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Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web. 2. Chapter Objectives. Define communicationsIdentify the basic components of a communications systemDescribe how and why network computers are used in schools and school districtsExplain how the Internet works. Chapter 2:
1. Chapter 2
Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web
2. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 2 Chapter Objectives Define communications
Identify the basic components of a communications system
Describe how and why network computers are used in schools and school districts
Explain how the Internet works
3. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 3 Chapter Objectives Describe the World Wide Web portion of the Internet
Explain how Web documents are linked to one another
Explain the use of Web browser software
Explain how to use a Web search tool to find information
4. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 4 Chapter Objectives Explain how Internet services such as e-mail, newsgroups, chat rooms, and instant messaging work
Describe the educational implications of the Internet and the World Wide Web
Describe different ways to connect to the Internet and the World Wide Web
5. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 5 A process in which two or more computers or devices transfer data, instructions, and information
Sometimes called telecommunications What Is Communications?
6. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 6 What Is Communications? Electronic mail (e-mail)
Voice mail
Fax (facsimile)
Online services
World Wide Web
7. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 7 Basic communications system
Two computers, one to send and one to receive data
Communications devices that send and receive data
A communications channel over which data is sent Communications Networks
8. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 8 Communications Networks
9. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 9 Communications channel
Path that data follows
Transmissions media
Twisted-pair cable (most common)
Coaxial cable
Fiber-optic cable
Wireless Communications Networks
10. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 10 Communications Networks Digital vs. analog signals
Digital: individual electrical pulses
Analog: continuous electrical wave
Modem (converts the signals; modulates & demodulates signal)
External modem
Internal modem
Network interface cards
11. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 11 Local Area Networks (LAN)
Covers limited geographical area
Server manages resources
Wide Area Networks (WAN)
Covers large geographical area
Can consist of several LANs Communications Networks
12. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 12 Home Networks
Connects multiple computers in your home
Share Internet access
Share peripherals
Can be wired or wireless Communications Networks
13. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 13 Networking the Classroom, School, and District School network server
Example classroom
Three Macintosh computers
Example school network
Computer lab
14. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 14 Sharing of computer hardware, software, and data resources
Unlimited educational resources
Communicate with other educators and students The Benefits of Computer Networks in Education
15. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 15 Worldwide group of connected networks that allow public access to information and services
No single organization owns or controls
Estimated over one billion users
Variety of users What Is the Internet?
16. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 16 What Is the Internet? (Fig. 2-11)
17. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 17 Started as a network of four computers at the University of California at Los Angeles in 1969
Advanced Research Projects Agency (ARPA) - ARPANET
More than 200 million computers today
Backbone first provided by National Science Foundation (NSF) - NSFnet History of the Internet
18. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 18 History of the Internet (Fig. 2-13)
19. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 19 Backbone now provided by variety of corporations
Various organizations help define standards
Internet2 (I2)
Extremely high-speed network
Develop and test latest Internet technologies
Members include over 190 universities in the United States, along with 60 companies and the United States government History of the Internet
20. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 20 Data is divided into packets
Routers send packets across the Internet
Packet switching (breaking info into individual packets for “best route” transmission)
Transmission control protocol/Internet protocol (TCP/IP) is the communications protocol used by the Internet and thereby defines packet switching How the Internet Works
21. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 21 How the Internet Works (Fig. 2-14)
22. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 22 Internet Service Providers (ISPs), Online Service Providers (OSPs), and Wireless Internet Service Providers (WISPs)
Permanently connected to the Internet and provide connections to individuals and companies for a fee
Regional ISPs provide access in limited geographical areas, using slow-speed dial-up
Online service providers, such as AOL and MSN offer members-only services for an added fee
National ISPs provide access in cities and towns, often through high-speed cable or DSL
Wireless ISPs service mobile computers/devices How the Internet Works
23. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 23 How the Internet Works Connecting to the Internet
Business or school network connected to the Internet
Dial-up access
Cable TV (CATV)
Digital subscriber line (DSL)
Power line communications (PLC)
Public Internet access point
24. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 24 How the Internet Works (Fig. 2-16)
25. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 25 How the Internet Works The Internet Backbone
Acts as a highway
National ISPs use dedicated lines to connect directly to the Internet
Regional ISPs connect through leased lines to national ISPs
26. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 26 How the Internet Works (Fig. 2-17)
27. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 27 How the Internet Works Internet Addresses
Numeric addresses
Domain name
Domain type abbreviations
Country code abbreviations
28. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 28 How the Internet Works (Fig. 2-19)
29. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 29 The World Wide Web Started in the early 1990s
Uniform Resource Locator (URL)
Hypertext transfer protocol (http://)
30. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 30 How a Web Page Works
Target (same document)
Relative (same computer)
Absolute (different document & computer) The World Wide Web
31. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 31 The World Wide Web Discovery learning (branching or non-linear)
Web surfing (going from web site to web site)
Webmaster (develops and maintains web sites)
Hypertext markup language (HTML)
Web publishing (putting web sites on the Internet via a server)
32. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 32 The World Wide Web (Fig. 2-22) Web Browser Software
Interprets HTML and displays Web pages and enables you to link to other Web pages and Web sites
33. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 33 The World Wide Web Web Browser Software
Netscape Navigator
Microsoft Internet Explorer
Mozilla Firefox
34. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 34 Searching for Information on the Web
Directory maintained by a search engine company
Helps find information on the Web
Search engine
Subject directory The World Wide Web
35. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 35 The World Wide Web (Fig. 2-26) Multimedia on the Web
Web pages incorporate graphics, animation, audio, video, and virtual reality
36. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 36 The World Wide Web Multimedia on the Web
Used to enhance text-based Internet
Graphics formats
37. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 37 Multimedia on the Web
First media used to enhance the text-based Internet
Graphics formats (JPEGs, or JPGs, and GIFs)
Thumbnails (smaller versions for faster downloading time) The World Wide Web (Fig. 2-29)
38. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 38 Multimedia on the Web
Appearance of motion
Series of still images
Displayed in rapid sequence
Marquees (animated text scrolling across screen)
Animated GIFs (several images combined into a single GIF file) The World Wide Web
39. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 39 Audio on the Web
Audio formats
MP3, WAV,WMA, RealAudio, QuickTime
Players include
Windows Media
Streaming audio (allows one to listen to a sound file as it downloads) The World Wide Web
40. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 40 Multimedia on the Web
Streaming audio & video
Allows longer listening and viewing
Plays as it downloads
Players include
Windows Media Player
Apple QuickTime (video)
iTunes (audio) The World Wide Web
41. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 41 The World Wide Web Multimedia on the Web
Virtual Reality
Simulation of real or imagined environment that appears as a three-dimensional (3-D) space
VR worlds: 3-D Web sites
created with special VR software
Require free VR plug-in to view
Ex: “Walking tour” of a home
42. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 42 Other Internet Services E-mail
Primary communication method for both personal and business use
One of the original services on the Internet
Allows one to create, send, receive, forward, store, print or delete messages
E-mail programs
Mail server
E-mail address
User name @
Domain name
43. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 43 FTP (file transfer protocol)
FTP server allows file downloads & uploads
FTP site contains text, graphics, audio, video & program files
Anonymous FTP is for anyone to use
An FTP program is required to FTP Other Internet Services
44. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 44 Other Internet Services Newsgroups
Online area in which users conduct written discussions about a particular subject
Usenet (collection of all Internet newsgroups)
News server (computer storing newsgroup msgs)
Newsreader (program used to access newsgroup)
Article (a previously entered message)
Posting (adding an article to the newsgroup)
Threaded discussion (initial and related articles)
Message board (discussion board; easier to use)
Blog (short for Web log; regularly updated journal)
45. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 45 Other Internet Services
46. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 46 Other Internet Services Mailing Lists
Group of e-mail names and addresses given a single name
Subscribe - Adding name to newsgroup/mailing list
Unsubscribe – Removing name from the list
LISTSERVs – Popular software programs that manage mailing lists (esp. educational lists)
Newsgroup versus mailing list
Newsgroup uses a newsreader for discussions
Mailing list uses email for discussions
47. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 47 Chat Rooms
Real-time typed conversation via computers
Chat rooms (the channel or medium)
Chat clients (program used to connect to a chat server)
Normally included on a browser
Freely downloaded from the Web
Some are text-only; others support voice & video Other Internet Services
48. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 48 Other Internet Services Instant Messaging (IM)
Notifies you when one or more people are online
Allows exchange of messages and files
Allows you to join a private chat room
49. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 49 Other Internet Services Role-Playing Games (RPGs)
Popular with middle and high school students
Tied to themes or topics of common interest
Massively Multiplayer Online Role-Playing Games (MMORGs)
Wide range of topics
Includes people from all over the world
Facebooks (allow one to set up his/her profile)
Podcasting (automatically publishes sound or video files using Really Simple Syndication, or RSS, protocol)
50. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 50 Other Internet Services Internet telephony
Also called “Voice over IP” or VOIP
51. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 51 Netiquette (Fig. 2-39) Internet etiquette
Code of acceptable behaviors for Internet user
Avoid “flames” (abusive or insulting messages)
Be brief and polite
Watch spelling/grammar
Avoid spam (unsolicited messages to many)
Avoid sarcastic, offensive language or humor
Use emoticans to express emotion ? :\ ? ? :o
52. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 52 Internet Security Firewalls (hardware & software to restrict access to data on a network by unauthorized personnel)
Filtering software (allows parents and teachers to block access to certain material on the Internet)
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)
An outline of user standards
Reminds teachers, students and parents that they are guests on the Internet and they need to use it appropriately
53. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 53 The Impact of the Internet and the World Wide Web on Education The Web is the Gutenberg printing press of modern times
Collaboration with other teachers and students
ePALS – a classroom world-wide email cultural exchange program
New instructional strategies are growing incredibly due to the Internet and the WWW.
54. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 54 The Future of the Internet and the World Wide Web In the next few years, the Internet will connect most of the world’s computers
By 2007, more than one billion wireless communication devices will be in use worldwide, and many of these products will have the ability to access the Web wirelessly
All K-12 teachers will have access to high-speed Internet in their classrooms
Wireless networks, wireless notebook computers, wireless mobile labs, wireless Tablet PCs, and other wireless devices will become commonplace in K-12 education
Everyday home and office appliances and other devices that use embedded computers, such as automobiles, will have built-in Internet access capabilities.
55. Chapter 2: Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web 55 The Future of the Internet and the World Wide Web Web search capabilities will be more intelligent and focused
Within a few years, the Web will operate at speeds 10,000 times faster than today
Businesses will continue to be the driving force behind the Web’s expansion
Increased access speeds and greater availability will allow teachers and students to view thousands of full-motion videos over the Web
The Web will become an integral part of all education and will revolutionize the way students learn core subjects
Communications, Networks, the Internet, and the World Wide Web Chapter 2 Complete