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Risk & Safety Presentation

Risk & Safety Presentation. Bryan Sabari , CUSP Manager Corporate Safety 425-213-2149 b ryan.sabari@pse.com. January 8, 2013. Ergonomic Injury Reduction Program OHSAS 18001:2007 Frontline Supervisor Leadership. Ergonomic Injury Reduction Recognized the need for a program:.

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Risk & Safety Presentation

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Risk & Safety Presentation Bryan Sabari, CUSP Manager Corporate Safety 425-213-2149 bryan.sabari@pse.com January 8, 2013

  2. Ergonomic Injury Reduction Program OHSAS 18001:2007 Frontline Supervisor Leadership

  3. Ergonomic Injury Reduction Recognized the need for a program: Ergonomic Injury Reduction Program • Create Consistency • Assess the situation • Set Objectives and Target • Think creatively, attack from multiple angles • Ensure accountability….measure success! • Plan, Do, Check, Act……Again!

  4. Create Consistency: • Develop a program • Involve critical stakeholders • Ensure top management buy-in • Make it sustainable

  5. Assess The Situation: • Analyze the data • Know your target • Uncover your Risks • Pinpoint your target

  6. Set Objectives and Target: • Where you want to be, what you want to do • Highest impact • Must add value • Should be in line with company values • Needs to be achievable • Measure & hold accountable

  7. Think Creatively: • Attack from multiple angles • Utilize new technologies • Try new programs • Listen to Employees • Don’t be afraid to fail

  8. Measure: • Track performance! • Recordable Ergo Injuries: 2011 – 2012 = 19% reduction • Lost Time Ergo Injuries: 2011 – 2012 = 83% reduction • What gets measured gets done!

  9. What is OHSAS 18001:2007? • Occupational Health & Safety Assessment Series • Provides the elements of an effective OH&S management system • Can be integrated with other Corporate policies and help organizations achieve specific OH&S objectives • Fosters the development of critical OH&S policies and objectives and takes into account legal requirements and provides information about risks

  10. What’s needed for Implementation? • Commitment: From the top! And from all levels • An individual or group who is assigned ownership of the process • A clear map and specified time frame to define completion targets for each measurable activity • Engagement from critical stakeholders

  11. What does 18001 do for you? • Development of an OH&S policy • Establishes objectives & processes necessary to achieve policy commitments • Take action to improve performance and…. • Demonstrates conformity of your program to the standard • Certification

  12. OHSAS 18001:2007 System Model:

  13. Examples: • Gap Analysis • Policy Development • Planning • Hazard Identification & Risk Assessment • Review legal and other requirements • Objectives • Implementation & Operation: • Resources, roles, responsibilities, accountability • Training & awareness • Communication

  14. Examples: • Documentation • Control of Documents • Operational Controls • Emergency Preparedness & Response • Checking (auditing) • Evaluation of Compliance • Investigations • Control of Records • Management Review

  15. Frontline Supervisor Leadership & Team Building Development Program

  16. Building Teams based on: • Trust • Healthy Conflict • Unwavering Commitment • Unapologetic Accountability • Collective Orientation to Results

  17. Key Concepts & Focus: • Employee engagement • Frontline Leader Development • Process Improvement • Clear objectives & targets

  18. Thank you! Bryan Sabari, CUSP Manager Corporate Safety 425-213-2149 bryan.sabari@pse.com January 8, 2013

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