Gluttony Γαστριμαργία Gastrimargia
Evagrius,Praktikos • 7. THE [tempting]-thought of gluttony suggests to the monk the quick abandonment of his asceticism. The stomach, liver, spleen, and [resultant] congestive heart failure are depicted, along with long sickness, lack of necessities, and unavailability of physicians. It often leads him to recall those of the brethren who have suffered these things. Sometimes it even deceives those who have suffered from this kind of thing to go and visit [others] who are practicing self-control, to tell them all about their misfortunes and how this resulted from their asceticism.
Evagrius, Peri Logismon • 1. OF the demons opposing the ascetical life [pratiké], those standing in the first [wave] for combat are: • [1] those entrusted with the appetites of gluttony, • [2] those that inspire us to love money, and • [3] those that entice us to seek human glory. [p.148]1.Τῶν ἀντικειμένων δαιμόνων τῇ πρακτικῇ, πρῶτοι κατὰ τὸν πόλεμον συνίστανται • οἱ τὰς τῆς γαστριμαργίας ὀρέξεις πεπιστευμέοι, • καὶ οἱ τὴν φιλαργυρίαν ἡμῖν ὑποβάλλοντες, • καὶ οἱ πρὸς τὴν τῶν ἀνθρώπων δόξαν ἡμᾶς ἐκκαλούμ
Evagrius, Peri Logismon • 1. Cont’d • All the rest march behind and receive the wounded whom these three pass along to them. Οἱδ' ἄλλοι πάντεςκατόπιντούτων βαδίζοντες, τοὺςὑπὸτούτων [79.1201a] τιτρωσκομένουςδιαδ́εχονται. • [1] For it is impossible to fall into the spirit of adultery, unless one has succumbed to gluttony; • [2] it is impossible to be agitated by anger, unless one covets and fights for food, or money, or fame; Οὐκ ἔστι γὰρ ἐμπεσεῖν εἰς χεῖρας τοῦ πνεύματος τῆς πορνείας, μὴ ὑπὸ τῆς γαστριμαργίας καταπεσόντα· • καὶ οὐκ ἔστι ταράξαι θυμὸν, μὴ ὑπὲρ βρωμάτων ἢ χρημάτων, ἢ δόξης ἀλόγων ἐπιθυμιῶν μαχόμενον·
Evagrius, Peri Logismon • 1. Cont’d • THIS is why the devil suggested these three [tempting-] thoughts to the Lord (Mt 4:3, ff): • [1] the first, when he suggested that stones should become bread; • [2] the second, when he promised the whole world, if [the Lord] would fall down and worship him; • [3] and the third, when he said that if he would listen to him he would be glorified, suffering no harm from his fall [from the Temple]. διὸκαὶτοὺςτρεῖςτούτουςλογισμοὺςὁδιάβολοςτότετῷΣωτῆρι προσήγαγε. [Mt 4:3, ff] • Πρῶτον μὲν τοὺς λίθους, [79.1200b] ἄρτους γενέσθαι παρακαλῶν, • ἔπειτα δὲ τὸν κόσμον ὅλον ἐπαγγελλόμενος εἰ πεσὼν προσκυνήσει· • καὶ τρίτον εἰ ἀκούσοι δοξασθήσεσθαι λέγων, μηδὲν ἐκ τοῦ τηλικούτου πτώματος πεπονθότα,
Evagrius, Peri Logismon • 3. IT is impossible to overcome these passions unless we can rise above attachment to food and possessions, to esteem, and even to our own body, through which the demons often attempt to attack us. [79.1204A] Ἀδύνατονδέτινα τῶν παθῶντούτων περιγενέσθαι, μὴ παντελῶς βρωμάτωνκαὶχρημάτων, καὶδόξηςὑπεριδόντα, ἔτιδὲκαὶτοῦἰδίουσώματοςδιὰτοὺςῥαπίζειν αὐτὸ πολλάκιςἐπιχειροῦντας·
Evagrius, Praktikos • 15. THE wandering nous is stabilized by [1] reading, [2] vigils and [3] prayer. • ιε´. Νοῦν μεν πλανώμενον ἵστησιν ἀναγνωσις καὶ ἀγρυπνία και προσευχή· • Burning epithumia (desire) is quenched by [1] hunger, [2] toil, and [3] solitude. • ἐπιθυμίαν δὲ ἐκφλογουμένην μαραίνει πεῖνα καὶ κόπος καὶ ἀναχώρησις·
Evagrius, Praktikos • 15. Cont’d • Churning thumos (indignation) is calmed by [1] the singing of Psalms, by [2] patient endurance and [3] mercy. θυμὸνδὲκαταπαύεικυκώμενονψαλμῳδία καὶ μακροθυμία καὶἔλεος· • But all these practices are to be engaged in at proper times and in proper measure. What is done untimely or without measure is temporary. And what is temporary is more harmful and not beneficial. • καὶ ταῦτα τοῖς προσήκουσι χρόνοις τε καὶ μέτροις γινόμενα· τὰ γὰρ ἄμετρα καὶ ἄκαιρα ὀλιγοχρόνια· τὰ δὲ ὀλιγοχρόνια βλαπερὰ μᾶλλον καὶ οὐκ ὠφέλιμα.
