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ENGL202: Research Writing. Spring 2010 Dr. Park & Ms. Robinson. EN202: Research Writing. 1. January 21 st Session. Take your name card out, and place it on your desk Take attendance Assign groups for the 6 readings sets. EN202: Research Writing. 2.
ENGL202: Research Writing Spring 2010 Dr. Park & Ms. Robinson EN202: Research Writing EN202: Research Writing 1
January 21st Session • Take your name card out, and place it on your desk • Take attendance • Assign groups for the 6 readings sets EN202: Research Writing EN202: Research Writing 2
Journal Entry #1: Unpacking this Invisible Knapsack of Privileges January 21stEntry—What were some of your initial impressions of McIntosh article? (be specific) EN202: Research Writing
White Privilege & Male Privilege by McIntosh • Let’s get into groups of 4, and discuss your reflections on the questions below. Be ready to provide examples from everyday occurrences: • Do you believe the different races in our country are given equal privileges? Why or why not? • How do interlocking systems of privilege and marginalization work in our lives? In other words, in what ways are you privileged and marginalized? EN202: Research Writing EN202: Research Writing 4
Homework for Tuesday, Jan. 26th • Using the diagram on page 23, draft some initial ideas about your personal, professional, and academic interests, which may ultimately influence your choice about an empirical research topic for this course • Read thoroughly the Johnson article (pp. 107-123) and tackle the questions listed on the syllabus under WEEK 2 EN202: Research Writing
January 26th Session • Attendance • Hand out the group presentation schedule • Take out your three-pronged visual diagram as a way to discuss “Choosing a Research Topic” (Ms. Robinson) • Johnson Article (group work) EN202: Research Writing
Choosing a Research Topic • Share a few potential topics/diagrams • What should your research topic consist of? EN202: Research Writing EN202: Research Writing 7
Elements of a Research Topic • A good research topic consists of two main elements: • Thesis: what you hope your readers will learn from your writing. • Declares your opinion and what you intend to prove (and/or in qualitative research, it is more to persuade/convince the readers) within your paper. • Purpose: the reason the topic is important or interesting to you. EN202: Research Writing EN202: Research Writing 8
Knowledge of Self • When choosing a topic, we need to consider what we already know, think, and care about. - When considering what we know, we need to ask ourselves: 1. What are the things you care most deeply about in life? 2. What things do you know most about? 3. What life experiences have you had? • Let’s take a minute to write down some ideas…(please feel free to use the diagram sheet to continue brainstorming) EN202: Research Writing
Knowledge of the World • Along with personal experience there must also be a public aspect. In other words, the reader of your paper should be able to relate. • How can our personal interests be used to persuade other people? • How are our personal experiences similar to/different from others? • How are personal experiences influenced by outside issues? EN202: Research Writing
Activity • Take a few minutes to write down a potential topic and create a thesis statement (use the same diagram sheet). • Remember: a thesis declares your opinion and what you intend to prove within your paper. EN202: Research Writing
Connecting the Lesson to the Research Article (Johnson) • Before we get into the multiple section of the Johnson article, … • What are the thesis and purpose(s) of this article? • Could you direct us to the part(s) of the article where we would find the thesis/purpose? EN202: Research Writing
Johnson, A. (2007) Unintended consequences: How science professors discourage women of color (packet) • Let’s get into groups and deconstruct each section of the article. Let’s have 9 groups (refer to the new PINK sheet): • Introduction pp.805-807 (3 people) • Background (Literature review) pp.807-808 (3 people) • Methods pp.808-810 (4 people) • Results pp. 810-818 (5 groups: 3 people per group) • Conclusion pp. 818-820 (3 people) EN202: Research Writing EN202: Research Writing 13
Journal Entry #2: Unintended Consequences? • In-Class Writing: Reflecting on the content of the article, what were the “unintended consequences” that Johnson was referring to? Do you agree with her given the evidence from the research article? EN202: Research Writing EN202: Research Writing 14
