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INFORMATION SOCIETY. M. Gams. Three worlds with different properties Intelligent systems - i ntegra tion of the t hree. ELECTRONIC WORLD. Collapse of time, space. Definition: information society More than 50% of GDP related to information/knowledge .
Three worlds with different propertiesIntelligent systems - integration of the three ELECTRONIC WORLD Collapse of time, space.
Definition: information society More than 50% of GDP related to information/knowledge. • More than 50% of employees active in the information economy (immaterial labour). Economy based on transition from material goods to information/knowledge (primary and secondary sector, e.g. OECD 1981, 1986). IS started 1970-1980? Constantly growing! Slovenian growth
BASIC I.S. LAWS • Moore’s law (exponential growth of chip capabilities) • Metcalf’s law: value(network) = square(no. of nodes) or n*logn (size of network is very important; internet) • Sidg(e)more’s law (exponential growth of net traffic, of transmission capabilities) • Andreesen Lewis Fleming... net capitalism = frictionless economy, information economy, Internet economy, new economy(global, liberal, without rectrictions, regulations)
mMetcalfe's Law - value of a network is proportional to the square of the number of nodesMoore's Law Metcalfe's Law - value of a network is proportional to the square of the number of nodes – social networks - Internet Sidg(e)more's Law - traffic doubles every three months Andreesen's Law - cost of bandwidth is dropping Disk capacity (+electronic basic properties) also grows exponential Lewis/Flemig's Law - friction-free economy, booming, self-regulating (Greenspan) • Gilder’s Law (The Law of Telecoms) - Total telecommunications system capacity (b/s) triples every three yearsPut on the Internet all your information and activities FB:mail The cyber-world doubles fortune (real or fictive?? – current crises) Side effect of information society is information overload Information society demands intensive information knowledge for successful leadership Information society belongs to all of us The Internet is the most democratic and free media in the world The Internet and information society are our hope for the future Laws
Za Obamovo zmago odločilen internet; vir Finance 1.6.2009 David Plouffe, vodja digitalne kampanje Baracka Obame, Gradec, maj 2009. Nove tehnologije, zlasti internet, so eden glavnih razlogov, da je Obama postal 44. predsednik ZDA.Od začetka kampanje, ko je bila verjetnost za zmago skoraj enaka nič, so veliko tvegali; vedeli so, da nimajo drugega kot odličnega kandidata in jasno vizijo, ob tem pa pravilno ocenili, da je prav tehnologija pot za dosego ciljev.***Internet kot glavni kanal kampanje so uporabili za zbiranje denarja (pol milijarde dolarjev), promoviranje (3 milijone prijateljev na Facebooku, na desetine profilov na omrežjih), organiziranje in predvsem samoorganiziranje ljudi na terenu ter nenehno pošiljanje sporočil neposredno do ljudi ***ter tako pometli z močnimi tekmeci, ki so kljub veliki prednosti na začetku kampanje igrali "po starih pravilih igre".
Moore’s Law 1. Electronic world
Human Saturation Info clock >> biological clock • Terminal velocity • Conflict between biological and information clock • Humans can’t cope with information overflow • Solution: WE NEED INTELLIGENT ASSISTANTS
Discussion • Information society - technological, human, social • Intelligent systems - SW generation with some degree of intelligence • Intelligence (human, artificial, technical) is essential • True intelligent revolution decades away • Incredible possibilities ahead of us (first technical intelligent systems, later true AI) that may prevent saturation of human civilisation (overcrowded, shortage of oil and recources …) and jump ahead