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CDM-ASEAN. Exchanging Experience in ASEAN The CDM-ASEAN Project. Supported by ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) through the EC-ASEAN Energy Facility. Disclaimer
CDM-ASEAN Exchanging Experience in ASEAN The CDM-ASEAN Project Supported by ASEAN Centre for Energy (ACE) through the EC-ASEAN Energy Facility Disclaimer This document has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Community. The views expressed herein are those of CDM-ASEAN Project and can therefore in no way be taken to reflect the official opinion of the European Community.
CDM-ASEAN Objective of the Project To support the implementation of CDM in the energy sector in ASEAN member countries by regional institutional capacity building and by improving the competitive position of ASEAN among CDM host countries
CDM-ASEAN Project Activities (1) Organization of ASEAN CDM Seminars directed at exchanging experience (South-South) on the implementation of CDM in ASEAN member countries (2) Discussion Papers on CDM in ASEAN To disseminate the local information and experience on CDM in the energy sector, To subsequently analyze and compare
CDM-ASEAN (3) Information and dissemination activites CDM Information Desk, to which stakeholders in ASEAN can submit any CDM related question or request for information directed (4) Side Event UNFCCC Meeting Promote CDM-opportunities in the ASEAN region to potential investors
CDM-ASEAN Project Partners
CDM-ASEAN CDM-ASEAN Information Desk Ask your question on CDM by email: cdmasean@pelangi.or.id or cdmasean@capsd.nl
CDM-ASEAN What we will be doing today and tomorrow
CDM-ASEAN Objectives breakout sessions • Identification of common issues in ASEAN • Recommended actions on CDM exchange of experience / cooperation in ASEAN • Expected contributions from the CDM-ASEAN project
CDM-ASEAN Breakout sessions11.00-12.30 and 14.45-16.15 • International CDM market developments and implications for ASEAN • CDM in the energy sector in ASEAN member countries • Baselines in the energy sector (morning) • Integration CDM in the energy sector (afternoon) • Institutional aspects and capacity building in ASEAN • Needs for capacity building and cooperation in ASEAN (morning) • Institutional setting and CDM procedures (afternoon)
CDM-ASEAN Session 1: International CDM market developments and implications for ASEAN • Market Developments - Who is buying ? • Volume and Pricing Projections • Does Geography matter? • ASEAN country competitiveness – to the outside world and among themselves • What is important in determining CDM attractiveness? • Project Transaction Issues • Conclusions and Next Steps
CDM-ASEAN Session 2: CDM in the energy sector; Energy baselines in ASEANmorning session • Which methodologies are used? Main differences? • How does EB evaluate these approaches? • What are the remaining uncertainties on additionality and baseline standardisation? • How do specific methodologies influence the competitiveness of projects in ASEAN countries? • Should host countries adopt criteria for baseline methodologies? • Need for exchange of information in ASEAN?
CDM-ASEAN Session 2: CDM in the energy sector; CDM and energy policy in ASEANafternoon session • How do ASEAN countries incorporate CDM in energy policies? • What is the level of expectation with regard to contribution of CDM to energy policy objectives (short term and long term). • Differences between countries? • Which priorities do countries set and why?
CDM-ASEAN Session 3 Institutional aspects and capacity building; Needs for capacity building and cooperation in ASEAN morning session • How can CDM capacity building projects in ASEAN be made more effective? • What is the need for exchange of experiences and experiences in CDM within ASEAN? • What is the potential role of ASEAN Climate Change Initiative • How can the CDM-ASEAN project contribute?
CDM-ASEAN Session 3 Institutional aspects and capacity building; Institutional setting and CDM procedures in ASEAN afternoon session • What are the similarities and differences between the institutional arrangements and CDM procedures of different ASEAN countries? • Which criteria do the ASEAN countries apply for project selection and approval? • Which “good practices” can be identified?
CDM-ASEAN Breakout sessions11.00-12.30 and 14.45-16.15 • International CDM market developments and implications for ASEAN • Room: Main Hall • Moderator: Marc Stuart ( Ecosecurities) • CDM in the energy sector in ASEAN member countries • Room: Bougenville Room • Moderators: Axel Michaelowa (HWWA), Anuar Abdul Rahman (PTM) • Institutional aspects and capacity building in ASEAN • Room: Angsana Room • Moderators: Mark van Wees (CAP SD), Axel Michaelowa (HWWA)