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This study examines the integration of Article 16 of Regulation 1083/2006 into cohesion policy programmes co-financed by the ERDF and the Cohesion Fund from 2007-2013. It provides good practice examples and recommendations for promoting gender equality, non-discrimination, and accessibility.
EUROPEAN UNION “Study on the translation of Article 16 of Regulation 1083/2006, on the promotion of gender equality, non-discrimination and accessibility for disabled persons into 2007-2013 Cohesion policy programmes co-financed by the ERDF and the Cohesion Fund” DG REGIO Evaluation Network21 September 2009 Haroldas Brožaitis, Project director EgidijusBarcevičius, Senior analyst Public Policy and Management Institute
Aim and scope of the study Aim Article 16 calls for integration of the three principles of gender equality, non-discrimination and accessibility for the disabled into all stages of implementation of the Structural Funds • to establish to what extent Article 16 of the General Regulation (EC) №1083/2006 is reflected in cohesion policy programmes 2007-2013 • to provide some good practice examples. Only OPs co-financed from ERDF and Cohesion Fund analysed
Methodology Literature review Review of 50 OPs 15 Case studies • Approaches identified • Checklist • Represen-tative sample of OPs • Pilot testing • CS design and guide • Selection of case studies • Imple-mentation of OPs • Identifi-cation of practices Conclusions, recommendations, self-assessment guide
The extent of integration of Article 16 Good level of awareness on Article 16 (50 OPs) Partial mainstreaming dominates (50 OPs) MS Review integration of A16/ Use Self-Assessment Guide/ Identify gaps and relevant practices
Performance on the three themes Many practices concerning the aspect of gender equality (50 OPs) Legal and policy reasons Gender equality Legal tradition in the EU / emphasis on promotion in A16 / active practices frequent Non-discrimination Emphasis on prevention in A16 / ensure equal treatment Accessibility Recent requirement / National rules important MS Request accessibility / Consider it during project selection and implementation / all types of intervention
Various stages of implementation Partnership Programme design Project selection Relevant practices present in all the stages (15 CS) Consulted on OP (15); Included in MC (15) Result indicator: no. of jobs by gender (12) Additional points (10) Manage-ment Evaluation • Very effective: • Continuous involvement • Institutional champion Guidance and training to authorities (8) Ex-ante recommen-dations used (9) Identify competent organisations / Promote facilitating role / Encourage others to ask for advice MS
Implementation experiences Early stage of implementation (15 CS) / effects to be seen Not only good practices / difficulties encountered Statements in OPs / implementation unclear Conflict with national data protection rules Important groups not included Commitment on gender balance in MC not followed Previous practices not taken into account Reflect on equal opportunities in Annual Implementation Reports / Evaluate at a later stage MS EC
New practices to be expected Article 16 stands out (as compared to previous programming periods) New provisions = potential for learning There are practices within MS to encourage networking, facilitate experience exchange Self Assessment Guide – practices listed according to implementation stages and categories • Broad scope (gender equality, non-discrimination) • Emphasis on all stages of implementation • Introduction of accessibility EC MS Facilitate exchange of good practices among MS: seminars, events, studies, evaluations (in EN)
Self Assessment Guide How does it work? Why is it useful? Assess what you do at different stages of implementation Consider whether rules-based (formal) practices are supplemented by voluntary initiatives Consider whether all the relevant groups are involved Use the guide as a pool of ideas • Useful practices presented at each stage in a systematic way, e.g. 1. Project selection What approach do you use? …1.3. <…> additional points? Y N 1.4. <…> targeted initiatives? Y N What tools do you use? …1.7. <…> guidance to applicants? Y N 1.8. <…> training of evaluators? Y N