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Context. NSF for Older People (2001)Treatment Choice in Psychological Therapies
1. Older Adults Primary Care Psychology Service(Southwark) Dr Grace Wong (Clinical Psychologist)
Project Lead
Dr Miriam Burke (Consultant Clinical Psychologist)
Southwark Primary Care Psychology Services
Mr Steve Boddington (Consultant Clinical Psychologist)
Borough Lead Psychologist – Older Adults Directorate
2. Context
NSF for Older People (2001)
Treatment Choice in Psychological Therapies & Counselling (DOH, 2001)
Clinical Psychology Services for Older People in Primary Care (British Psychological Society, 2002)
Everybody’s Business (2005) – Older people to receive full range of services available to working age adults & access to services specialising in later life where appropriate.
3. Older Adults Primary Care Psychology service A dedicated primary care psychology service tailored to the needs of older people
Uni-disciplinary psychology service - accepts referrals directly from primary care, social workers and therapy teams for people over 65 years of age in Southwark
clinical psychologist (0.8 FTE)
counselling psychologist (1.0 FTE)
Clinical psychology trainees
4. Service Development Frequent information & reminders to GP practices regarding the service (letters, leaflets, posters, talks)
Links to community groups (esp. BME groups)
Public health promotion events (health & social care)
Choice & flexibility of service (out-patients, practice based clinics, home visits)
5. Service Uptake (I)
6. Service Uptake (II)
7. Service Uptake (III)
8. Uptake of Psychological Therapy Service fits well within a stepped care model
Average waiting time – 14 days
Uptake of the service – 90%
DNA rate (3%)
74% of clients seen no more than 6 sessions
Publication of age appropriate self help literature
Depression, anxiety, bereavement, retirement, sleep, etc
Currently evaluating impact of screening and watchful waiting/self help literature for high risk population identified via general practice lists
9. Clinical Outcomes (I)Brief interventions have led to significant reductions in symptom severity at end of treatment gains are maintained in 3-6 month follow-up (using CORE-OM)
10. Clinical Outcomes (II)
11. National interests Identified as an example of Innovative Ways of Working by the British Psychological Society.
Informing Pathfinder sites which are targeting IAPT for older people
12. Conclusions Even within relatively well resourced mental health services for older people there is huge unmet need, especially for psychological therapies.
Where psychological therapies are made available they can have a significant impact on improving the wellbeing of older people.
Contact details: Dr Grace Wong, Maudsley Psychology Centre, Maudsley Hospital, Denmark Hill, London SE5 8AZ.Tel – 020 3228 2173 / 2194 Fax – 020 3228 2473 Email - grace.wong@slam.nhs.uk