Notes: There used to be an activity in here where the students make their own Youtube-video style performance, which I even offered to film and put on the classroom computer for them. But nobody understood what I wanted them to do and it was a waste of time, and the lesson can take 45 minutes without it just fine. “Black Hole” is Typhoon. I first introduced the game to my students using Pat's space lesson, so the name Black Hole stuck. The only materials you need are a few notecards with numbers on them. You can't use this lesson as-is since it has some references to me (I googled my name, made a blog, etc.) But it'd be easy to delete those, or replace them with your own references.
What is your favorite website 网址? WHY? What are the most popular websites in China?
What is the Internet? • The internet 因特网 is another name for the World Wide Web. • The internet 因特网 is another name for the World Wide Web. • That's why websites start with www. It stands for "World Wide Web." • The internet 因特网 is another name for the World Wide Web. • That's why websites start with www. It stands for "World Wide Web." • It is a network 网络 of computers sharing information around the world.
The internet is a good place to: • Learn • Learn • Make friends • Learn • Make friends • Express your opinions • Learn • Make friends • Express your opinions • Watch funny videos • Learn • Make friends • Express your opinions • Watch funny videos • And more!
Who invented the internet? • The internet was invented by the United States government in the 1970s. • It was originally called "ARPANET" and was part of the U.S. Department of Defense (美国国防部).
Who uses the internet most? CHINA: 384,000,000 internet users USA: 234,000,000 internet users JAPAN: 96,000,000 internet users INDIA: 81,000,000 internet users http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_countries_by_number_of_Internet_users
Percentage (百分数) of each country's citizens who use the internet (More than 75% of Americans use the internet. Fewer than 30% of Chinese do.)
How can you use the internet? To get on the internet, you need to use a program called a "browser" 浏览器 What browser do you use?
Now you can "surf the web!" (网上冲浪) Every website has a "domain name" or web address 比如:www.szjyzx.cn .cn means it's a Chinese website! World Wide Web The website's name: 深圳教苑中学
Design your own Web Address Pick a name you'd like for your own website (and decide what the website will be about) It needs to start with www. And end with .cn .com .edu .org etc...
But wait... what do .cn, .com, .edu, .org mean??? .cn = a Chinese website. Other countries have their own too. .jp is Japanese. .us is American, etc. .com = a commercial website 商业的 .edu = a school .org = non-profit organization 非营利组织 There are others, too. 比如: .gov (government 政府)
Design your own Web Address Pick a name you'd like for your own website (and decide what the website will be about) It needs to start with www. And end with .cn .com .edu .org etc... Work for 3 minutes! Pick a good name!
Here's a list of the 25 most visited websites in the world: Are any of these websites Chinese?? (from http://mostpopularwebsites.net/)
The two most popular websites in the world are Google.com and Yahoo.com. They are both search engines 搜索引擎. is so popular in America that people sometimes use the word "google" as a verb (作动词). Instead of saying "search for sth. online," you can say "google sth." (把网上搜查成谷歌一下) What's your favorite search engine? Another popular search engine is In China, people like to use WHY?
Have you ever googled your own name? I'm not a doctor! This must be somebody else who has the same name as me!
The third most popular website in the world is Youtube is a website where people can share videos they make. It is very similar to the Chinese website Youku. Justin Bieber Some people get famous from videos they post on Youtube.
What other kinds of websites are popular? Google.com Yahoo.com Yahoo.co.jp Baidu.com Google.co.in Google.de Google.fr Google.co.uk Google.cn How many of these are search engines 搜索引擎? What else is there? and are social networking sites 社会网络的网址, like
Wikipedia is the most popular online encyclopedia百科全书 It is special because anyone can edit it. Even you! 维基的特色:谁都能编辑。你也可以! Wikipedia also has a Chinese-language encyclopedia, 维基百科 zh.wikipedia.org/
What else can you do online? Many people make blogs 博客 to talk about their daily lives, or things that interest them. The most popular website for blogging is What blogs do you like to visit? Do you have a blog? What do you blog about? If you don't have a blog, what would you blog about if you did? http://blog.sina.com.cn/kouyublog What should I blog about?
Not everything people do online is just looking at websites! There's lots of other things to do, too! For example, some people like to play online games like and Online, you can also talk to friends!
You can chat 聊天 using an instant messaging program 即时通信like QQ, MSN, or AIM... You can use a VOIP (IP电话) like to see and hear the person you're talking to... And, of course, you can send people e-mail!
Now I'm going to teach you some bad English! When people send each other emails, or chat with an instant messenger, or send text messages (短信)... sometimes they use shortened words and acronyms and emoticons to express themselves. Young people especially like to do this! Wait, Mr. Ted! What are "shortened words, acronyms, and emoticons"??? >_<
"Shortened words" → This just means you make a word shorter 中文例子:把我成5,把爱成i. Here are some English examples: u You How should these words be spelled? r Thanks Are thx For 4 2 To, or Too cya See you Nite Night later l8r
"Acronyms" → 首字母缩略字 Here are some examples: lol Laughing out loud (代表你觉得可笑) imo In my opinion (在我看来) nm Nothin much (回答"what's up" or "sup") Got to go (需要离开) gtg or g2g By the way btw
"Emoticons" → Pictures drawn with letters 表情符号 中文例子:囧 :-) ^_^ :-D Happy! :-( Sad ;-) Winking (代表秘密,或调情) Sticking tongue out (吐舌头,代表你刚说的应该可笑) :-P <3 Love (looks like a heart) -_- :-/ Bored.
Sometimes young people also just like to type silly things. For example, you might write "kewl" instead of cool. Or you might write 1 instead of l, 4 instead of A, etc. This is just for fun, like when Chinese kids use 吙☆魰 Do you think you can understand two Americans talking online???
I need one Boy and one Girl to read this conversation... Boy: Sup babe? Girl: NM. How r u? Boy: Good. Check out this link: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMTQ5NTUxOTcy.html Girl: lol!! thats so funny! Boy: its gettin l8, my mom says i have 2 go 2 bed, gtg Girl: ohh :-( OK, cya l8r Boy: btw, i <3 u!! ;-) Girl: I <3 u 2!!! nite! ^_^ Boy: good nite
In English, e-mails are usually more informal than letters (不礼节的). They can be short or long, and they can be about any subject. e-mail 比如: Please work for 5 minutes! 5分钟努力写写,谢谢! Please write an email to me about one thing you have learned today in class. It must be at least 3 sentences long. You can use bad English if you want, lol! :-p (不是真的,只要在纸写)
Here's some more websites I think you might like: http://www.nciku.cn/ This is a great online Chinese-English/English-Chinese dictionary (中英/英中词典) http://www.mtvchina.com/ MTV http://www.ladygaga.com/news/ Lady Gaga's website http://www.xinhuanet.com/english/ http://english.sina.com/ Chinese news in English http://www.billboard.com/ Pop music website www.si.com website about sports
What country has the second-most number of internet users? U.S.A.
World Wide Web What does “www” stand for?
Wikipedia What online encyclopedia can anyone edit?
How do you say 浏览器 in English? Browser, or internet browser
Justin Bieber Who's Youtube video did we watch earlier?
What kind of website are Google, Yahoo, and Baidu? Search engines
What kind of program is QQ? An instant messaging program
What does “LOL” mean? Laughing Out Loud
Who invented the internet? U.S. Department of Defense (or U.S. government)
What kind of website are Renren, Myspace, and Facebook? Social networking sites
What does .com represent? A commercial website .edu 呢? An educational website (a school)
What does “btw” mean? By The Way