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Seda Annual Report 2009/10 Select Committee on Trade and International Relations H. Lupuwana

Seda Annual Report 2009/10 Select Committee on Trade and International Relations H. Lupuwana. 3 November 2010. Contents. 1. Delegation Details Acronyms Performance Highlights Partnerships Seda and STP Vote 32 Funding Future Plans Funds Leveraged from Provincial Partners

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Seda Annual Report 2009/10 Select Committee on Trade and International Relations H. Lupuwana

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  1. Seda Annual Report 2009/10 Select Committee on Trade and International Relations H. Lupuwana 3 November 2010

  2. Contents 1 • Delegation Details • Acronyms • Performance Highlights • Partnerships • Seda and STP Vote 32 Funding • Future Plans • Funds Leveraged from Provincial Partners • Co-location Points • STP – Involvement of Provincial Partners • CPPP – Involvement of Provincial Partners

  3. Delegation Details 2

  4. Acronyms 3 CRM Customer Relationship Management CPPP Community Public Private Partnership ICT Information and Communication Technology Seda Small Enterprise Development Agency SMART Seda Monitoring Analysis Reporting Tool STP Seda Technology Programme

  5. Performance Highlights 4 • Management • Reduction of audit findings • Almost 100% expenditure levels (99%) • Unqualified audit opinion • Full integration of Seda Technology Programme (STP) • Improved service provision • Increased outreach to outer lying areas • Extending services to rural areas, enhancing development through CPPP

  6. Performance Highlights 5 • Service delivery improvements • 167 Business Advisors assessed and graded • 75 Business Advisors trained as a result of international partnerships • Services Seta accredited Learning Academy • 112,386 new clients attracted (94% of target) • 23,874 clients working with during the year • Community Private Public Partnership (CPPP) programme revived • Development of new Client Journey Model • Improvement of ICT systems – Finance, CRM system for client data and integrated M&E system (SMART)

  7. Performance Highlights 6 • Service delivery improvements • Improvement in media relations with a 126:3 ratio (target 5:1) • 1,150 jobs created through the Seda Technology Programme (STP) • 2 new incubators established (Seda Construction Incubator – Dundee branch and Seda Limpopo Jewellery Incubator) • Facilitated R27.7m payments for SMMEs through the Public Sector SMME Payment Hotline • 60% increase in the clients assisted with Seda services

  8. Provincial Analysis – Key Indicators 7

  9. Provincial Analysis- Key Indicators 8

  10. Provincial Analysis – Key Indicators 9

  11. Highlights 10 • Statement of Financial Performance • 99.9% Expenditure levels • Successful implementation of Finnish Support Programme (€6M over three years)

  12. Vote 32: Seda & STP funding 11 *Excludes external earnings and additional funds from the dti of R85.2M

  13. Future Plans 12 • Strengthening existing partnerships • Expansion of partnership network, with the aim of enhancing our services • Refining of delivery model and sector prioritisation • Enhanced communication to improve access to information • Improved management of performance information

  14. Funds Leveraged from Provincial Partners 13

  15. Co-location points 14

  16. Seda Technology Programme 15

  17. CPPP 16

  18. 17 Thank you

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