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AP Review. …From the Civil War Key information you MUST know. Western Expansion 1860-1895. Homestead Act and the Morrill Land Grant Act Farming on Great Plains difficult Bonanza farms replaced individual farmers Women first receive the vote in Western states
AP Review …From the Civil War Key information you MUST know
Western Expansion 1860-1895 • Homestead Act and the Morrill Land Grant Act • Farming on Great Plains difficult • Bonanza farms replaced individual farmers • Women first receive the vote in Western states • Mining/Lumbering attract settlers • Native Americans forced off land and into reservations, with resistance at places like Little Bighorn and Ghost Dance Movement
Western Expansion 1860-1895 • Dawes Act breaks up reservation/tribal lands • American framers organize in late 1860’s through the Grange, Framer’s Alliance and later the Populists • Dime store novels portray rugged west of outlaws, drinkers and stagecoach robberies • Novels contrast with Turner’s Frontier Thesis
Gold Rush Silver discovered Barbed wire Exoduster Movement Buffalo Bill’s Wild West Show Indian Territories open for settlement Cross of Gold William Jennings Bryan Greenback Party Gold Standard Western Expansion 1860-1895
US as Industrial Giant 1870-1910 • Factors of industrial growth: expansion of heavy industry and availability of steel, natural resources and labor supply • Taylorism/assembly line created changes for workers • Horizontal/vertical integration allowed businesses to expand • Carnegie’s Gospel of Wealth • Early unionization: Knights of Labor, American Federation of Labor, Industrial Workers of the World (why does union membership remain low?)
US as Industrial Giant 1870-1910 • Significance and impact of new immigrants form s. and e. Europe on cities and labor supply • Transformation of US cities with new modes of transportation…suburbanization • Political machines in the city, with early reforms in some states for a civil service system
Bessemer Steel Knights of Labor Tammany Hall Holding Company Gilded Age Pendleton Service Act Chinese Exclusion Haymarket Riot, Chicago How the Other Half Lives Ellis Island First subway-Boston Ford opens IWW forms The Jungle Ford uses an assembly line US as Industrial Giant 1870-1910
Rise of American Imperialism 1890-1913 • US becomes economic/imperialistic equal of European powers by 2oth century (US farmers/manufacturers need global market) • Increased economic/political control of Hawaii • US wants China trade…want an Open Door • Opposition in US to imperialism on moral or humanitarian grounds • Spanish-American War increases imp. Impulse • US reluctantly annexes Philippines, leading to three years of fighting • Panama Canal built for military, strategic and economic purposes • Roosevelt Corollary to MD increased US control over LA
Alaska acquired Our Country, Josiah Strong: role of Anglo-Saxon in world Mahan’s Influence of Sea Power upon History Pro-US planters overthrow Queen L USS Maine…War John Jay’s Open Door Gain Philippines Naval Act expands navy Great White Fleet Treaty of Portsmouth Panama Canal Rise of American Imperialism 1890-1913
Progressive Era 1895-1914 • What were the political, economic and social problems that existed in the late 1890’s that lead to a movement to address these issues? • Progressives were a movement w/o a single set of leaders, goals • Social Gospel Movement aligned with progressive goals • Muckraking magazines and newspapers created/published the progressive agenda • Efforts to reform city government and and its services
Progressive Era 1895-1914 • Political reforms include: initiative, referendum, recall, direct primary…to name a few • Hull House was a…? Created by Whom? • TR’s Square Deal included many progressive measures • The Great War ended/diminished the reform impulse • Failure of reformers: aiding farmers, African Americans and other non-WASP’s
Looking Backward by Edward Bellamy Tom Johnson, Cleveland mayor Women's Trade Union league NAACP Ballinger-Pinchot Controversy Bull Moose Party Triangle Shirtwaist fire Federal Reserve System Anti-Saloon league The Jungle Birth of a Nation Robert La Follette 14 Points Eugene Debs Clayton Anti-trust Act Pure Food and Drug Outbreak of WWI Prohibition Ida Tarbell Progressive Era 1895-1914
US and the Great War (WWI) • First direct US of European affairs, expanding US involvement and impact on world • Many in US prefer Allies, U-boat campaign solidifies support for France and UK • Lusitania and Zimmerman Telegraph • AEFprovides military and psychological support for Allies • Propaganda directed towards the “Hun” • Federal government mobilized population for war effort
US and the Great War (WWI) • Great Migration begins, continues through 1920’s • French/British opposition to 14 Points • Treaty ignites old debate: isolationism or internationalism? • America grows more isolationist through 1920’s • Social and economic upheaval in the post-war conversion to peace
