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EMTA Progress report General Meeting London 9-10 October 2014 Working session. EMTA Internal affairs. A Internal Affairs Foreseen Activities 2011. Approval of records Rotterdam general meeting 15 May Membership issues Resignation HVV Hamburg; TY-note mr Inskip Per 1.9.2014: 25 members
EMTA Progress report General Meeting London 9-10 October 2014 Working session
EMTA Internal affairs • A • InternalAffairs • ForeseenActivities 2011 • Approval of records Rotterdam general meeting 15 May • Membership issuesResignation HVV Hamburg; TY-note mr InskipPer 1.9.2014: 25 members • Recruitment membersEnlargement Committee (Barcelona, Birmingham, Budapest, Madrid) Messages with invitation letter with EMTA’s mark, mission sent to: • Lisbon, (PO): not able to come • Porto (PO): excused • City of Bratislava (SL:) no reply • Liverpool Mersey Travel (UK): no reply • Utrecht Region (NL): declined • Göteborg (SE): declined Other suggestions (BKK): Milan, Gdansk, Bucharest, Timisoara, Ljubljana. Please notify the Secretary when you meet with contacts associated with PTA’s in your region. • Europeanlevel • Membership • Surveys • Working groups
EMTA FINANCIAL MATTERS Revised budget 2014 – Key facts • Net result of +/- € -31,700 • EMTA reserves amounts to less than €68,000 • All members are up to date with 2014 fees • One member resigned in 2014 (Sevilla) • One member ask us to resign for next year (Hamburg)
The board of EMTA • Considering the fact that EMTA needs to master the structural deficits on its budget that is jeopardizing the continuity of EMTA-association; • Considering economizing on EMTA expenses and meeting at the same time the priorities of the board’s working programme constitutes a prerequisite for EMTA-continuity; • Considering EMTA revenues have been lowered mainly by resignation of four members since 2012, bringing down income from € 140.000,-- to € 120.000,-- • Acknowledging that EMTA needs to enlarge the number of full members on the short term by targeted recruitment to obtain more revenues • Taking into account since the start of the association EMTA annual membership fees have not been structurally raised from the current level of € 5.000,-- • In order to enable EMTA to keep the quality of service to members and be financially sustainable for the near future, • In view of the provision in article VIII of the Intern Rules of EMTA proposes the general meeting to: • raise the full membership fee in 2015 to € 6.000,--; • opt for a further raise of full members fee with € 500,-- in 2016, ifby the end of 2015 there will be are less than 30 full members; • eliminate the last paragraph of article 8.2. of EMTA Intern rules, concerning a 50% rebate on the fee for hosting a general meeting as of July 1, 2015.
Board proposal om member fees 2015 (-2016) Are there any comments to this proposal? If not, can we have a vote on this?
Forecast Budget 2015 – Key facts Expenses : • Stable overhead charges (+1% vs 2014) • Savings on all other expenses when possible Revenues : • Increase by €21,500 (vs 2014) with higher fees, • We will loose Hamburg in 2015 • We still hope new members Net Result expected:€ -12,750 / Reserve: €55,250
Progress Report at European Level DG-MOVE agenda TEN-T/CEF (Connecting Europe Facility): • The 2014 CEF Transport Calls for Proposals, published on 11 September 2014, September 11, 2014. • INEA (Innovation and Networks Agency) information Days (9-10 Oct 2014)Main objective of CEF Transport: to help complete the TEN-T Core Network and its Corridors by 2030. A total budget of €26.2 billion has been allocated to co-fund TEN-T projects in the EU Member States 2014-2020. From this budget, €11.3 billion is reserved for projects in Member States eligible for the Cohesion Fund. • The vast majority of CEF funding will be directed at major cross-border projects and projects addressing main bottlenecks missing links on the 9 TEN-T multimodal Core Network Corridors. http://inea.ec.europa.eu/en/cef/cef_transport/apply_for_funding/cef_transport_call_for_proposals_2014.htm • 2014 Multi-Annual (MAP) and Annual (AP) Work Programmes: adopted on 26 March 2014. It details the priorities and maximum available budget to be committed for each of the priorities under CEF Transport’s first calls. • Deadline for submission MAP- and AP-proposals: 25 February 2015
Progress Report at European Level (2) • A • Europeanlegislativeframeworkdevelopments • Working Groups • ForeseenActivities 2011 DG-MOVE Fourth Railway Package European Parliament has adopted its first reading position on the six legislative proposals of the package end of January 2014 In the European Council this week in procedure is the "market pillar" of the package (directives on governance and market opening, regulation on public service obligations 1370/2007). MEPs disregarded the Commission's proposals and the work of the TRAN-committee by adopting an unambitious stance. This could put the introduction of the Single European Rail Area at risk. European Transport ministers on October 8 debate a series of questions in the Council drafted by the Italian Presidency. UITP, EPTO and EMTA have reviewed the questionnaire and have provided answers to the European Institutions. These questions are directly related to the revision of Regulation N° 1370/2007 (opening domestic passenger rail market to competition). Preceding the Council debate a joint press release of UITP, EPTO and EMTA as issued, quoting the respective leaders e.g. our EMTA President. The objective of the joint initiative is to underline : - competition is not an end in itself; it is a way of achieving- thepurpose of Regulation 1370/07 is to recognise the responsibility of the competent authority to define the extent and content of public service obligations- consider that tendering procedures should be the rule to the granting of public service contracts in regional and suburban rail, while direct awards should still be possible in a limited number of strictly defined circumstances, etc.
