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Directions on Table. Welcome! CCSS App for Smart Phone. As you enter, if you have a smart phone and do not have this free app for the Common Core State Standards, you may wish to download it to use both today and in the future. Facilitators . Kelly Philbeck
Directions on Table Welcome!CCSS App for Smart Phone • As you enter, if you have a smart phone and do not have this free app for the Common Core State Standards, you may wish to download it to use both today and in the future.
Facilitators Kelly Philbeck LDC Instructional Specialist for Kentucky @KellyPhilbeck www.kellyphilbeck.com Latishia Sparks Instructional Specialist, KEDC @LSparksELA Wayne Stevens Effectiveness Coach, KDE @WayneStevens1
Outcomes • Deepen an understanding of the instructional shifts, structure and demands of the Common Core State Standards • Learn about using the LDC framework to design instruction to meet the expectations of the Common Core • Use an LDC Template Task to create a Teaching Task to target grade level Common Core aligned skills and instruction • Gain a deeper understanding of the role of text complexity • Plan aligned/coherent mini tasks that provide formative teaching and learning opportunities • Share high-leverage instructional strategies • Discover supports for implementing LDC
Norms • What working agreements will help make today be successful for you? Group Norms
Instructional Shifts Required by the Common Core • Regular practice with complex text and its academic language • Reading, writing and speaking grounded in evidence from text, both literary and informational • Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction Handout ELA Shifts
Turn and Talk • What are the benefits? • What are the challenges? • What are possible solutions to the challenges? • What are the implications?
Instructional Shifts… A Closer Look • 1.Increasing rigor and relevance
Instructional Shifts… A Closer Look 2. Sharing responsibility of teaching reading across content areas
Instructional Shifts… A Closer Look 3. Building knowledge through content-rich nonfiction and informational text
Instructional Shifts… A Closer Look • 4.Reading, writing, speaking and listening grounded in evidence from texts
Instructional Shifts… A Closer Look • 5. Practicing regularly with complex • text and academic vocabulary
Instructional Shifts… A Closer Look 6. Emphasizing 3 modes of academic writing • Argumentation • Informational / Explanatory • Narrative*
Structure of the Standards Strand Anchor Standard Grade-Specific Standard
4 Strands • Reading • Reading Literature - RL • Reading Informational - RI • Reading Foundations – RF • Reading in Science and Technical Subjects – RST • Reading in History and Social Studies - RH • Writing – W • Writing in History/Social Studies, Science and Technical Subjects - WHST • Speaking and Listening - SL • Language - L
Deconstructing a Standard –Reading Standard for Informational Text 1Anchor Standard: Read closely to determine what the text says explicitly and to make logical inferences from it; cite specific textual evidence when writing or speaking to support conclusions drawn from the text. Grade and Standard K - With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text. 1st - Ask and answer questions about key details in a text. 2nd - Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrateunderstanding of key details in a text. Change in Expectations Ask and answer questions about key details in a text. (no prompting) Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and howto demonstrateunderstanding of key details in a text. Handout CCSS Reading Standard #1
Grade and Standard 2nd - Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and how to demonstrateunderstanding of key details in a text. 3rd - Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. 4th - Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. 5th - Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. Change in Expectation Ask and answer such questions as who, what, where, when, why, and howto demonstrateunderstanding of key details in a text. Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers. Refer to details and examples in a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing inferences from the text. Handout CCSS Reading Standard #1
Identify Specific Grade Level Demands In small groups, chart the changes in expectations in the Writing Standards (Choose either Argumentation/Opinion or Informational) for your content area (K-5 or 6-12) Handout W1 or W2
What are the reading skills needed for each grade level? • Use post-its to identify the readings skills that students will need to acquire to support grade-level proficiency in writing. • Using the discpline-specific literacy standards, identify the reading standard that connects to the skill you identified.
What Are the Implications? What Did You Notice?
A Look at LDC in the Classroom What do you notice that the teacher is saying and doing? What do you notice that the students are saying and doing? Literacy Matters http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O5EnOVjRPGI
What Task? - Section 1 The Core of the LDC Framework Why the emphasis on tasks? “What was different in the four classrooms was what students were actually being asked to do, and the degree to which the teacher was able to engage students in the work by scaffolding their learning up to the complexity of the task she was asking them to do.” – Richard Elmore Rounds in Education. Elizabeth A. City, Richard F. Elmore, Sarah E. Fiarman, and Lee Teitel
Section 1: What Task? • Rich tasks • Choosing text LDC provides a context for shared and collaborative responsibility. LDC provides a context for continuous professional learning.
The Template Tasks and the CCSS Task 2 Template (Argumentation/Analysis): [Insert optional question] After reading ________ (literature or informational texts), write a/an ________ (essay or substitute) in which you address the question and argue_______(content) Support your position with evidence from the text(s). Task 14 Template: (Informational/Description): [Insert optional question]After reading ________ (literature or informational texts), write a/an ________ (essay, report, or substitute) in which you describe ________ (content). Support your discussion with evidence from the text(s).
Template Task Collection 3.0 • Writing Type: Argumentation or Informational/Explanatory • Text Structure: Definition, Description, Analysis, Problem-Solution, etc. Handout Collection 3.0
Demands • Demands are additional writing and cognitive challenges that you can add to a template task. • Demands are developed from language in the CCSS. • Demands can scaffold your instruction.
Demands You may choose one or more of these demands(D) to increase the challenge: • D1 Be sure to acknowledge competing views. • D2Give ____(one; #) example/s from past or current ____ (events; issues) to illustrate and clarify your position. • D3 What _____(conclusions; implications) can you draw ____? • D4 In your discussion, address the credibility and origin of sources in view of your research topic. • D5 Identify any gaps or unanswered questions. • D6Use ________ (stylistic devices) to develop your work. • D7 Use ________ (techniques) to convey multiple storylines. • D8 Include ________ (e.g. bibliography, citations, references, endnotes).
