1. DG REGIO Evaluations State of play
Veronica Gaffey
Evaluation Network Meeting
Brussels, April 14th 2011
2. 2010 Counterfactual Impact Evaluation of Cohesion Policy:
WP 1: enterprise support
WP 2: support to innovation and R&D
Daniel Mouqué
Ex post evaluation of investment projects co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) or the Cohesion Fund (CF) in the period 1994-1999
Anna Burylo
Study on the contribution of local development in delivering interventions co-financed by ERDF in the periods 2000-06 and 2007-13
Lucia Pacillo
Study on the relevance and the effectiveness of ERDF and Cohesion Fund support to regions with specific geographical features - islands, mountainous and sparsely populated areas
Cvetina Yocheva
4. 2011 Evaluation of the achievements of ERDF programmes over the longer term in 15 selected regions (from 1989-1993 programming period up to the present)
José Luis Calvo de Celis
Analysis of Closure Reports (2000-2006)
Kai Stryczynski
Meta-Evaluation of ERDF, Cohesion Fund and ISPA (Transport and Environment)
Adam Abdulwahab and Jurate Vaznelyte
5. Thank you for your attentionhttp://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/sources/docgener/evaluation/rado_en.htm