Overview for Next week & Assignment for Tuesday, 2/2 • Next week, we will continue to work on refining our research topic and constructing a rough draft of the Introduction • You will examine samples of “introduction” from previous semesters as a way to “critique” and refine/improve your own introduction. The near final DRAFT will be due the 2/4 or 2/9. • Given the discussions we’ve had about research topics, and what you have gained from reading the Johnson article, DRAFT (i.e., ROUGH) an introduction (please type, double space) for your diversity research project. Remember that: • Your Rough Draft will help you expand your introduction, and even with your next draft, you may need to tweak it throughout the semester; • There are certain components (types of information) that are mandatory in the Introduction. Refer to our discussions around Johnson article EN202: Research Writing
February 2nd Session • Attendance • Examine samples of “Introduction” from previous semesters • In groups • List the positive/negative elements • Please take out your Introduction- Rough Draft • Have at least 2 (classmates) peer-review your rough draft, and peer-reviewers must write at least one question in the author’s introduction (and also write your name as the reviewer)as a way for them to expand their introduction. • At the end of the class session, we will collect your rough draft and give you our comments for the revised version to be handed in on 2/9 EN202: Research Writing
IntroductionSection (2/2; 2/4) • Let’s look at one of the Student Samples from previous semesters • Is this a good introduction? Why or why not? • List some items that are positive/negative as a way to beef up your own INTRODUCTION • If time, we can examine other student samples • speech pathology group; • history education group; and • military group EN202: Research Writing
Introduction Section continued (2/2; 2/4) • Let’s take out your ROUGH DRAFT and exchange with one of your classmates • Read through the draft and list some questions, comments, etc. for the author • Write your name on the bottom as the Peer-Reviewer and return it to the author • Return Dr. Park’s comments: Your Introduction • The Near final version is due on 2/9, Tuesday • Develop and Refine my RQ (course packet pages 24-25) • Talk about the Reading Group #1 for Thursday, 2/11 presentation EN202: Research Writing
Assignment for February 9, Tuesday and OVERVIEW for The week of February 9th • Hand in your Introduction (the near final version for a grade) on 2/9 • Develop and Refine my RQ (course packet pages 24-25) • Have read: “What can a literature review do for me?” in the course packet for 2/9 Overview for the WEEK: • We’ll have a research literacy session on Summarizing & Documenting summaries (Ms. Robinson) • Discuss “what can a literature review do for me? And Develop and refine my RQ brainstorm sheet. • The Reading Set #1 will present and facilitate on 2/11, Thursday, please have read all the essays in reading set, and bring 2 questions for the presenting group. EN202: Research Writing
Your Wh-Questions (pp. 24-26) • Choose the research question that best meets the needs of your topic and write it on the board to share with the class • Let’s choose one RQ on the board, how would we go about exploring this question? In other words, let’s brainstorm to figure out what might be needed in each section (i.e., Literature Review, Method of Inquiry) • Do one as a class and each group selects one RQ EN202: Research Writing
Journal Entry #3: Understanding the Literature Review (2/9) • In your journal, please reflect on the following questions: • What is the connection between your literature review content and your research question/statement? • What can the literature review do for you in your quest to explore the diversity research topic for ENGL 202? EN202: Research Writing
A Good Summary • A good summary meets both of these criteria: • Accurately reflects the meaning and intention of the original work without distorting the information. • Completely re-worded to reflect your own vocabulary and writing style. EN202: Research Writing
An Example… • Original excerpt: • The following is from a book by Kate Muir titled Arms and the Woman • It would make more sense if the military took advantage of perceived, and actual, differences between men and women. When soldiers complain about the problems of integration and the resentment on both sides, these are management and leadership problems, and not the fault of women. An army which accommodates women and uses them to best advantage rather than wasting time making excuses will find integration far less painful. • Can you summarize the above excerpt?... EN202: Research Writing
An acceptable summary: • - The solution to integrating women into the military can be resolved by proper leadership and management, taking advantage of gender differences rather than making excuses (Muir 196). EN202: Research Writing
Documenting Summaries • The first step in summarizing source material is writing the summary accurately, without bias, and in your own words and writing style. • It is important to make sure that you give credit to the author for the ideas you have summarized EN202: Research Writing
