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Working with Boards

Working with Boards. “ OLD” SAT analogy Our board is to our school as ________ is to _________. Board as control mechanism Dam: river Curbstone : road Border collie: herd Control tower: pilot Governor : engine Landlord: tenant. Board as strategic direction setter Compass: navigation

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Working with Boards

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Working with Boards

  2. “OLD” SAT analogy Our board is to our school as ________ is to _________

  3. Board as control mechanism Dam: river Curbstone : road Border collie: herd Control tower: pilot Governor : engine Landlord: tenant Board as strategic direction setter Compass: navigation Headlights: auto Rudder: boat Guidance system:satellite Periscope: submarine Flight planer: pilot Board as Meaning Maker Inspiration: poet Values: choices Designer: work of art Spirit: higher purpose Vision: implementation

  4. Types of Boards • Governing • Advisory • Limited Jurisdiction

  5. KEYS to SUCCESS • Get the right people to be focused on the mission and the future of the school. Board’s vision should be for the next generation of students • Orient them well so they understand their role in governance • Spell out clearly the roles and responsibilities of both boards and committees

  6. Keep them focused on things that ONLY the Board can do • Have an effective Board chair and develop good relationships • Do ongoing Board formation

  7. Set yearly goals for boards and committees with measures of success and links to strategic plan • Have well run meetings focused on strategic issues • Communicate with various stakeholders • Develop “dashboard indicators” • Have a Board Retreat

  8. Issues/Questions/Problems • Membership: parents of current students, faculty representation • Involvement in management issues; confusion of policy and procedures • Head of school communication with board members between meetings

  9. Board minutes • Who else in the administration should attend board meetings • Preparation for meetings; committee reports sent ahead of time • What to do about ineffective board members

  10. Implications of Sarbanes Oxley • Separate Audit committee • Conflict of interest policy • Whistleblower protection policy • Review by-laws and Directors and Officers liability insurance • Educate board in duty of care and duty of loyalty

  11. Board Assessments • Do we have the right people with the needed expertise to move the school forward? • How are we doing operationally? • How are we fulfilling our responsibilities as a board and as committees? • What are our goals and what progress are we making? • How well do individual board members fulfill their responsibilities?

  12. Head of School Assessment • Regular executive session with management letter to head. Focus: how can we be supportive? • Based on job description • Head sets yearly goals with performance measures; reports periodically to the Board • Self assessment • Chair appoints committee to get input from board members; perhaps some focus groups of constituents.

  13. www.xbss.orgClick on “Resources”and go to the bottom of the list for a copy of this presentationCUAJuly05BoardsYou can email me at pgarrahan@xaverianbrothers.org

  14. GROUP Understanding Faith and Ministry Catholic Identity and Catholic Education INDIVIDUAL ONGOING BOARD FORMATION Xaverian Approach to Catholic Education FORMATION Board Roles and Responsibilities FORMATION BACK

  15. MOUNT SAINT JOSEPH BOARD RETREAT   8:30 Coffee and donuts 9:00 Introduction Quiet reading and reflection Sharing Concluding prayer  10:00 Framing our tasks Sharing points from XBSS Forum Brainstorming MJS’s needs that ONLY the board can address Looking at formulating Board Goals 10:30 Small groups prepare 2-4 goals on newsprint

  16. 11:15 Large group sharing/reporting • Begin consensus building to formulate: • Board Goals • Who is responsible for implementing them • How the goals will be evaluated • 12:00 Lunch •  1:00 Continue large group synthesis • How do the morning’s discussions and conclusions • frame your committee’s goals?  • 2:00 Committees meet to formulate specific goals • 3:00 Large group sharing of committee goals • Personal goal setting •   “I’d be satisfied if….” • 4:00 Liturgy

  17. MSJ Strategic Issues for Board Goals • Financial Aid • Strategic Plan • Board Formation and Operations • Funding/Development • Relationship with the local community Back

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