Evagrius, Praktikos • 16. WHEN our soul desires a variety of foods, then It should be confined to bread and water to make it thankful for a mere mouthful. It is satiety which yearns for varied foodstuffs; hunger considers it sheer bliss just to have enough bread. • ις' Ὁπηνίκα διαφόρων βρωμάτωνἐφίεταιἡμῶνἡψυχή, τὸτηνικαῦτα ἐνἄρτῳστενούσθωκαὶὕδατιἵν' εὐχάριστοςγένηταικαὶἐπ' αὐτῷψιλῷτῷψωμῷ· κόροςγὰρ ποικίλωνἐδεσμάτωνἐπιθυμεῖ, λιμὸςδὲτὸνκόροντοῦἄρτου μακαριότητα εἶναινοίζει.
Evagrius, Praktikos • 17. TO deprive oneself of water helps a great deal towards continence; let the three hundred Israelites who defeated Midian with Gideon (Judges 7:5-7) persuade you of this. • ιζ' Πάνυ πρὸςσωφροσύνηνσυμβάλλεταιἡτοῦὕδατοςἔνδεια· καὶ πειθέτωσάνσετῶνἸσραηλιτῶνοἱμετὰΓεδεὼντριακόσιοιτὴν Μαδιὰμχειρωσάμενοι.
Judges 7:5-7 (New International Version) • 5 So Gideon took the men down to the water. There the LORD told him, "Separate those who lap the water with their tongues like a dog from those who kneel down to drink." 6 Three hundred men lapped with their hands to their mouths. All the rest got down on their knees to drink. 7 The LORD said to Gideon, "With the three hundred men that lapped I will save you and give the Midianites into your hands. Let all the other men go, each to his own place."
Evagrius, Praktikos • 26. GIFTS quench resentment. Let Jacob persuade you of this. He got round Esau with gifts, when he was coming against him with four hundred men (Gen. 32). We who are poor should make up for our lack of other things by being hospitable at table. • κς ʹ Μνησικακίνσβέννυσιδῶρ· καὶ πειθέτωσεἸακὼβ τὸνἘσαῦδόμασινὑπελθὼνμετὰτετρακοσίωνεἰςὑπάντησινἐξελθόντα. Ἀλλ' ἡμεῖς πένητεςὄντεςτραπέζῃτὴνχρείαν πληρώσωμεν.
Evagrius, Praktikos • 29. OUR holy teacher, who was very experienced in the ascetical life (praktikotatos), said, ‘The monk ought always to be ready as if he were to die tomorrow, but at the same time he should use his body as if he were going to live with it for many years to come. The first [approach] cuts back the thoughts of acedia and makes the monk more zealous, while the second preserves the body and keeps its self-control balanced.’
