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Factor Analysis and Principal Components

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Factor Analysis and Principal Components

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    1. Factor Analysis and Principal Components Factor analysis with principal components presented as a subset of factor analysis techniques, which it is subset.

    30. A Reference: The following 13 slides comes from: Multivariate Data Analysis Using SPSS By John Zhang ARL, IUP

    31. Factor Analysis-1 The main goal of factor analysis is data reduction. A typical use of factor analysis is in survey research, where a researcher wishes to represent a number of questions with a smaller number of factors Two questions in factor analysis: How many factors are there and what they represent (interpretation) Two technical aids: Eigenvalues Percentage of variance accounted for

    32. Factor Analysis-2 Two types of factor analysis: Exploratory: introduce here Confirmatory: SPSS AMOS Theoretical basis: Correlations among variables are explained by underlying factors An example of mathematical 1 factor model for two variables: V1=L1*F1+E1 V2=L2*F1+E2

    33. Factor Analysis-3 Each variable is composed of a common factor (F1) multiply by a loading coefficient (L1, L2 – the lambdas or factor loadings) plus a random component V1 and V2 correlate because the common factor and should relate to the factor loadings, thus, the factor loadings can be estimated by the correlations A set of correlations can derive different factor loadings (i.e. the solutions are not unique) One should pick the simplest solution

    34. Factor Analysis-4 A factor solution needs to confirm: By a different factor method By a different sample More on terminology Factor loading: interpreted as the Pearson correlation between the variable and the factor Communality: the proportion of variability for a given variable that is explained by the factor Extraction: the process by which the factors are determined from a large set of variables

    35. Factor Analysis-5 (Principle components) Principle component: one of the extraction methods A principle component is a linear combination of observed variables that is independent (orthogonal) of other components The first component accounts for the largest amount of variance in the input data; the second component accounts for the largest amount or the remaining variance… Components are orthogonal means they are uncorrelated

    36. Factor Analysis-6 (Principle components) Possible application of principle components: E.g. in a survey research, it is common to have many questions to address one issue (e.g. customer service). It is likely that these questions are highly correlated. It is problematic to use these variables in some statistical procedures (e.g. regression). One can use factor scores, computed from factor loadings on each orthogonal component

    37. Factor Analysis-7 (Principle components) Principle component vs. other extract methods: Principle component focus on accounting for the maximum among of variance (the diagonal of a correlation matrix) Other extract methods (e.g. principle axis factoring) focus more on accounting for the correlations between variables (off diagonal correlations) Principle component can be defined as a unique combination of variables but the other factor methods can not Principle component are use for data reduction but more difficult to interpret

    38. Factor Analysis-8 Number of factors: Eigenvalues are often used to determine how many factors to take Take as many factors there are eigenvalues greater than 1 Eigenvalue represents the amount of standardized variance in the variable accounted for by a factor The amount of standardized variance in a variable is 1 The sum of eigenvalues is the percentage of variance accounted for

    39. Factor Analysis-9 Rotation Objective: to facilitate interpretation Orthogonal rotation: done when data reduction is the objective and factors need to be orthogonal Varimax: attempts to simplify interpretation by maximize the variances of the variable loadings on each factor Quartimax: simplify solution by finding a rotation that produces high and low loadings across factors for each variable Oblique rotation: use when there are reason to allow factors to be correlated Oblimin and Promax (promax runs fast)

    40. Factor Analysis-10 Factor scores: if you are satisfy with a factor solution You can request that a new set of variables be created that represents the scores of each observation on the factor (difficult of interpret) You can use the lambda coefficient to judge which variables are highly related to the factor; the compute the sum of the mean of this variables for further analysis (easy to interpret)

    41. Factor Analysis-11 Sample size: the sample size should be about 10 to 15 times the number of variables (as other multivariate procedures) Number of methods: there are 8 factoring methods, including principle component Principle axis: account for correlations between the variables Unweighted least-squares: minimize the residual between the observed and the reproduced correlation matrix

    42. Factor Analysis-12 Generalize least-squares: similar to Unweighted least-squares but give more weight to the variables with stronger correlation Maximum Likelihood: generate the solution that is the most likely to produce the correlation matrix Alpha Factoring: Consider variables as a sample; not using factor loadings Image factoring: decompose the variables into a common part and a unique part, then work with the common part

    43. Factor Analysis-13 Recommendations: Principle components and principle axis are the most common used methods When there are multicollinearity, use principle components Rotations are often done. Try to use Varimax

    44. Reference Factor Analysis from SPSS Much of the wording comes from the SPSS help and tutorial.

    45. Factor Analysis Factor Analysis is primarily used for data reduction or structure detection. The purpose of data reduction is to remove redundant (highly correlated) variables from the data file, perhaps replacing the entire data file with a smaller number of uncorrelated variables. The purpose of structure detection is to examine the underlying (or latent) relationships between the variables.

