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Engineering Electromagnetics 1 0909.301.01 Fall 2004

Engineering Electromagnetics 1 0909.301.01 Fall 2004. Lecture 1b September 8, 2004. Shreekanth Mandayam ECE Department Rowan University http://engineering.rowan.edu/~shreek/fall04/eemag1/. EEMAG-1: Topics Today. Plan. Review of scalars and vectors Time- and space-varying

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Engineering Electromagnetics 1 0909.301.01 Fall 2004

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  1. Engineering Electromagnetics 10909.301.01Fall 2004 Lecture 1bSeptember 8, 2004 Shreekanth Mandayam ECE Department Rowan University http://engineering.rowan.edu/~shreek/fall04/eemag1/

  2. EEMAG-1: Topics Today

  3. Plan • Review of scalars and vectors • Time- and space-varying • Scalar and vector fields • Time harmonic fields • Phasors • Complex vectors • Review of Vector Analysis • Dot and Cross products • Gradient of a scalar field • Divergence of a vector field • Curl of a vector field

  4. Scalars & Vectors Fields DEMO:spactimvec DEMO:spactimscal http://engineering.rowan.edu/~shreek/fall04/eemag1/tutorial.html

  5. Fields • Field: A space (and time) varying quantity • Static field: space varying only • Time varying field: space and time varying • Scalar field: Magnitude varies in space (and time) • Vector field: Magnitude & direction varies in space (and time) Moving Fields…... Electromagnetic waves

  6. Real, time harmonic scalar Complex Number (Phasor) Phasor Transform P Time Harmonic Fields • Fields that vary periodically (sinusoidally) with time Time Harmonic Scalar Fields

  7. Real, time harmonic vector Phasor Transform P Complex Vector Time Harmonic Vector Fields

  8. Vector Analysis: Review • Magnitude of a vector • Position (or Radius) Vector • Unit Vector in any direction

  9. Dot Product Physical meaning? DEMO:vecalgebra

  10. Cross Product Physical meaning? DEMO:vecalgebra

  11. Gradient of a Scalar Field Physical meaning? DEMO:grad

  12. Divergence of a Vector Field Physical meaning? DEMO:div

  13. Curl of a Vector Field Physical meaning? DEMO:curl

  14. Recall: Fields • Field: A space (and time) varying quantity • Static field: space varying only • Time varying field: space and time varying • Scalar field: Magnitude varies in space (and time) • Vector field: Magnitude & direction varies in space (and time) Moving Fields…... Electromagnetic waves

  15. Electromagnetic Fields

  16. Summary

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