κθ' Ἔλεγεδὲὁἅγιοςκαὶ πρακτικώτατοςἡμῶνδιδάσκαλος· οὕτωδεῖἀεὶ παρσκευάζεσθαιτὸνμονοχὸνὡς αὔριντεθνηξόμενον, καὶοὕτω πάλιντῷσώματικεχρῆσθαιὡςἐν πολλοῖςἔτεσισυζησόμενον. Τὸμὲνγάρ, φησί, τοὺςτῆςἀκηδίαςλογισμοὺς περικόπτεικαὶσπουδαιότερον παρασκευάζειτὸνμοναχόν· τὸδὲσῶονδιαφυλάττειτὸσῶμα καὶἴσην αὐτοῦἀεὶσυντηρεῖτὴνἐγκράτειαν.
Evagrius, Praktikos • 34. IF our memories of anything are full of passion, it. is because we once welcomed the things themselves with passion. Whatever things we welcome with passion, we shall later remember with passion. • λδ' Ὧν τὰς μνήμας ἔχομεν ἐμπαθεῖς͵ τούτων καὶ τὰ πράγματα πρότερον μετὰ πάθους ὑπεδεξάμεθα· καὶ ὅσα τῶν πραγμάτων πάλιν μετὰ πάθους ὑποδεχόμεθα͵ τούτων καὶ τὰς μνήμας ἕξομεν ἐμπαθεῖς.
Evagrius, Praktikos • 35. THE The passions of the soul derive from men; the passions of the body derive from the body. The passions of the body are cut back by self-control; those of the soul are cut back by spiritual love. • λεʹ Τὰμὲντῆςψυχῆς πάθηἐκτῶνἀνθρώπωνἔχειτὰςἀφορμάς· τὰδὲτοῦσώματοςἐκτοῦσώματος· καὶτὰμὲντοῦσώματος πάθη περικόπτειἐγκράτεια͵ τὰδὲτῆςψυχῆςἀγάπη πνευματική.
Evagrius, Praktikos • 36. THE demons that preside over the passions of the soul go on until we die; those which preside over the passions of the body leave sooner. • λς' Οἱ μὲν τῶν ψυχικῶν προεστῶτες παθῶν ἄχρι θανάτου προσκαρτεροῦσιν· οἱ δὲ τῶν σωματικῶν θᾶττον ὑποχωροῦσιν·
Evagrius, Praktikos • 40. IT is not possible at all times to carry out the customary rule, but it is necessary to be watchful of the opportune time and [thus] to perform whatever commandments we can, as best we are able. Regarding these opportune times and what concerns them the demons themselves are not ignorant. Thus in their movements against us they prevent our accomplishing what is possible and force us to undertake what is not possible: they prevent the sick from giving thanks in their pain and from being patient in receiving their ministrations; again they exhort the weak to fast and those who are weighed down to sing psalms while standing.
Evagrius, Praktikos • μ´. Οὐκ ἐν παντὶ καιρῷ δυνατὸν ἐκτελεῖν τὸν συνήθη κανόνα͵ προσέχειν δὲ δεῖ τῷ καιρῷ καὶ τὰς ἐνδεχομένας ἐντολὰς ὡς ἕνι μάλιστα πειρᾶσθαι ποιεῖν· τοὺς γὰρ καιροὺς καὶ αὐτοὶ τοὺς τοιούτους οὐκ ἀγνοοῦσιν οἱ δαίμονες. Ὅθεν κινούμενοι καθ΄ ἡμῶν͵ τὰ μὲν δυνατὰ γενέσθαι κωλύουσι͵ τὰ δὲ μὴ δυνατὰ γενέσθαι πράττειν ἡμᾶς καταναγκάζουσι· καὶ γὰρ τοὺς ἀσθενοῦντας εὐχαριστεῖν μὲν ἐπὶ ταῖς ἀλγηδόσι καὶ μακροθυμεῖν ἐπὶ τοῖς ὑπηρετοῦσιν ἀποκωλύουσιν· ἀτονοῦντας δὲ πάλιν ἐγκρατεύεσθαι καὶ βεβαρημένους ἑστῶτας ψάλλειν προτρέπονται.
