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Universidade da Madeira, 21 Juillet 2011 Reminder • The stakes : • Combining globalization and identities : the notion of insularity • Linking the scattered • Making insularity a common asset • Faire de un atout collectif • The plan: • Bringing together people working on projects in the frame of a network where all of them are confronted to an homogenious constrained system • Leading actions in the domain of research, education as well as innovation and technological transfer • Confronting the excellence competence of the wholeinsularpartners in the multidisciplinaryfieldsconcerned : • Renewable energies • Management of the Risks • Natural resources • Management and Valuation of Waters • Dynamics of Territories and Sustainable development • Identities and Cultures: heritage processes • Information and Communication Technology • Strengthening the solidarities between islands, facilitating and improving transinsular capacities of innovation and at a world scale. Final aim: a structuring action contributing to the economic development of the concerned zones.
Universidade da Madeira, 21 Juillet 2011 Reminder Founding Symposium 9 – 10 July 2010, Università di Corsica
Universidade da Madeira, 22 Juillet 2011 • Official adherence of new members • Universidad de PuertoRico • University of the Aegean, Grèce • TEI of IonianIslands, Grece • University of the Ryukyus, Japon • Université d’Antananarivo, Madagascar
Universidade da Madeira, 22 Juillet 2011 Undertaken and current actions • Current actions in the domains of education and research : • Chart to be completed with existing collaborations: double-diplomas etc. Data must be transmitted to reti@univ-corse.fr • (http://ent.univ-corse.fr/relations_internationales/tableau.html) • Madagascar : collaboration on the theme of essential oils and knowledge transfer with the setting up of Masters 1&2 (LMD system, March 2012) • Scientific Journal : Creation of a pluridisciplinary journal « Insular Spaces » (leading partners: University of Corsica, Antilles & Guyana and Baleares) 2 issuesd/year on numeric aids, French & English, + 1 Spanish versions
Universidade da Madeira, 22 Juillet 2011 StratEgic development • Mobility strategy: promoting an ENIT mobility • Mobility to be encouraged before the ENIT Schools: • Teaching staff: collaborative work before the taking place of the ENIT Schools, pedagogical + linguistic (CLIL training: http://www.mp.gov.rs/resursi/dokumenti/dok36-eng-CLIL.pdf) with the aim of creating joint diplomas (ENIT academic staff teams) • Administrative staff: need to work on the different academic systems and compare them in order to establish partnerships, feasibility study and writing of a schedule of conditions • Student: developing an insularity culture and allowing a common platform of professional networks (ENIT training periods) • invitation to take part in the University/Enterprises forum in Nov. 2011 at the University of Corsica within the space dedicated to « Insular Spaces »
Universidade da Madeira, 22 Juillet 2011 Strategicdevelopment: actions to come • ENIT ERASMUS network: • September 2011: signing of ERASMUS agreements between all EU ENIT institutions to give way to a chosen mobility and gain in visibility, offering students a « ENIT mobility » label. • ENIT Schools: education and research • 2 schools in 2012 : school + workshop on1 week (6 topics) • Thames : cf next slide • Costs for 2 postgraduated students (M or Phd) and 1 teacher-researcher taken in charge by each university for each school • Proposal by coordinators of topics and axes (1 or 2 pages): • deadline end September • Answers from the other ENIT members expected for mid-November • Summer School in Corte in 2012 in collaboration with Antilles & Guyana on Tourism & Insularity • Winter Campus in Corte from Dec. 6th to 12th 2011 on « Know hows as cultural competences of island territories » organised in partnership with the universities of French Polynesia, Antilles & Guyana, Sassari, Reunion and Corsica (NICSOS network: islands‘ Nature, Cultures, Knowledge, Social Organisation) • Purpose of ENIT Schools: succeeding in opening international diplomas + ENIT research teams • *ERASMUS financing to be found + RETI mobility offers to students
Universidade da Madeira, 22 Juillet 2011 Strategicdevelopment • Themes coordination: gaining in visibility through a relevant positioning • Integrated management of island territories and marine ressources • Universities of La Laguna and Las Palmas (organization ENIT School1) • Sustaionable development and identities of island territories • University of the Aegean (organization ENIT School2)
Universidade da Madeira, 22 Juillet 2011 Strategic development • Political accompaniment • Flashback on taken steps : • The Island Commission (CPMR : Conference of peripheral Maritime Regions) May, 2011 • http://www.crpm.org/fr/index.php?act=1 • Agreement in principle to support the ENIT • European Institutions, visit in Brussels June, 2011 • an academic and scientific approach • Several levels of processes