Progress Report at European Level (3) DG-MOVE Agenda : ITS Consultation on a draft standardization request on European standards in support of the implementation of Intelligent Transport Systems in urban areas DG MOVE (Head of ITS mrs Claire Depré) answered to questions put by EMTA S-G on behalf of the leader of the ITS-working on August 14, 2014 for clarification: “The European Commission is not planning to develop one standard for multimodal travel information, but rather we consider that emerging mobility services, e.g. bike sharing or car sharing schemes, would benefit from having a standardized data format, so that they can be integrated in multimodal information services in an easy and cost-efficient way.” Q: to what extent will EMTA authorities be trusted that one or more standards will be developed that fit the needs of metropolitan transport authorities and that provides the transport market with a manageable set of interfaces for multimodal travel information? A: The consultation of stakeholders, as done now, shall ensure that the principles and scope stated in this standardisation request reflects the needs of stakeholders, and especially that the needs of municipalities and metropolitan transport authorities can be duly reflected further on in the process. (….) Finally, when executing the standardisation request the standardising bodies will include a consultation of selected sectorial experts (….). Also, if consulted stakeholders, such as EMTA, have experts who would like to contribute to the standardisation work, ensuring that their needs are properly taken into account, they would be more than welcome to suggest them, as the standardisation organisations are open to cooperate with experts from the field, to ensure the successful uptake of developed standards. Deadline for input in this consultation: October 10, 2014 ! • Europeanregulation
European projects Horizon 2020 Launched in December 2013 as EU Research and Innovation programme for the next 7 years (2014 to 2020) Focus on societal challenges, incl. health, clean energy and transport Emphasis on excellent science, industrial leadership and tackling societal challenges. Goal: ensure Europe produces world class science, removes barriers to innovation and makes it easier for the public and private sectors to work together in delivering innovation EMTA is engaged in a call for CIPTEC, phase 2 succesfully submitted 28 August. Aim was to have a modest and appropriate commitment in time/staff now reduced to 7 MM’s during 3 years.EMTA total grant requested: € 72,000. The EC-evaluation result is expected to be delivered by Mid November. Members interested to provide support to the EMTA-budget are welcomed! • European programmes and projects
EMTA deliverables • A • Europeanlevel • Publications EMTA newsletter #51 : Note: Request for new copy Summer 2014 coming up shortly! EMTA Survey: Light Rail Explained(Rob van der Bijl, Niels van Oort) Ready to be printed and released mid October. Coming up for consultation: EMTA NFC-paper (draft of the wg to be circulated among members). Publication planned January 2015. • Europeanlevel • Membership • Surveys • Working groups
Queries and questionnaires • TfL: Project ”Guardian” Survey on Inappropriate behaviour towards women in public transport) • TfL: taxi use of bus lanes and adhering regulation. • AMMR Turin: Questionnaire on Interchange rate(april 2014) • VBB Berlin: Open data • CRTM Madrid: standing in Public transport; entry and exit prohibition clauses • Queriesand questionnaires
Progress Report • A • Europeanlevel • Working Groups • ForeseenActivities 2011 Barometer Working Group (relaunch) • New Barometer 2013 questionnaire launched on September 18 by Laura Delgado. A filled out questionnaire with figures is expected by Friday October 31. Editing and harmonisation: November Publication: mid December 2014. If you have any general questions on the indicator list, or the explanatory description given, please put them now. For specific questions: laura.delgado@crtm.es
Voting on board proposals • Fee proposal 2015 and 2016 • Candidates to fill the vacancies in the board
Board elections Twovacancies in the Board causedby the resignation of Carlos Cristobal and of Marc Garcia. Two new candidatesnominated: • Lluis Alegre (ATM Barcelona) Head of the Mobilitydepartment at ATM Barcelona since 2006 2. Antonio Garcia Pastor (CRTMadrid) Head of the planning department in the Consorcio Madrid since 2011
Voting procedure Are they any members who have a mandate or vote by proxy? Can we vote on the candidates by acclamation? or Do we want to have a secret vote? (only if 1/3 of the full members request for it) THANK YOU FOR YOUR VOTES CONGRATULATIONS TO THE ELECTED CANDIDATES