Convoy System Russian Revolution Liberty Bonds Conscription War Industries Board Committee on Public Information, George Creel Espionage Act Irreconcilables v. Reservationists Treaty of Versailles Chicago’s race riots Labor strikes Post-war strife Red Scare US and the Great War (WWI)
1920’s: The Start of Modern US • A consumer economy emerges unprecedented in US history • New forms of entertainment: ads, newspapers, radio, motion pictures leads to a uniform national culture • Changes resisted by many in small towns/rural, leading to many cultural conflicts • Taylor’s assembly line leads to mass-produced consumer goods • Buying on the installment plan created opportunities and problems • Republican Party controls WH and Congress with policies that generally favor big business
1920’s: The Start of Modern US • Harding administration wracked by scandal • Resentment towards Blacks intensifies, resulting in race riots in the North and lynchings in the South, new KKK • Red Scare results in suspension of civil liberties, deportation of immigrants • Nativist fears leads to quota restrictions in early 1920’s • Urban/Rural split: prohibition and evolution • The Jazz Age: emergence of speakeasies, flappers and loser sexual mores • The Lost Generation disillusioned with American Society • Harlem Renaissance: diverse collection of black artists, musicians and writers
Race riots, Chicago Violent Strikes Palmer raids Sacco and Vanzetti Model T Teapot Dome Scandal Rep. Presidents Washington Conference Dawes Plan Marcus Garvey National origins Act Scopes Trial The Jazz Singer The Man Nobody Knows The Great Gatsby Harlem Renaissance Charles Lindbergh Babe Ruth Market Crash 1920’s: The Start of Modern US
Great Depression and New Deal • G Depression’s origins are economic problems of the 1920’s: agricultural, banking, speculating and buying on margin • HH: volunteerism best solution • FDR: Promises a New Deal. First activist president of 20th century, used power of fed gov’t, to help • First 100 Days: Banks, CCC, stable farm prices, NIRA, speaks to US via fireside chats • Second New Deal: WPA and Social Security, longest lasting legacy of FDR/ND
Great Depression and New Deal • FDR crafts coalition of urban whites, southerners, union members, and blacks that stay in the Democratic party in power through 1980’s • New Deal Critics: Left: did nor do enough to alleviate effects of depression. Right: policies undermined competitive nature of capitalism leading to socialism • Court packing and Recession of 1937 demonstrate strength of Depression and ltd power of New Deal • Radio/Movies are staples of relief
CRASH Dust Bowl Hoovervilles Hawley Smoot Tariff Scottsboro Boys Bonus Army Huey Long’s Share Our Wealth Prohibition ends CCC TVA WPA AAA FDIC Wagner Act: right to organize NLRB Francis Perkins Mary McLeod Bethune Eleanor The Grapes of Wrath Their Eyes Were Watching God Great Depression and New Deal
WWII • War production ends Great Depression • US emerges as global power, w/USSR, after war • Isolationism is US policy through 1930’s • Lend-Lease/Destroyers for bases assist Britain • PH attack part of Japanese strategy, mobilizes US opinion/resolve • US forces create second front in Europe • US air/sea power defeat Japanese in pacific • Atomic bomb: minimize human cost of invasion, and as retaliation against Japanese war actions
WWII • American war-time sacrifices: rationing, war bonds, victory gardens, extra work • Industrial jobs for women • Continued discrimination in the military and civilian sector for African Americans (Double V) • Japanese internment
Hitler Nazi-Soviet Pact Neutrality Act Atlantic Charter Pearl Harbor Baatan Death March Battle of the Atlantic Yalta Conference: split Germany, Iron Curtain Battle of Midway War bonds Ration cards Victory Garden Rosie the Riviter Korematsu v. US Internment camps Casablanca Manhattan Project WWII
Cold War Origins 1945-1960 • Winning Cold War central goal for 45 years • Significant economic impact: factories devoted to military hardware • Who started it: Soviet expansionism v. US monopoly on the BOMB • Post-war conferences
Cold War Origins 1945-1960 • Iron Curtain image articulated by Churchill • Truman Doctrine, Marshall Plan and NATO unite US and W. Europe • US resolve tested by Berlin and Korea • 1949: USSR China Communist • HUAC investigates commie infiltration in US, McCarthy roots out commies • Ike and Dulles: aggressive plan to rollback and contain communism • Arms race between US and USSR
Yalta Potsdam Iron Curtain Kennan: Containment Truman Doctrine Marshall Plan Berlin Airlift NATO/Warsaw Pact “Who Lost China?” HUAC/Hiss-Nixon Creation of Israel Eisenhower Doctrine Army-McCarthy Hearings Guatemala overthrow Suez Crisis/Nasser Domino Theory Shah of Iran Rosenbergs Dien Bien Phu Geneva Accords Sputnik Castro JFK elected Cold War Origins 1945-1960
1950’s: Prosperity and Anxiety • The 50’s: Complacency or quiet and growing ferment? • Economic Growth: Cold War spending, autos, houses and appliances • Ads shape purchasing • GI Bill: mortgages and college education (welfare?), move people into the middle class • Does suburbanization = conformity? • Baby Boom 1945 to 1962 • Truman and Ike still in FDR’s shadow: has the New Deal become acceptable?
