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Enhance your writing skills with grammar lessons and vocabulary quizzes. Learn how to use quotations effectively to support your arguments. Practice active and passive verbs, transitive and intransitive nouns. Develop your analysis and thesis writing skills.
Warm-Up 9/10/12Copy the sentence. Label your verb (active/passive, trans/intrans/linking) and all nouns. Kevin, the kangaroo, handed Mary, the monkey, bananas for breakfast.
Vocabulary lesson 13 • Today: review Ex C. Do Ex D. STUDY! • Wednesday: Lesson 13 Vocabulary Quiz (+5 review words… ) *also includes grammar
Grammar Review • Complete grammar handout
Final reflection. • For a quiz grade, put the final reflections from discussion in essay form.
Using support • Thesis *Example * Analysis • http://ww2.sjc.edu/archandouts/usingquotations.pdf
USING SUPPORT: THESIS • introduce your argument in a topic sentence. • Explain how it relates to your central thesis and make a point that will be backed up by your quotation. • For example: • The narrator utilizes her writing as a vital form of self-expression, which her husband attempts to suppress, as he does all her assertions of will.
Using support: evidence • weave your quotation into a sentence that you begin with your own words. • You should generally avoid beginning a sentence with your quotation, or allowing the quotation to stand alone. • Here is one way of introducing the quotation: • She tells her reader that “he hates to have me write a word,” (2) for he claims to believe that writing endangers her health.
Using support: ANALYSIS • Show your reader how the quotation supports your point. • Example: • Her husband belies his fear of her intellect in his need to control not only her physical movements, but the exercise of her mind as well. • In this case, the quotation supports the idea of a struggle for power over the narrator’s writing.
(put the example together) The narrator utilizes her writing as a vital form of self-expression, which her husband attempts to suppress, as he does all her assertions of will. She tells her reader that “he hates to have me write a word,” (2) for he claims to believe that writing endangers her health. Her husband belies his fear of her intellect in his need to control not only her physical movements, but the exercise of her mind as well.
Night • Post picture on the back wall. • Chapter 3 due Friday—work on chapter 2 and begin 3. • Discuss/answer reading guide as we go