Key Points • Lead-Ins: the first time you cite a source, it is best to use a narrative lead-in giving the author’s name (first and last for MLA; last name only for APA) and as much additional information as you can fit smoothly into your sentence. • Multiple Authors: if your source has more than one author, mention them in the same order in which they are listed in the source. • MLA: Herman, Brown, and Martel predict dramatic changes in the earth’s climate in the next 200 years (174). • APA: Herman, Brown, and Martel (2008) predict dramatic changes in the earth’s climate in the next 200 years (p. 174). EN202: Research Writing
Key Points (continued…) • No Author: If the source does not list an author, you must mention the title since that is how it will be listed in your reference list. If you are putting that information in parentheses, you do not need to use the entire title, just enough so that the reader can find it. • MLA: The article “Rising Toll of Teenage Alcoholism” points out that television beer commercials present drinking role models that most young people see as desirable (17). • APA: The article “Rising Toll of Teenage Alcoholism” (2008) points out…as desirable (p. 17) EN202: Research Writing
Key Points (cont…) • No Page Numbers: Electronic sources usually do not have fixed page numbers. Without page references, you must take care to frame summaries of more than one sentence. If your electronic source has page or paragraph numbering, included in the Works Cited or References citation. • (Hargrave, pars. 9-10). • “Pars.” Is the abbreviation for paragraphs. Secondary Citation: Try to avoid secondary citation, and always go to the original source. • Seymour and Hewitt (1997) (cited in Johnson, 2008) argued that…. • (Seymour & Hewitt, 1997 cited in Johnson, 2008) EN202: Research Writing
Inclement Weather Closing • Thursday, February 11th, class was cancelled due to inclement weather EN202: Research Writing
What’s happening on Feb. 16, Tuesday… • Return the Introduction (near final draft), and discuss the connections among RQ, Literature review, and Method of inquiry • Pre-group presentation reflections on reading set #1 essays • Group presentation/discussion facilitation by • Stephen, Kristina, Chris, Rick, and Boku • Post-group presentation reflections • Dialogic Textual Reflections EN202: Research Writing
Pre-group presentation reflections • Journal Entry #4 (7 minutes): • As a result of reading the essays on racism, what are your thoughts on racism? Provide examples from the essay to support your statements. EN202: Research Writing
Post group presentation reflections • Journal Entry #5 (10 minutes): • What are some aspects of their presentation/discussion facilitation that added to your understanding of “racism”? EN202: Research Writing
Thursday, February 18th • Library Session- conduct literature review searches (course packet p. 29)-come directly to Stabley 201 • Turn in your Take Home Quiz in class EN202: Research Writing
Assignments for the Week of Feb 23/25 • TUESDAY: Have read Garcia (1989) article (course packet pp. 147-168) (Tues): a historical seminal piece on Chicana feminist discourse, please think about the following questions: • Briefly discuss the historical development of Chicana feminism • Define feminism, especially for women of color • Development of ideological discourse that addresses three issues • Chicana feminism and cultural nationalism • Chicana feminism and feminist baiting • Chicana feminists and white feminists • TUESDAY: Have all your literature review sources organized using the format on p. 29 (course packet), and be ready to share them in class. EN202: Research Writing
Assignments for the Week of Feb 23/25 • THURSDAY: Reading Set #2 group presentation • THURSDAY: have read all the essays in reading set #2 EN202: Research Writing
Session on February 23, Tuesday • Journal Entry #6 (10 minutes): • After reading, Garcia, A. (1989). The development of Chicana feminist discourse, 1970-1980. Gender and Society, 3(2), 217-238., … • discuss three points that you have gleaned from this article. Please be specific and give examples from the article to support the 3 points. EN202: Research Writing
The development of Chicana feminist discourse, 1970-1980 • Please get into the following 3 groups (also each group can have sub-groups) and respond to the prompt for your group (15 minutes). Jot down words, phrases, and visuals to illustrate/define/clarify your group topic: • Define Feminism & briefly discuss the historical development of ideological discourses of Chicana feminism and cultural nationalism • Define Feminism & briefly discuss the historical development of ideological discourses of Chicana feminism and feminist baiting • Define Feminism & briefly discuss the historical development of ideological discourses of Chicana feminists and white feminists EN202: Research Writing
