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War in Vietnam

War in Vietnam. David K. Wright. Events Leading to War. Ho Chi Minh declares independence in Vietnam -2 Sep 1945 French and Vietminh negotiate over Vietnam and decide the Vietnam is a free state in the French Union. French troops occupy Vietnam - May 1st 1946

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War in Vietnam

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  1. War in Vietnam • David K. Wright

  2. Events Leading to War • Ho Chi Minh declares independence in Vietnam -2 Sep 1945 • French and Vietminh negotiate over Vietnam and decide the Vietnam is a free state in the French Union. French troops occupy Vietnam - May 1st 1946 • Indochina War begins and the Democratic Republic of Vietnam launches first attack against the French. - December 19th, 1946

  3. The Vietnam War • Elysee Agreement was signed and the French agreed to help aid in the building of an anti-Communist army in Vietnam. - September 9, 1949 • Chinese and Soviets help aid Vietminh offer weapons to aid military, they are supporting Communism. - January 1, 1950 • US decided to send money to aid French, and we send $15 million of military aid and assistance to France in Indochina war, and the we support anti-Communist French. - July 26, 1950 • The Battle Of Dien Bien Phu lasted until May and the French were defeated and get driven out of Vietnam. - March 13, 1954 • Geneva Conference began and Vietnam was divided at the 17th parallel. North of this line, Vietnam was controlled by the communist Vietminh and Ho Chi Minh. South of this line was governed by Ngo Dinh Diem and the State of Vietnam. The United States never actually agrees to this. April 26, 1954

  4. The Vietnam War (Cont) • France Gives Laos Independence After France fell at Dien Bien Phu, Laos was given independence from France. Outside countries were pressuring Laos to become communist or anti-communist. Vietminh forces move into Laos and spread communist propaganda. - May 1, 1950 • The National Liberation Front is formed by Hanoi to use against South Vietnam. Diem calls this army the Vietcong. - December 20, 1960 • Counter-Insurgency Plan: JFK decided to help South Vietnam by sending money, training of troops and weapons. - May 5, 1961 • Members of the South Vietnamese Army overthrow Diem. Diem and his brother are assassinated after this. - November 2, 1963

  5. Interesting Fact • Despite the low relatively low death rates, the Vietnam War was highly controversial

  6. Conclusion • The Vietnam War was a Civil War between North and South Vietnam. • The US aided South Vietnam and anti-Communism. • The Vietnam War’s controversy is still debated today.

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