1950’s: Prosperity and Anxiety • Brown v. Board of Education, roots in Howard University • Montgomery Bus Boycott brings new leaders and strategies to the fore • Are Civil Rights and the Cold War linked? • Were teens of the 1950’s the silent generation? What were the effect of James Dean and Elvis Presley? What were they rebelling against?
GI Bill Taft Hartley Jackie Robinson Credit card introduced Catcher in the Rye (1951) Rock n Roll (1953) Interstate H-way Act McDonald’s opens Majority of workers are white-collar ¾’s of US own a tv (1960) Feminine Mystique Man in the Gray Flannel Suit Betty Friedan: NOW The Beat Generation On the Road The Affluent Society Levittowns 1950’s: Prosperity and Anxiety
America in Turmoil: 1960-1975 • Are protest and the cultural rebellion of the 1960’s good or bad? Why? • JFK’s image of presidential strength though few program pass Congress • Cuban Missiles: major crisis that bring world close to world war • Was JFK’s death used by LBJ to get Great Society programs passed in Congress • Civil Rights Movement moves for non-violent interracial cooperation to Black Power? Why?
America in Turmoil: 1960-1975 • Women seek equal rights through orgs like NOW • LBJ escalates the war in Vietnam • US military struggles against VC/NVA tactics and declining domestic support • Tet Offensive is a turning point as well as other events of 1968: King/RFK, Democratic Convention, Nixon wins • Student protests on the rise. SDS key organization • Vietnamization is Nixon’s plan, SV gov’t falls two years after US leaves
SDS SNCC Freedom Rides Bay of Pigs Silent Spring, Rachel Carson Cuban Missile Crisis The Other America March on Washington The Feminine Mystique War on Poverty Free Speech Movement Civil Rights Act Tonkin Gulf Resolution Troop escalation, 1965 America in Turmoil: 1960-1975
Warren Commission Kerner Commission Nation of Islam Black Nationalism Black Panthers United Farm Workers Counterculture Woodstock Music Festival Pentagon Papers American Indian Movement My Lai Massacre Nixon reelected Roe v. Wade America in Turmoil
US: Decline and Rebirth? (1968-1988) • How did the Watergate Affair contribute to a sense of decline in the US? Why did Nixon go after “enemies?” • Nixon crafts new relationships with China and the Soviet Union • Ford’s tenure tainted by pardon of Nixon • Carter campaigns as an outsider, a position taken by many post-Watergate politicians • Outsider status hurts carter’s relationships w/ Congress in terms of legislation • Camp David Accords helped Egypt/Israel bridge differences
US: Decline and Rebirth? (1968-1988) • Carter was unable to negotiate release of hostages held in Iran, costing him reelection votes • Ronald Reagan elected a a conservative who hope to restore US pride • RR employs supply-side economics, though it grew the economy, deficits soared • RR escalated Cold War rhetoric, but courted cordial relations with Soviet leaders • Demonstrates lack of direct control as demonstrated by Iran-Contra Affair
Nixon’s southern strategy SALT I Détente/Realpolitik Watergate, Woodward and Bernstein Spiro Agnew resigns Saturday Night massacre Nixon resigns/Ford Stagflation: unemployment and inflation WIN Carter signs Panama canal treaty Affirmative Action Religious Right Draft amnesty by Carter American taken hostage in Iran Recession 1981-1983 Massive Tax Cuts/tax Reform Act of 1986 (50 to 28% for wealthiest) Star Wars US victorious in Grenada US: Decline and Rebirth? (1968-1988)
US from 1988 to 2000 • Ability to manage domestic politics key to presidential success in post-Cold War era • GHW Bush alienates w/ no new taxes • What ended the Cold War: weakness in Soviet infrastructure, ^ US mil spending, Polish resistance? • GHW Bush against Iraq in Desert Storm • Clinton campaigns as New Democrat/centric, focus on economy • Clinton failure on Health Care paved way for Rep gains in 1994 (Contract with America)
US from 1988 to 2000 • Clinton and Gingrich fierce opponents in budget battles • Whitewater and investigations of Clinton’s personal life marred second term of Clinton • George W Bush elected after S. Court steps in
Solidarity replace Comm gov’t in Poland Berlin Wall falls Comm gov’ts fall in EE Persian Gulf War New Right Economic recession Clinton elected US troops killed in Somalia NAFTA ratified Terrorists target WTC Globalization Republican sweep mid-term election 1994 Kenneth Starr appt special prosecutor Federal budget surplus Clinton impeached by House, acquitted by Senate GW Bush elected 9-11 US from 1988 to 2000