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Going to War in Vietnam. Chapter 30 section 2 . American Involvement Increases. South Vietnam (leader: Ngo Dinh Diem) refuses to hold national elections because he knows Ho Chi Minh will win & country will become Communist. As a result, Ho Chi Minh organizes a new guerilla army—Vietcong . .
Going to War in Vietnam Chapter 30 section 2
American Involvement Increases • South Vietnam (leader: Ngo Dinh Diem) refuses to hold national elections because he knows Ho Chi Minh will win & country will become Communist. • As a result, Ho Chi Minh organizes a new guerilla army—Vietcong.
Vietcong • As fighting begins, Eisenhower sends 100s of military advisors to South Vietnam • The Vietcong is made up of North & South Vietnamese, but supplied by N. Vietnam
Vietcong • The Vietcong grow increasingly powerful through their use of terror & propaganda
Kennedy takes office • JFK also supported S. Vietnam in order to stop Communism • JFK needs to appear tough on Comm. b/c Republicans accused Democrats of letting China turn to Comm. during Truman’s pres.
Overthrow of Diem • US blames Diem’s weak,unpopular, corrupt gov’t for letting Vietcong grow more powerful • S. Vietnamese forced to move from homes to “strategic hamlets”-makes Diem even more unpopular
Overthrow of Diem • Diem’s most unpopular move: • Diem discriminates against the country’s most widespread religion—Buddhism.He bans the display of traditional religious flags for Buddha’s b’day • Buddhists protest & are killed. A Buddhist monk sets himself on fire as a protest. Seen on tv & in newspapers worldwide.
Diem overthrown • Diem loses support of US because of demonstrations • Military generals overthrow Diem in a coup November 1, 1963 • He is executed next day • JFK killed 3 wks later
Johnson & Vietnam • At 1st, LBJ was hesitant to enter a war with Vietnam • He didn’t want to use US $ and soldiers • Yet, he also needed to appear tough on Communism • So—increases soldiers to Vietnam
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution • Aug. 2, 1964 LBJ announces that N. Vietnamese torpedo boats had fired on 2 American destroyers in Gulf of Tonkin • LBJ insists the acts are unprovoked & the US is ready to retaliate
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution c’ued • LBJ asks Congress to authorize use of force against N. Vietnam • Aug. 7, 1964 Congress passes Gulf of Tonkin Resolution—authorizes President to use all necessary means to repel any attacks as well as help any country in SE Asia • The resolution becomes justification for entering a war with N. Vietnam
US sends in troops • The Vietcong begins attacks on bases with Americans, resulting in US airstrikes against N. Vietnam • Most US citizens support the airstrikes • March 1965, LBJ launches “Operation Rolling Thunder”: a sustained bombing campaign and 1st US combat troops sent into Vietnam
US confidence • By end of ’65, US has more than 180,000 US troops were in Vietnam • In 1966, the number was over 360,000 • US had strongest army---thought conflict would be over quickly
Why the US was mistaken: • US had a difficult time competing against Vietcong guerilla warfare: • traps • ambushes • excellent at hiding and virtually disappearing • US goes on “search & destroy” missions
Chemical warfare • US has trouble with Vietnam’s geography—heat, rain, jungles • They use napalm-a jellied gasoline that explodes on contact. Dropped napalm from planes & destroyed the landscape. • Also use “Agent Orange”-a chemical that strips leaves from plants & shrubs
Ho Chi Minh Trail • Vietcong stronger than US thinks and is not willing to give up • N. Vietnamese support (arms, advisors, soldiers) help Vietcong greatly by sending supplies along the Ho Chi Minh Trail • Johnson not willing to attack Ho Chi Minh Trail because it passed through countries not associated with the war
North Vietnam was getting support from China & USSR • One of main reasons LBJ refused to launch a full-scale invasion of N. Vietnam was the fear that a large attack would bring China into war
Questioning the war • 220,000 Vietnamese killed 1965-1967 • End of 1966, more than 6,700 Americans had been killed • Because of this, many US citizens begin to question America’s involvement in the war