Evagrius, Praktikos • 41. WHEN we are obliged to spend time in towns or villages, we should particularly hold to our self-control at such times in consorting with worldly people, in case our mind coarsens and loses its habitual vigilance because of its actual situation and so becomes a fugitive, tossed around by the demons. μα' Ὅτανἐν πόλεσινἢἐνκώμαιςἐπ΄ ὀλίγονἀναγκαζώμεθα διατρίβειν͵ τότεμάλιστα σφοδρότεροντῆςἐγκρατείαςἐχόμενοιτοῖςκοσμικοῖςσυνεσόμεθα͵ μήποτε παχυνθεὶςἡμῶνὁνοῦςκαὶτῆςσυνήθουςἐπιμελείαςδιὰτὸν παρόντα καιρὸνστερηθεὶς πράξῃτιτῶνἀβουλήτωνκαὶγένηταιφυγάς͵ ὑπὸτῶνδαιμόνων βαλλόμενος. • .
Evagrius, Praktikos 42. DO not immediately pray when you are tempted; first speak some words with anger to the one pressuring you: for when your soul is acted upon by tempting-thoughts prayer cannot be pure. But if you speak with anger to them, you will confuse and banish the ideas that come from your enemies. This is the natural result of anger in the case of good notions too μβʹ Οὐ πρότερον προσεύξῃ πειραζόμενος͵ πρὶνεἰπεῖντινα ῥήματα μετ΄ ὀργῆς πρὸςτὸνθλίβοντα· τῆςγὰρψυχῆςσου πεποιωμένηςτοῖςλογισμοῖς͵ συμβαίνειμηδὲκαθαρὰνγενέσθαιτὴν προσευχήν· ἐὰνδὲμετ΄ ὀργῆςεἴπῃςτι πρὸς αὐτούς͵ συγχεῖςτεκαὶἐξαφανίζειςτῶνἀντικειμένωντὰνοήματα. Τοῦτογὰρἡὀργὴκαὶἐπὶτῶνκρειττόνωννοημάτωνἐργάζεσθαι πέφυκεν.
Evagrius, Praktikos • 43. IT is necessary to be aware of the differences between demons and to interpret their different occasions: • μγʹ Δεῖδὲκαὶτὰςδιαφορὰςτῶνδαιμόνωνἐπιγινώσκειν͵ καὶτοὺςκαιροὺς αὐτῶνσημειοῦσθαι·
Evagrius, Praktikos • 43 cont’d • this we shall know from the [tempting-] thoughts, and the [tempting-] thoughts from the objects [they depict; thus knowing] which demons are less frequent and heavier, which are more frequent and lighter, and which leap suddenly and snatch the nous off to blasphemy. εἰσόμεθα δὲἐκτῶνλογισμῶν͵ τοὺςδὲλογισμοὺςἐκτῶν πραγμάτων͵ τίνεςτῶνδαιμόνωνσπάνιοικαὶ βαρύτεροι͵ καὶ ποῖοισυνεχεῖςκαὶκουφότεροι͵ καὶτίνεςοἱἀθρόωςεἰσπηδῶντεςκαὶ πρὸς βλασφημίαντὸννοῦνἁρπάζοντες.
Evagrius, Praktikos • 43 cont’d • These things it is necessary to know, so that when [tempting-] thoughts begin to move their own particular matter, and before we are driven too far from our proper state, we may speak out to them and indicate which one is present. For thus we shall with God’s help readily make progress, amazing them and forcing them to flee from us. Ταῦτα δὲἀναγκαῖονεἰδέναι͵ ἵν΄ ὅτανἄρξωνταιοἱλογισμοὶτὰςἰδίαςὕλαςκινεῖν͵ πρὶνἢ πολὺτῆςοἰκείαςἐκβαλώμεθα καταστάσεως͵ φθεγγώμεθάτι πρὸς αὐτοὺςκαὶτὸν παρόντα σημαίνωμεν· οὕτωγὰρἂν αὐτοίτεῥᾳδίωςσὺνΘεῷ προκόπτωμεν͵ κἀκείνουςθαυμάζονταςἡμᾶςκαὶὀδυνωμένουςἀποπτῆναι ποιήσωμεν.