    46. Factor Analysis The Factor Analysis procedure has several extraction methods for constructing a solution. For Data Reduction. The principal components method of extraction begins by finding a linear combination of variables (a component) that accounts for as much variation in the original variables as possible. It then finds another component that accounts for as much of the remaining variation as possible and is uncorrelated with the previous component, continuing in this way until there are as many components as original variables. Usually, a few components will account for most of the variation, and these components can be used to replace the original variables. This method is most often used to reduce the number of variables in the data file. For Structure Detection. Other Factor Analysis extraction methods go one step further by adding the assumption that some of the variability in the data cannot be explained by the components (usually called factors in other extraction methods). As a result, the total variance explained by the solution is smaller; however, the addition of this structure to the factor model makes these methods ideal for examining relationships between the variables. With any extraction method, the two questions that a good solution should try to answer are "How many components (factors) are needed to represent the variables?" and "What do these components represent?"

    47. Factor Analysis: Data Reduction An industry analyst would like to predict automobile sales from a set of predictors. However, many of the predictors are correlated, and the analyst fears that this might adversely affect her results. This information is contained in the file car_sales.sav . Use Factor Analysis with principal components extraction to focus the analysis on a manageable subset of the predictors.

    48. Factor Analysis: Structure Detection A telecommunications provider wants to better understand service usage patterns in its customer database. If services can be clustered by usage, the company can offer more attractive packages to its customers. A random sample from the customer database is contained in telco.sav . Factor Analysis to determine the underlying structure in service usage. Use: Principal Axis Factoring

    49. Example of Factor Analysis: Structure Detection

    50. Example of Factor Analysis: Descriptives

    51. Example of Factor Analysis: Extraction

    52. Example of Factor Analysis: Rotation

    53. Understanding the Output

    54. Understanding the Output

    55. Understanding the Output

    56. Understanding the Output

    57. Understanding the Output

    58. Understanding the Output

    59. Understanding the Output

    60. Summary: What Was Learned Using a principal axis factors extraction, you have uncovered three latent factors that describe relationships between your variables. These factors suggest various patterns of service usage, which you can use to more efficiently increase cross-sales.

    61. Using Principal Components Principal Components can aid in clustering. What is principal components? Principal is a statistical technique that creates new variables that are linear functions of the old variables. The main goal of principal components is to to reduce the number of variables needed to analyze.

    62. Principal Components Analysis (PCA) What it is and when it should be used.

    63. Introduction to PCA What does principal components analysis do? Takes a set of correlated variables and creates a smaller set of uncorrelated variables. These newly created variables are called principal components. There are two main objectives for using PCA Reduce the dimensionality of the data. In simple English: turn p variables into less than p variables. While reducing the number of variables we attempt to keep as much information of the original variables as possible. Thus we try to reduce the number of variables without loss of information. Identify new meaningful underlying variables. This is often not possible. The “principal components created are linear combinations of the original variables and often don’t lend to any meaning beyond that. There are several reasons why and situations where PCA is useful.

    64. Introduction to PCA There are several reasons why PCA is useful. PCA is helpful in discovering if abnormalities exist in a multivariate dataset. Clustering (which will be covered later): PCA is helpful when it is desirable to classify units into groups with similar attributes. For example: In marketing you may want to classify your customers into groups (or clusters) with similar attributes for marketing purposes. It can also be helpful for verifying the clusters created when clustering. Discriminant analysis: In some cases there may be more response variables than independent variables. It is not possible to use discriminant analysis in this case. Principal components can help reduce the number of response variables to a number less than that of the independent variables. Regression: It can help address the issue of multicolinearity in the independent variables.

    65. Introduction to PCA Formation of principal components They are uncorrelated The 1st principal component accounts for as much of the variability in the data as possible. The 2nd principal component accounts for as much of the remaining variability as possible. The 3rd … Etc.

    66. Principal Components and Least Squares Think of the Least Squares model

    67. Calculation of the PCA There are two options: Correlation matrix. Covariance matrix. Using the covariance matrix will cause variables with large variances to be more strongly associated with components with large eigenvalues and the opposite is true of variables with small variances. For the above reason you should use the correlation matrix unless the variables are comparable or have been standardized.

    68. Limitations to Principal Components PCA converts a set of correlated variables into a smaller set of uncorrelated variables. If the variables are already uncorrelated than PCA has nothing to add. Often it is difficult to impossible to explain a principal component. That is often principal components do not lend themselves to any meaning.


    70. SAS Output Of Crime Example

    71. More SAS Output Of Crime Example

    72. More SAS Output Of Crime Example



    75. Correlation From SAS: First the Descriptive Statistics (A part of the output from Correlation)

    76. Correlation Matrix

    77. Correlation Matrix: Just the Variables

    78. Correlation Matrix: Just the Principal Components

    79. Correlation Matrix: Just the Principal Components

    80. What If We Told SAS to Produce Only 2 Principal Components?

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