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Welcome to second grade with Mrs. Dodd at Thurman Francis! Enjoy a day filled with learning, collaboration, and fun activities. Stay updated on schedules, assignments, and events, and be part of a supportive classroom environment. Explore subjects like reading, math, and science with engaging projects and educational tools. Join the class community, participate in field trips, and follow guidelines for a successful and enjoyable school year.
Welcome to the Second Grade Mrs. Dodd
You do the math ….. • This is my 24th year of teaching and being at Thurman Francis • I have taught third, fourth, and fifth graders • 3 education degrees from MTSU • I grew up on a farm and married a farmer • I have two grown step children • This is my first year of teaching second graders • I am LOVING being a teacher of second graders • We have a great team that collaborates and works together
Our Schedule for the day • 7:15-7:30 arrival • 7:30-7:40 Announcements • 7:40-8:40 RTI • 8:40-10:25 Reading/Writing/words/Science/Social Studies • 10:25-10:40 short recess • 10:45 Lunch library side (wash hands at the restroom)
Schedule continued • 11:10 End of lunch Restroom Break (can brush teeth) • 11:15-1:00 Math (snack in the last 10 minutes) • 1:00-1:30 recess • 1:30-1:4o Agenda time and pack up • 1:45-2:25 Related Arts • 2:30 dismissal
Related Arts • A Music • B P.E. (gym shoes) • C. Spanish (yellow folder) • D. Computer • E Dance/health (socks) • F. Art
Birthdays • Treats can be eaten in the room after lunch. So we will have birthday treats sometime around 12:55-1:05 • Items must be store purchased with the ingredient label so that we can check for allergies. (peanuts and all nuts)
The one inch binder • Daily with the Agenda • Graded papers with a page to sign • Weekly assignments • Information going home • Project information (reading, science, social studies, etc. ) One reading project a quarter.
Class Dojo • I have pages if you need to connect to the class or if someone else needs to connect to the class. • Reminders, behavior, messages, connection from child to parent
Sign up Genius • Will past the link in message to all or in class story. • To help in the classroom • To help at home • To send items into the classroom
Book Orders • I will send directions with the fliers each time. • There will be a deadline to send a check made to SCHOLASTIC to the school. • Online shopping with the class code is the same and the books are delivered in the same box. You can order on line and use a credit card.
Homework • Read nightly from a choice book- fluency and comprehension • Work on addition and subtraction fluency up to 20 in first grade and up to 3- in third grade • Read Theory (online) • Who’s Reading (online) • Review pages, etc. • Projects • When assigned, all of the directions will be provided on a parent info page. One week.
Classroom Library • Many of my books are hand me downs or have several names on them. • I have placed a label under clear tape to label all of my books. • I am not keeping a check out system with the class. • I just want them to return the books when they are finished with them.
Field Trips • September (Oakland’s is being planned) • A play • Science museum • The zoo (end of the year)
Money and form collection • There is a date that the form and money being turned in is due on each filed trip form. It is due at 7:30 in the morning on the due date. • Field trip checks are made out to the school (TFAA) and put into the account to write the checks to the bus drivers and the event location.
Rules • Polite manners • Attention on learning • Working as a team • Stay focused to do your best
Consequences • Lose a dojo point • Time out in class or at recess • Note in the agenda
Special classes • Library every two weeks • Guidance once a month • Officer Cox
Ram Run • Shirt orders for adults by PTO • The children get a free shirt • Kickoff in a few weeks • Normal date is September • Second grade in the back field
Agendas • I write times for bathroom trips • Their agenda is their hall pass in the school • I am the one that reads and stamps agenda with the PAW print • Please check the front of the agenda for dress code information
If your child will leave early, be tardy, or be absent… • Fell free to let me know ahead of time. I will get as much together as I can. • Please send a note for absences. • Children can bring me lunch money and I will see that it is turned in.
News from the cafeteria • Welcome back! • I have a few reminders from the cafeteria to help us have a wonderful year. Please fill out the free and reduced forms and have them turned in on the first day of school. I would encourage you to fill these out online, at https://frmeals.rcschools.net, given that the response time is quicker. Parents are responsible for all breakfast and lunch charges until the process is complete. This usually takes 10-15 business days. Also, remember that if your child was on free and reduced lunch last year, you will still need to fill out a new application for this school year. The grace period for students that received free and reduced meals last school year lasts until September 19, 2018. If no application is received before this date, the student will be required to pay the full price for breakfast and lunch starting on September 20, 2018.
A good way for your child to start off the day right is by eating breakfast, so consider letting them eat breakfast at school. We serve breakfast every school morning from 6:45-7:15. • Listed below are the full prices for students and visitors. Please remember that we accept cash and checks at the school, but you may also add money to your student’s account online. It is very important that if you choose to send money (to be added to your child’s account), it must be in an envelope, baggie, etc. labeled with the student’s first and last name, along with their teacher’s name. This needs to be done to ensure that the money you send is placed into the correct account.
Breakfast (K-8th): $1.25 • Breakfast (Reduced): $0.30 • Breakfast (Visitors): $2.00 • Lunch (K-5th): $2.50 • Lunch (6th-8th): $2.75 • Lunch (Reduced): $0.40 • Lunch (Visitors): $3.75
Also, remember that students cannot charge a la carte items. NO exceptions! Regulations Prohibit any outside food in the cafeteria; this includes McDonald’s, Wendy’s, etc. If you choose to send in cookies, cupcakes, etc., these items must be taken to and eaten in the classroom. • If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me. • Nancy Barrett • Cafeteria Manager • 615-904-6715 • barrettn@rcschools.net
This power point will be on our class webpage so that you can access it from home. • Forms for field trips and other forms to sign will be available on the webpage if the form sent home was lost or did not arrive.