Evagrius, Gnostikos • 46. THE holy luminary of Egypt, Athanasius, said: “Moses received the command to place the table standing towards the North.̈μςΤωνΑἰγυπτιωνὁἁγιοςφωστηρΑθανασιος· τηντραπαζαν, φησι, Μωυσηςειςτο βορειονμεροςστησαι προστασσεται. • The Knowers must know which [temptation] blows against them: and they are to stand firm against all species of temptation; and with eager zeal feed those who appear.Γινωσκετωσανοἱγνωστικοιτιςὁ πνεωνεστικατ' αὑτων, και παντα πειρασμονγενναιωςὑπομενετωσαν, καιμετα προθυμιαςτους προσιονταςτρεφετωσαν.
Evagrius, Praktikos • 44. WHEN the demons are helpless in their conflict with monks, they retire for a while and watch to see which area of virtue they are neglecting in the mean time, and then suddenly rush in and devastate the poor soul μδ' Ὅτανἀγωνιζόμενοι πρὸςτοὺςμοναχοὺςἀδυνατῶσινοἱδαίμονες͵ τότεμικρὸνὑποχωρήσαντεςἐπιτηροῦσι ποία τῶνἀρετῶνἐντῷμεταξὺ παρημέληται͵ κἀκείνῃ αἰφνιδίωςἐπεισελθόντες͵ τὴνἀθλίανψυχὴνδιαρπάζουσιν.
Evagrius, Praktikos • 45. MALICIOUS demons bring along even more malicious demons to help them. In their dispositions they are opposed to one another, but they all agree in seeking only the destruction of the soul. • με' Οἱ πονηροὶδαίμονεςτοὺς πονηροτέρους αὐτῶνδαίμοναςεἰς βοήθειανἐπισπῶνται· καὶκατὰτὰςδιαθέσειςἀλλήλοιςἐναντιούμενοι͵ συμφωνοῦσινἐπ΄ ἀπωλείᾳμόνονψυχῆς.
Evagrius, Praktikos • 46. WE should not let ourselves be disturbed by the demon which drags the mind towards blasphemy against God and towards forbidden fantasies which I have not ventured even to put down in writing, nor should such things interrupt our zeal. The Lord knows men’s hearts and he knows that we were not guilty of such madness even when we were in the world. This demon’s aim is to make us abandon prayer, so that we shall not stand before the Lord our God or dare to lift up our hands to his, because of having had such ideas as these.
Evagrius, Praktikos • μς' Μὴταραττέτωδὲἡμᾶςὁδαίμωνὁσυναρπάζωντὸννοῦν πρὸς βλασφημίανΘεοῦκαὶ πρὸςτὰςἀπειρημέναςφαντασίαςἐκείναςἃςἔγωγεοὐδὲγραφῇ παραδοῦναιτετόλμηκα͵ μηδὲτὴν προθυμίανἡμῶνἐκκοπτέτω· καρδιογνώστηςγάρἐστινὁΚύριοςκαὶοἶδενὅτιοὐδὲἐντῷκόσμῳὄντες ποτὲτοιαύτην μανίανἐμάνημεν. Σκοπὸςδὲτούτῳτῷδαίμονι παῦσαιἡμᾶςτῆς προσευχῆς͵ ἵνα μὴστῶμενἐναντίονΚυρίουτοῦΘεοῦἡμῶν͵ μηδὲτὰςχεῖραςἐκτεῖναιτολμήσωμενκαθ΄ οὗτοιαῦτα διενοήθημεν.
Evagrius, Praktikos • 47. THE sign of the passions that are affecting the soul is some word which we utter or some movement of the body; by means of these the enemies of the soul perceive whether we have their thoughts (logismoi) within us and are ready to bring them to birth, or whether we have discarded them and are concerned with our salvation. It is only God who made us who knows our mind directly and does not need symptoms to know what is hidden in our heart.
