Extend it to 29 y.o.; link with ESF programming and already existing measures (where applicable)
A new path for Europe: ETUC plan for investment, sustainable growth and quality jobs ETUC stands for: An ambitious investment plan that will revitalise the European economy. A social Europe; a Europe that provides its citizens with quality employment and a secure future. The end to austerity. The EU must put solidarity back at the heart of its policies. Social Europe must not be dismantled. A new industrial policy based on innovation, research and development, education, training, health and just transition. Social justice for its citizens. The gap between rich and poor must close. Equality. Effective measures to secure equal pay and rights for all must be upheld. The pay gap between women and men must end. Progressive taxation. Redistributive and graduated taxation on income and wealth, the end of tax havens, tax evasion, fraud, corruption and undeclared work. Fair global trade. VIDEO
ETUC YOUTH CONFERENCE 2014 – ROME date TBC State of the art of Youth Guarantee implementation in Europe
Thank you very much Salvatore Marra, s.marra@lazio.cgil.it Ignacio Doreste Hernàndez, i.doreste@etuc.org ETUC Youth page on Facebook www.etuc.org/youth @etuc_ces