Literature Review Reference Table • Discuss where students are with finding sources, etc. • Have a few volunteers to talk about what they have found using the completed table: (DOCUCAM) • Referring back to what you read on “what can a literature review do for you?” article, how would you begin organizing what you have found into a coherent/cohesive literature review? • Let’s look at some samples of already completed literature review EN202: Research Writing
Assignment for Thursday, 2/25 • Reading Set #2 group presentation, please send me the powerpoint ahead of time • THURSDAY: have read all the essays in reading set #2 and bring one question from each essay EN202: Research Writing
February 25th Session • Collect the literature review table of sources • Reading Set #2: Group presentation • Journal Entry #7 • Sample of Literature Reviews from previous semesters EN202: Research Writing
Journal Entry #7 (5 minutes): • Given what we read on Tuesday and today’s presentation, what can YOU DO to promote gender/racial equity in your own lives? EN202: Research Writing
How to begin the Lit Review… • The purpose of a literature review is… -To fully describe prior research on your topic -Clearly state the purposes of your study; address some need for your study • Begin with a broad introduction • State and describe the problem (need for your research) • Why is this topic important? • You can include statistics indicating the problem (Be sure to cite if necessary) EN202: Research Writing
How to begin the Lit Review… (cont…) • Next, introduce your specific topic • Provide enough detail to allow the reader to understand what the point is you are trying to make. • Discuss the research: Organize it by variable or topic. • Begin by summarizing the entire literature according to specific topic/variable *Be sure to summarize and cite correctly all sources in your literature review EN202: Research Writing
Tips for Writing Lit Reviews… • If you are talking about the same study throughout the entire paragraph, cite the study once in the first sentence. • Use formal language (No contractions, slang, etc.) • Limit use of first-person language • Refer to authors and year, not title of article/journal • Remember, a literature review is about the research…NOT the author. EN202: Research Writing
Assignment for March 2/4 • March 2: • Please have read the brief research article: Sexual behavior in the human male (by Kinsey, Pomeroy, Wardell, Martin) • DRAFTY DRAFT of lit review for in-class peer-reviews • March 4: • Literature Review Draft Due • Reading Set #4 Due and Group Presentation EN202: Research Writing
Session March 2, 2010 • Literature Review Samples (Groups of 4) • Spend about 10 minutes discussing the items below: • How is the literature review organized? • Just looking at the lit review section, can you discern what the research topic/research question is? • What are its’ strengths/weaknesses? • What additional information should be added to this section if you were to revise this? EN202: Research Writing
Your Literature Review Draft • Exchange your Lit Review with one of your classmates • Refer to the “guiding question for peer review” to assess your peer’s literature review: • Organization • Research Question • Strengths/Weaknesses • Additional information EN202: Research Writing
Kinsey; Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (2003) • Kinsey states: • Homosexuality is present in the majority of the male population. • 60% of pre-adolescence boys engage in homosexual activities. • If no homosexual behavior was acted upon, it is theorized that men are aware of their homosexual desires. EN202: Research Writing
Questions for Reflections • 1. Many religions forbid homosexual relations. Why do you think religious groups are against this? If religion promotes “good will” towards all men, why are homosexuals not included in this? • 2. Different cultures bring about different ideas of gender and sexual orientation. Why are other cultures more open to the idea of homosexuality? What is different from these cultures and our culture in the United States? • 3. The article suggests that only the human mind creates categories such as “homosexual” and “heterosexual”. Therefore, do you think sexual orientation is due to nature? Is sexual stimulation due to desires and preference, or genetics and natural human response? • 4. What is it about homosexual preferences that makes other people uncomfortable? Why do we stereotype against this group of people in everyday life? EN202: Research Writing
Due for March 4, 2010 • Your Journals will be collected • Group 3: presentation • Have read all the essays for group 3– pp. 61-68 • ON FRIDAY, March 5-Your Literature Review second draft is DUE in my English Department (Leonard Hall 110) mailbox by 2pm EN202: Research Writing