Evagrius, Praktikos • μζ' Τῶνἐντῇψυχῇ παθημάτωνσύμβολονγίνεταιἢλόγοςτις προενεχθείς͵ ἢκίνησιςτοῦσώματοςγενομένη͵ δι΄ οὗἐπαισθάνονταιοἱἐχθροὶ πότερονἔνδονἔχομεντοὺςλογισμοὺς αὐτῶνκαὶὠδίνομεν͵ ἢἀπορρίψαντες αὐτοὺςμεριμνῶμεν περὶτῆςσωτηρίαςἡμῶν. Τὸνγὰρνοῦνμόνοςἐπίσταταιὁ ποιήσαςἡμᾶςΘεός͵ καὶοὐδεῖταισυμβόλων αὐτὸς πρὸςτὸγινώσκειντὰἐντῇκαρδίᾳκρυπτόμενα.
Evagrius, Praktikos • 48. THE demons prefer to fight worldly people by means of things, but monks for the most part they attack by means of thoughts (logismoi), because in the desert they are deprived of things. And in as much as it is easier to sin in intent than in deed, the inner war is proportionately harder than that which arises because of things. The mind is something which is easily moved, and hard to hold when it is faced with unlawful imaginings.
Evagrius, Praktikos • μη' Τοῖς μὲν κοσμικοῖς οἱ δαίμονες διὰ τῶν πραγμάτων μᾶλλον παλαίουσι͵ τοῖς δὲ μοναχοῖς ὡς ἐπὶ πλεῖστον διὰ τῶν λογισμῶν· πραγμάτων γὰρ διὰ τὴν ἐρημίαν ἐστέρηνται· καὶ ὅσον εὐκολώτερον τὸ κατὰ διάνοιαν ἁμαρτάνειν τοῦ κατ΄ ἐνέργειαν͵ τοσοῦτον χαλεπώτερος καὶ ὁ κατὰ διάνοιαν πόλεμος τοῦ διὰ τῶν πραγμάτων συνισταμένου· εὐκίνητον γάρ τι πρᾶγμα ὁ νοῦς καὶ πρὸς τὰς ἀνόμους φαντασίας δυσκάθεκτον.
Evagrius, Praktikos • 49. WE are not commanded to work the whole time or to keep vigil the whole time or to fast the whole time, but there is a law that we should pray ceaselessly (1 Thes. 5:17). The first three, which heal the part of the soul in which the passions are, need the body for their practice, and it is congenitally too weak for such labours; but prayer makes the mind strong and pure for the struggle, since the mind is naturally made for prayer and it is natural to it to fight demons even without the body, on behalf of all the powers of the soul.
Evagrius, Praktikos μθ' Ἐργάζεσθαιμὲνδιὰ παντὸςκαὶἀγρυπνεῖνκαὶνηστεύεινοὐ προστετάγμεθα͵ προσεύχεσθαιδὲἡμῖνἀδιαλείπτωςνενομοθέτηται· διότιἐκεῖνα μὲντὸ παθητικὸνμέροςτῆςψυχῆςθεραπεύοντα καὶτοῦσώματοςἡμῶνεἰςτὴνἐργασίαν προσδεῖται͵ ὅπερδι΄ οἰκείανἀσθένειαν πρὸςτοὺς πόνουςοὐκἐπαρκεῖ· ἡδὲ προσευχὴτὸννοῦνἐρρωμένονκαὶκαθαρὸν πρὸςτὴν πάλην παρασκευάζει͵ πεφυκότα προσεύχεσθαικαὶδίχα τούτουτοῦσώματοςκαὶὑπὲρ πασῶντῶντῆςψυχῆςδυνάμεωντοῖςδαίμοσιμάχεσθαι
Evagrius, Praktikos • 50. IF any monk wishes to experience of the savage demons and to become acquainted with their art, he should observe his [tempting-]thoughts and note [down] their intensification and diminution, and their interconnectedness, and their timing, and which demons produce what, and which demon comes after another, and which does not follow after which; νʹ Εἴτις βούλοιτοτῶνμοναχῶνἀγρίων πειραθῆναιδαιμόνωνκαὶτῆς αὐτῶντέχνηςἔξινλαβεῖν͵ τηρείτωτοὺςλογισμούς͵ καὶτὰςἐπιτάσειςσημειούσθωτούτων͵ καὶτὰςἀνέσεις͵ καὶτὰςμετεμπλοκάς͵ καὶτοὺςχρόνους͵ καὶτίνεςτῶνδαιμόνωνοἱτοῦτο ποιοῦντες͵ καὶ ποῖος ποίῳδαίμονιἀκολουθεῖ͵