LDC Template Task Teaching Task Teachers fill–in-the-blank by choosing: text - writing product - content - text structure Original Task 2 Template (Argumentation/Analysis): [Insert question] After Reading ________ (literature or informational texts), write a/an ________ (essay or substitute) that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the text(s). L2 Be sure to acknowledge competing views. L3 Give examples from past or current events or issues to illustrate and clarify your position. Teaching Task 2 (High School): Were the achievements and growth of the Industrial Revolution Era worth the cost to society?After reading secondary and primary sources pertaining to the British Industrial Revolution, write an argumentation essay that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the texts. Be sure to acknowledge competing views.
LDC Template Task Teaching Task Teachers fill–in-the-blank by choosing: targeted content standard - text - writing product - content - text structure Task 21: [Insert optional question] After reading ________ (literature or informational texts), write a/an ________ (report, essay or substitutes) in which you analyze ________ (content), providing examples to clarify your analysis. (Informational or Explanatory/Analysis) In a time when radioactivity was an unknown, how did Marie Curie use her discoveries to prove radioactivity can be used as a new method for searching for elements? After reading Curie’s Nobel Prize lecture, “Radium and the New Concepts in Chemistry”, writea reportin which you analyze Curie’s claim to have proved her own hypothesis that radioactivity is an atomic property, providing examples to clarify your analysis.
Strong Teaching Tasks: • Strong Teaching Tasks are: • Are worthy of 2, 3 or 4 weeks of instruction • Ask students to grapple with important content to the discipline • Target grade specific Common Core literacy standards and content GLEs • Evolve from a rigorous text-dependent question directly related to the content or standard(s)being taught • Provide opportunities to read informational text of appropriate text complexity and content specific to the grade level • Have students working in the most effective mode of discourse/text structure to demonstrate understanding and new knowledge • Involve products written for an authentic audiences • Stay true to the wording of the template task • Important Note: • When looked at cumulatively, strong teaching tasks engage students in a balanced set of rich writing tasks over the course of the year.
Jurying Teaching Tasks Handout Sample Tasks
Discipline Specific Grade 7 ELA Task Template 2 — Argumentation & Analysis When, if ever, is it morally responsible to disobey authority? After reading primary and secondary document sources write a speech to the mayor and local officials that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the texts. RI7.8 Which author articulates the most convincing claim as to when it is morally responsible to disobey authority? After reading primary and secondary document sources, write an essay to display at our upcoming literary sharing session that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the texts.
Handout Task Guidance Writing a Strong Teaching Task • Step 1: What is the topic and/or text that will be addressed in this module and what do you want students to learn while studying this topic (enduring understandings)? Students should understand that there were benefits of the British Industrial Revolution, but also that there were costs.
Writing a Strong Teaching Task • Step 2: What reading standard (in addition to #1 and 10) will be targeted/taught through this module? RH9-10.9 Compare and contrast treatments of the same topicin several primary and secondary sources.
Writing a Strong Teaching Task • Step 3: What content standards will be targeted/taught through this module? • Students will analyze the factors and conditions needed to industrialize and to expand industrial production as well as shifts in economic practices. • Students will examine changes and innovations in energy, technology, communication, and transportation that enabled industrialization. • Students will investigate the social, political, and economic impacts of industrialization…
Writing a Strong Teaching Task • Step 4: What writing standard(s) will be targeted/taught through this module? WHST9-10.1 Write arguments focused on discipline-specific Content… and WHST9-10.9 Draw evidence from informational texts to support analysis, reflection, and research.
Writing a Strong Teaching Task • Step 5:Considering your topic, ask yourself what text structure would be most conducive to a successful student response (i.e. compare/contrast, define, describe, cause/effect, etc.)? Think about an authentic writing product aligned with the discipline. Original Task 2 Template (Argumentation/Analysis): [Insert question] After reading ________ (literature or informational texts), write a/an ________ (essay or substitute) that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the text(s). L2 Be sure to acknowledge competing views. L3 Give examples from past or current events or issues to illustrate and clarify your position.
Writing a Strong Teaching Task • Step 6: Decide if you will begin the teaching task with a question. Decide which (if any) demands to include in the teaching task. Were the achievements and growth of the Industrial Revolution Era worth the cost to society? After reading secondary and primary sources pertaining to the British Industrial Revolution, write an argumentation essay that addresses the question and support your position with evidence from the texts. Be sure to acknowledge competing views.
Your Task • Write your teaching task on chart paper • Place teaching task on the wall
Jury Draft Teaching Tasks • Offer one compliment • Pose one question
Work Session • Set up an account on CoreTools • Complete Section 1 of your module: • Overview/Description • Grade Level • Template Task • Teaching Task • Standards • Background for Students • Explore www.ldc.org • Explore www.reachassoc.net
Creating an Overview • Written to colleagues • Include who, what, when, where, why, how This module sits inside a unit in which students study the Age of Revolution and the focus of the module is on the British Industrial Revolution. Students will draw on content studied during the unit and their readings of primary and secondary sources about the module topic to write an argumentative essay…
Handout Mother to Son Mother to Son
Creating the Background Section • Written to the students • Include who, what, when, where, why, how In this module you apply what you learned in the unit on the Age of Revolution to assess whether the achievements of the British Industrial Revolution outweighed the societal cost. You should draw on what you have learned in the unit and apply the reading, research, and writing skills you learned throughout the semester thus far.
Supports What assistance is available?