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To the Moon!!

To the Moon!!. CLICK BELOW FOR MOON LANDING AUDIO, LISTEN CLOSELY! (TEACHERS – IF A WINDOW APPEARS, CLICK YES). Overview. Quick Facts Missions to the Moon Origin Theories Lunar Phases Eclipse! Tides Legends, Myths, and Folklore. Quick Facts.

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To the Moon!!

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  2. Overview Quick Facts Missions to the Moon Origin Theories Lunar Phases Eclipse! Tides Legends, Myths, and Folklore

  3. Quick Facts • Size -- 2,140 miles in diameter, about 27%the size of earth • Comprised of -- mostly volcanic rock, a powdery dust • Distance from Earth -- 240,250 miles from Earth

  4. Quick Facts (cont.) • Gravity – moon’s gravity is 17% of the Earth's gravity (a 100 pound person would weigh only 17 pounds on the Moon) • Atmospheric conditions – no atmosphere

  5. Missions to the Moon • Lunar exploration began 1959 • U.S. missions such as Ranger, Surveyor and Lunar Orbiter photographed the lunar surface preparing for astronauts to land there • On July 20, 1969, Neil Armstrong walked on the surface of the moon during the Apollo 11

  6. Missions to the Moon (cont.) • Missions Apollo 12-17 focused on collection of rock samples for analysis • 1994 a NASA spacecraft discovered possible water (ice) on the moon

  7. Theories of Origin • Impact Theory – Earth collided with a large object (the size of Mars or larger) sending pieces of the earth into space, which eventually became the moon (most widely accepted) • Coaccretion theory– the Moon formed in Earth's orbit along with all the other planets in the Solar System

  8. Theories of Origin (cont.) • Fission theory – In early days of the solar system, the earth was spinning so fast that a piece of the earth flew off and remained in the earth’s orbit • Capture theory – the moon was formed elsewhere in the solar system and was “captured” by the earth, perhaps by gravity What do you think??

  9. Lunar PhasesWhy does the moon change shape in the sky?We do not see all of the daytime side of the moon, because the moon revolves around the earth. • Moon Phases demonstration from the Internet

  10. Identify Phases • New Moon: the new moon is not visible because the shadow of the moon faces the earth

  11. Phases cont.. • Waxing Crescent: shaped like a thumbnail

  12. Phases cont.. • 1st Quarter (first moon): half moon

  13. Phases cont.. Waxing Gibbous: almost full

  14. Phases cont.. • Full Moon: the entire side of the moon facing the earth is illuminated

  15. Phases cont.. • Waning Gibbous: is getting smaller

  16. Phases cont.. • 3rd Quarter (Last moon): half moon

  17. Phases cont.. • Waning Crescent: looks like a thumbnail

  18. ECLIPSE! • Solar Eclipse: the moon pass directly between the earth and the sun

  19. ECLIPSE! • Lunar Eclipse: the earth passes directly between the moon and the sun

  20. Tides, Tides, Tides • The oceans swell due to the gravitational pull of the moon on the earth

  21. Tides, Tides, Tides • Sometimes the difference in high and low tide is very dramatic! Historical tidal gauge at Anchorage, Alaska where the tidal range is typically 35 feet. Photo courtesy of NOAA's Oceanographic Products and Services Division.

  22. Tides, Tides, Tides Spring Tide Neap Tide

  23. Legends, Myths, and Folklore • Cultural influences and beliefs • Native American • Werewolves! • Can you think of any more?

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