Evagrius, Praktikos • 50.Cont’d • and he should seek from Christ the inner meanings [logoi] of these things They dislike those who approach the ascetic life with greater knowledge, for they wish to shoot in darkness at the upright of heart(Ps 10:2). • καὶτίςτίνιοὐχἕπεται· καὶζητείτω παρὰΧριστοῦτούτωντοὺςλόγους. Πάνυγὰρχαλεπαίνουσινἐπὶτοῖςγνωστικώτεροντὴν πρακτικὴνμετιοῦσι͵ βουλόμενοικατατοξεύεινἐνσκοτομήνῃτοὺςεὐθεῖςτῇκαρδίᾳ.
Evagrius, Praktikos • 52. TO separate the body from the soul belongs exclusively to him who united them; but to separate the soul from the body belongs to anyone who desires virtue The life of withdrawal has been called by the fathers a rehearsal for death and flight from the body. νβʹ Σῶμα μὲνχωρίσαιψυχῆς͵ μόνουἐστὶτοῦσυνδήσαντος· ψυχὴνδὲἀπὸσώματος͵ καὶτοῦἐφιεμένουτῆςἀρετῆς. ΤὴνγὰρἀναχώρησινμελέτηνθανάτουκαὶφυγὴντοῦσώματοςοἱΠατέρεςἡμῶνὀνομάζουσιν.
Evagrius, Praktikos • 53. THOSE who improperly cherish the flesh and take thought for it to satisfy its desires (Rom 13 14) should blame the selves, not it Those who have obtained passionlessness of the soul by means of the body and who, to some extent, attain the contemplation of beings, recognize the grace of the Creator. • νγ' Οἱτὴνσάρκα κακῶςδιατρέφοντεςκαὶ πρόνοιαν αὐτῆςεἰςἐπιθυμίας ποιούμενοι͵ ἑαυτοὺςμὴταύτηνκαταμεμφέσθωσαν· ἴσασιγὰρτὴνχάριντοῦΔημιουργοῦοἱτὴντῆςψυχῆςἀπάθειανδιὰτοῦσώματοςτούτουκτησάμενοικαὶτῇτῶνὄντωνθεωρίᾳ ποσῶςἐπιβάλλοντες.
Evagrius, Praktikos • 54. WHEN the demons, attacking the desiring part of the soul (epithumetikon) through dreams, show us things like meetings with friends, family feasts, women dancing and other such things which produce pleasure, and we run to meet them, then we are sick in the [desiring] part of [our soul] and passion prevails. … • .νδ' Ὅτανἐνταῖςκαθ΄ ὕπνονφαντασίαιςτῷἐπιθυμητικῷμέρει πολεμοῦντεςοἱδαίμονες αὐτοὶμὲνδεικνύωσιν͵ ἡμεῖςδὲ προστρέχωμεν͵ συντυχίαςγνωρίμωνκαὶσυμπόσια συγγενῶνκαὶχοροὺςγυναικῶνκαὶὅσα ἄλλα τοιαῦτα ἡδονῶνἀποτελεστικά͵ ἐντούτῳτῷμέρεινοσοῦμενκαὶτὸ πάθοςἰσχύει. …
Evagrius, Praktikos • 56. WE shall recognise the signs of passionlessness through our [tempting-] thoughts (logismoi) during the day and through our dreams at night… • νς' Τὰ τῆς ἀπαθείας τεκμήρια͵ μεθ΄ ἡμέραν μὲν διὰ τῶν λογισμῶν͵ νύκτωρ δὲ διὰ τῶν ἐνυπνίων ἐπιγνωσόμεθα·…
Evagrius, Praktikos 59. THE more the soul progresses, the greater the opponents which take over In the battle against it I do not believe it is always the same demons waiting on it The people who know this best are the ones who attend most acutely to their temptations and who see the passionlessness which they possess being battered by one demon after another. νθ' Ὅσῳ προκόπτειψυχή͵ τοσούτῳμείζονες αὐτὴνἀντα γωνισταὶδιαδέχονται· τοὺςγὰρ αὐτοὺςἀεὶδαίμονας αὐτῇ παραμένεινοὐ πείθομαι· καὶτοῦτοἴσασιμάλιστα οἱὀξύτεροντοῖς πειρασμοῖςἐπιβάλλοντες͵ καὶτὴν προσοῦσαν αὐτοῖςἀπάθειανἐκμοχλευομένηνὑπὸτῶνδιαδεξαμένωνὁρῶντες.