Universidade da Madeira, 22 Juillet 2011 Strategic development • Budget support: an insight of possibilities • Regional level: • European cohesion policy 2007-2013 (1/3 of the total EU budget, 271 regions) • Inforegio : reducing high economic, social and territorial disparities which subsist between European regions • http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy/index_fr.cfm • ESPON : Information day and «Partner Café» ORATE, on13 September 2011 (in presence of the GD REGIO of the European Commission and of the UE Polish presidency) • http://www.espon.eu/main/Menu_Calls/Menu_Calls/Menu_Pre-Announcement/PreAnnouncementCallsAug11.html
Universidade da Madeira, 22 Juillet 2011 Strategic development • Budget support (continuation) • European level: • BEST Program (pilote): financial opportunity for Over-Seas Universities • Theme : biodiversity in EU ultraperipheric regions • Global envelope: 2 500 000 € • Applications expected for Sept. 9th 2011 • Liens utiles : • http://ec.europa.eu/environment/funding/finansup_11_best.htm • http://ec.europa.eu/environment/funding/pdf/best/Call.pdf
Universidade da Madeira, 22 Juillet 2011 Strategic development • Budget support (continuation) • European level ++ : • Marie Curie (appeal on July 20th, expected beginning of 2012) : IRSES program (International Exchange Staff exchange scheme) : • Creating or reinforcing of long lasting cooperation between universities, through exchange programs coordinated by researchers but also technicians, students, administrative staff • The proposal must include: al least 2 different EU institutions, or associated countries PLUS one or more localized organizations in the countries with which the EU has agreements in sciences and technologies or in one of the countries covered by the European neighboring policy • Monthly allowances for each EU person aiming at covering mobility costs (even transport) (maximum 400 000 €) • An IRSES program can support 24 to 48 months of mobility. The maximum length of individual exchanges is 12 months.
Universidade da Madeira, 22 Juillet 2011 Strategic development • Budget support (continuation) • International level: • Erasmus Multilateral Projects : • Relevant priorities : • Cooperation between enterprises and universities • Social dimension of superior education • Mobility strategies and removal of barriers in higher education • Encouraging excellence and innovation in Higher education • Eligibility conditions: • At least one of the countries must be a EU country • Minimum of three partner countries • Length and financing: • Minimuim length of 2 years (max. 3 years) • Maximum EU financial implication for the total amount: 150 000€ / year (maximum for the whole program: 300 000 €.
Universidade da Madeira, 22 Juillet 2011 Organisation & ENIT life • Statutes : • Statutes will have to evolve if opening of ENIT positions to get an ad hoc budget • No fee from Universities members of the network for the time being • Fonctionning : • Updating of the « Contacts » file by the University of Corsica • Better circulation of information via ENIT referents: generalization of mailing lists • Communication: • End October 2011: ENIT ERASMUS network effective & chart of existing collaborations actualized • Proposal of creation of an ENIT journal, in English on numeric aids • Podcasts of lessons of ENIT Schools + interviews of students + teachers involved • Need to create a collaborative space (possible proposal from the University of the Aegean, possible funding to be confirmed)
Universidade da Madeira, 22 Juillet 2011 Organisation & ENIT life • RETI-EID PROJECT • “Development of a sentinel and research network of emerging infectious diseases among islands” • Aims of the project: • Coupling epidemiological and genetic data to reconstructing diffusion of a number of infectious island diseases • Providing a large amount of data on the epidemics of infectious diseases among humans and other animals and their interactions • Promoting pluridisciplinary research partnership among RETI partners that would directly contribute to public health management in islands and improvement of international scientific knowledge • Agenda : • Each university must designate a referent (name expected for mid-September) • Autumn 2011: meeting of a workshop associating scientific partners and public health services interested by the ENIT • Opening on one or two projects of research capable of answer international calls (EU commission for ex.) • Partners : Inserm: National Institute of Health and Medical Research …
Universidade da Madeira, 22 Juillet 2011 PressConference Rede de Excelência dos Territórios Insulares Réseau d’Excellence des Territoires Insulaires Rete d’Eccellenza dei Territori Insulari Excellence Network of Island Territories Red de Excelencia de los Territorios Insulares
Universidade da Madeira, 22 Juillet 2011 Prochaines réunions • 2012 : Symposium et Comité de Gouvernance à l'Universidad de Las Palmas de GranCanaria(Espagne) • 2013 : Comité de Gouvernance à l'Università degliStudi di Sassari (Sardaigne, Italie) • 2014: Symposium et Comité de Gouvernance à la University of Prince Edward Island (Canada)