Where to Find St. John Cassian • You can read St. John Cassian in the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers (Series II, Vol. XI). Of particular interest are Books 5-12 of the Institutes and Book 5 of the Conferences. • http://www.ccel.org/ccel/schaff/npnf211.iv.html • http://www.tertullian.org/fathers2/NPNF2-11/Npnf2-11-39.htm#P2444_1025710 • http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/3507.htm
Incredibly helpful website • http://ldysinger.stjohnsem.edu/CH_599z_Asceticism/00a_start.htm
Schedule of internet interruptions From Friday July 22 ‐ 7:00 p.m. to Saturday morning July 23 ‐ 3 a.m. Laframboise and GuiguesHalls, SPU Residence A two hour interruption followed by localized interruptions of less than one hour. Saturday July 23 from 8 a.m. to midnight Laframboiseand GuiguesHalls Localized interruptions of less than one hour
This is to confirm that the Library will be open this weekend (Saturday July 23rd - 9h00 - 17h00 and Sunday July 24th - 13h00 - 17h00) to Accommodate our students. Just a reminder - the Internet will be functioning on and off on Saturday. This does mean that students will not be able to consult the Library catalogue at times.
HERE Evagrius, Praktikos • 60. PERFECT apatheia comes into being in the soul after it has defeated all the demons that oppose the praktikē perfect apatheia is relative to the force of the particular demon which is attacking at any given time. • ξ' Ἡμὲντελεία τῇψυχῇἀπάθεια μετὰτὴννίκηντὴνκατὰ πάντωντῶνἀντικειμένωντῇ πρακτικῇδαιμόνωνἐγγίνεται· ἡδὲἀτελὴςἀπάθεια ὡς πρὸςτὴνδύναμιντέωςτοῦ παλαίοντος αὐτῇλέγεταιδαίμονος.
Evagrius, Praktikos • 62. THE nous is blinded by both virtues and vices: the former keep it from seeing the vices; the latter keep it from glimpsing the virtues. • ξβ' Τὸννοῦνκαὶ αἱἀρεταὶκαὶ αἱκακίαιτυφλὸνἀπεργάζονται· αἱμέν͵ ἵνα μὴ βλέπῃτὰςκακίας· αἱδέ͵ ἵνα μὴ πάλινἴδῃτὰςἀρετάς.
Evagrius, Praktikos • 74. THE monk’s temptation is in the form of a thought (logismos) which rises up through the passionate part of the soul and darkens the mind. • οδ' Πειρασόςἐστιμοναχοῦλογισμὸςδιὰτοῦ παθητικοῦμέρουςτῆςψυχῆςἀναβὰςκαὶσκοτίζωντὸννοῦν.
Evagrius, Praktikos • 75. THE monk’s sin is his consenting to the forbidden pleasure of a thought (logismos). • οεʹ Ἁμαρτία ἐστὶμοναχοῦἡ πρὸςτὴνἀπηγορευμένηνἡδονὴντοῦλογισμοῦσυγκατάθεσις.